Pennsylvania High School to Host ‘After School Satan Club’ Event

Ethan Letkeman – August 28, 2022

The Satanic Temple (TST) is planning on hosting an “After School Satan Club” back-to-school event at a Pennsylvania high school next month.

On Tuesday, Officials from Northern York County School District approved the event to be hosted at Northern High School in Dillsburg, Pennsylvania, Fox 43 reported.

Dillsburg is the same town where a local school board shot down TST from hosting an “After School Satan Club” event at an elementary school in April, Breitbart News reported at the time.

Parents and residents expressed their staunch opposition to the organization hosting an event in the community back in April.

“They already took God out of schools now they’re going to let Satan in, it’s just crazy,” said Perry County Resident Jennifer McAllister back in April, according to Fox 34.

“There is a lot of evil already in this world, so to allow it to come into our school and our community is not OK,” another parent, Laura Vangeli, said at the time via WHP.

A spokesman from the temple said the event should be viewed similarly to religious freedom law.

“We’re talking about upholding fundamental pillars of democracy and the First Amendment,” said Lucien Graves, a co-founder of TST.

‘Family’ entertainment in red state features ‘Satan’ and ‘drag’ acts

Bob Unruh – June 8, 2022

What more could a family want for entertainment? Imagine an event that features Satan AND drag queens.

That’s what’s coming to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, for this weekend’s “family friendly” celebration of homosexuality, lesbianism, transgenderism and probably more.

The Idaho Tribune confirmed that the Satanic Temple will be participating, along with museums, restaurants, business and even churches at the coming “Community Village & Artisan Market.”

Specific groups taking part include Calvary Lutheran Church, Citizens’ Climate Lobby, Community United Methodist Church, Ecogoat Design, a library network, Museum of North Idaho, Pride Foundation, Reiki Healing Tent, Safari Pearl, St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Everytown for Gun Safety and the Satanic Temple Idaho.

But now the publication confirmed that multiple “drag performers” also will be there for children, who will be attending “at the direction of their parents.”

“At least one of the drag performers billed for the event has an Instagram account labeled ‘Adult Content” – the drag performer also has an Onlyfans account,” the publication confirmed.

That “performer,” teases online, “Let me take your breath away then let my art breathe it back into you!

As the details about the “Pride in the Park” celebration have been uncovered, there’s been a reaction, and at least one group now has gone silent on its plans.

It was a “Rowan Astra” that had been publicizing the coming event, and abruptly deleted its account.

(WATCH) Scottsdale, Arizona set to host “World Record” largest satanic conference ever conducted this weekend

Ricky Scaparo – February 10, 2022

In 2016, The Satanic Temple wanted to deliver an invocation before a Scottsdale city council meeting. Every other religious organization that had applied was permitted the opportunity to share a brief statement that was inspired by their faith.

However, Scottsdale Mayor Jim Lane celebrated that he successfully blocked The Satanic Temple from delivering their requested invocation. The Satanic Temple sued the city for religious discrimination but lost in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals for failing to show that the discrimination was a matter of official policy, as opposed to being a public position of key city officials involved in the decision making.

The Satanic Temple disputes the integrity of this ruling, but did not appeal to The Supreme Court. Because The Satanic Temple could not utter a brief statement at the City Hall Kiva, they are hosting SatanCon. The three-day convention devoted to Satanists will take place in Scottsdale, Arizona.

The Satanic Temple believes this event will be the world’s largest Satanic conference and has reached out to the Guinness Book of World Records for confirmation. “Regardless of whether Guinness opts to include this among the records they document, Scottsdale, AZ will have the honor of being bestowed with this legacy.

As the city is recognized for its contribution to the Satanic community and becomes a spiritual hub for those who venerate a literary interpretation of Satan, residents will have Mayor Jim Lane to thank. “Regardless of whether Guinness opts to include this among the records they document, Scottsdale, AZ will have the honor of being bestowed with this legacy.

As the city is recognized for its contribution to the Satanic community and becomes a spiritual hub for those who venerate a literary interpretation of Satan, residents will have Mayor Jim Lane to thank. As hundreds of Satanists descend on Scottdale, residents will be able to learn more about our faith than they would have if the city had just accepted our petition to deliver an invocation,” noted The SatanCon organizer Harry Hoofcloppen.

“From this day on, when people hear of Scottsdale, they will immediately think of Satan.” The record-breaking event runs from the 11th to the 13th of February in celebration of the Satanic holiday of Lupercalia and features a variety of presentations on TST’s ongoing projects, from their efforts at protecting abortion rights in Texas to a new Satanic streaming service.

Illinois elementary school promotes after-school Satan club for students

– January 13, 2022

A Moline, Illinois, elementary school is making major headlines after administrators allowed a flyer for an after-school Satan club to circulate.

Meetings for the club — which is sponsored and hosted by the Satanic Temple — will take place on school property after hours.

What are the details?

A flyer that made the rounds on social media described the club meetings as being based on “a uniform syllabus that emphasizes a scientific, nationalist, non-superstitious worldview” and is set to be held at Jane Addams Elementary School over a period of five dates through May — the first taking place on Thursday.

The club, geared toward first- through fifth-graders, promises attendees “science projects, puzzles and games, arts and crafts projects, [and] nature activities.”

In statement on the flyer, a spokesperson for the Moline-Coal Valley School District said that there are “policies and administrative procedures in place which allow for community use of its publicly funded facilities outside the school day.”

The spokesperson added that all religious groups are permitted to rent the school’s facilities “for a fee.”

“Flyers and promotional materials for these types of groups are approved for lobby posting or display only, and not for mass distribution,” the spokesperson added. “Please note that the district must provide equal access to all groups and that students need parental permission to attend any after-school event. Our focus remains on student safety and student achievement.”

Satanic Temple to display idol god at state Capitol rotunda to mock birth of Christ

Ricky Scaparo – December 20, 2021

(OPINION) The state Capitol rotunda will have a satanic display alongside other religious art for a third year. The Satanic Temple is returning with an art installation to celebrate the “satanic holiday” of Sol Invictus according to a report from SJR

The group conducts advocacy for reproductive rights and the separation of church and state as a tax-exempt religious organization. This year’s display will feature the “satanic deity” Baphomet, depicted as a swaddling babe. It was designed by Albuquerque-based horror artist Chris P. Andres.

The exhibition will be installed at 1 p.m. Monday in the Capitol rotunda, overseen by The Satanic Temple’s Illinois congregation. “This year’s tradition marks a greater urgency in the Baphomet’s message of harmony and reconciliation,” noted The Satanic Temple’s Director of Campaign Operations Erin Helian in a press release.

This news comes on the heels of the Satanic Temple recently making headlines for seeking a court declaration to allow abortions for their Texas members, claiming that the laws violate their “religious freedom” to perform “abortion rituals.”

In a press release about the Baphomet statue, the group said that it is in celebration of the Satanic holiday Sol Invictus, which, like Christmas, takes place on the 25th of December.

The Gateway Pundit pointed out that according to their website, the day is a “celebration of being unconquered by superstition and consistent in the pursuit and sharing of knowledge.”

“The new display, created by artist Chris P. Andres, depicts the Satanic deity Baphomet as a swaddling babe,” the Satanic Temple said in their statement.

Feminist Calls Killing Babies in Abortions a “Sacred Ritual”

Alexa Moutevelis – Sep 10, 2021

Salon’s resident rabid pro-abortion extremist Amanda Marcotte is perhaps outdoing her usual psychotic self in her freak out over Texas protecting the lives of unborn babies. How unhinged has the radical feminazi gotten? She’s taken to embracing Satanists.

Yep, her article from Tuesday is actually titled, “The Satanists are right: Texas’ abortion ban is a direct attack on freedom of religion.” You know you’ve lost the argument and are going off the deep end when you begin with the phrase “The Satanists are right…”

She asserts the Satanic Temple “does not literally worship Satan,” but they do sue states to force them to display Satanic imagery along with Christian ones and claim “abortion is one of their sacred rituals, making the ban a major imposition on their free expression of religion.” It’s hard to get more devil-worshiping than child sacrifice. They’re actually saying the quiet part out loud.

The reason Marcotte loves the Satanic Temple so much, besides their mutual interest in shedding the blood of the innocents, is because she thinks their trolling legal maneuvers highlight her crazy conspiracy theory that “The anti-choice movement is just one part of a larger effort by Christian fundamentalists to covertly turn the U.S. into a more theocratic state.”

Yes, she seriously thinks this: “Conservatives go to great lengths to hide how much being anti-abortion is about forcing all Americans to live by the religious tenets of the white evangelical minority.”

One way we supposedly do this is by lying about science. She ludicrously writes that science hasn’t advanced in the last 50 years, arguing, “In 1973, scientists understood perfectly well how embryonic development worked and that understanding hasn’t meaningfully changed since then.” Then claims:

Indeed, the pretense for banning abortions so early — the “fetal heartbeat” — is also a lie. As actual medical scientists and doctors told NPR, there is neither a fetus nor a heart that early in pregnancy, but more “a grouping of cells that are initiating some electrical activity” that GOP legislators misleading call a “heartbeat.”

Oh, yeah, it’s 2021 GOP legislators in Texas who suddenly came up with the idea of detecting an unborn baby’s heartbeat at 6 weeks; it’s not language that all doctors use with their expectant patients and that every pregnancy-related book or website has featured as a factoid for decades.

Satanists Pitch Abortion as a Satanic ‘Ritual’ to Bypass Laws

Ricky Scaparo – October 1, 2020

(ETH) – The Satanic Temple based in Salem, Massachusetts just announced this week that it has sued an advertising company because it refused to display some billboards promoting a ritual offered by the organization to help people bypass abortion rules in some states.

TST has sued Lamar Advertising in Arkansas state court according to a report from CBN News, accusing the Louisiana-based company of religious discrimination.  The organization claims that Lamar refused to display eight billboards in Arkansas and Indiana promoting what the group is calling its “religious abortion ritual.” The group describes the ritual as a “sacramental act that confirms the right of bodily autonomy.”

The group claims that by performing the ritual, people can claim a religious exemption from mandatory waiting periods, counseling, ultrasounds, and other measures that some states require before an abortion can be performed. According to the report, The group claims that it submitted five designs to Lamar to be displayed near pro-life pregnancy centers.

In one of the images, a bowl of cake batter is shown with the text, “not a cake,” next to an image of a sperm and egg with the text “not a baby.” It’s accompanied by text saying, “Our religious abortion ritual averts many state restrictions.” Lamar reportedly rejected the billboards from the group stating that their content was “misleading and offensive,” according to the suit.

This latest report follows a recent story that was also first distributed by CBN News in August, where TST announced that it was raffling a free abortion to promote the organization’s Satanic abortion ritual while arguing that its members’ religious rights are exempt from any state laws or any regulations that might block access to abortion services during the first trimester.

This is because the organization claims that those who practice the Satanic abortion ritual are automatically exempt from being subjected to waiting periods, mandatory counseling, forced viewing of sonograms, and reading materials as required in many states.

The Satanic Temple Raffles Free Abortion, Admits that Aborting Unborn Babies is a Satanic Ritual

Steve Warren – August 7, 2020

The Satanic Temple (TST) has announced it’s raffling a free abortion to promote the organization’s religious abortion ritual, while it argues that its members’ religious rights are exempt from any state laws or any regulations that might block access to abortion services during the first trimester.

According to TST, the free abortion can be medical or surgical and is transferable upon request.

Headquartered in Salem, Massachusetts, TST describes its new Satanic abortion ritual as a “spiritual experience designed to instill confidence and self-worth in accordance to TST’s religious beliefs.” The organization contends those who practice the Satanic abortion ritual are exempt from being subjected to waiting periods, mandatory counseling, forced viewing of sonograms, and reading materials as required in many states.

“TST bases its assertions of abortion mandate exemptions on the protections provided by State Religious Freedom Restoration Acts or RFRA, which generally prohibits the government from substantially interfering with a person’s free exercise of religion,” TST said in a press release.

The Satanic Temple claims their abortion ritual as practiced by its members is exempt from the existing abortion regulations on the basis of religious liberty. They point to the 2014 Supreme Court ruling that Hobby Lobby as a business had the right not to cover birth control, including abortifacient drugs, as a part of its health care program for its employees, because of its religious beliefs that viewed such a practice as immoral.

TST says all abortions by its members are religious acts of Satanism and protected under the ruling.

Midshipmen Establish Study Group for Satanic Temple Beliefs at US Naval Academy

Caitlin M. Kenney – November 1, 2019

WASHINGTON — Midshipmen at the U.S. Naval Academy who have beliefs associated with The Satanic Temple now have a study group available to them, according to the military institution.

A space for a study group at the academy, located in Annapolis, Md., was requested by students with “beliefs aligned with those practiced by The Satanic Temple” so they could gather and share their views, according to a statement issued Thursday by Cmdr. Alana Garas, a Naval Academy spokeswoman.

An internal email sent out to the student body Oct. 8 stated “satanic services” would be starting at the academy, Garas said. However, the announcement was not reviewed or approved by the school’s command chaplain nor did it represent the U.S. Naval Academy’s Command Religious Program, according to Garas.

But the student’s request was for a space to conduct a study group, not to hold satanic services, according to Garas.

“The USNA Command Religious Program provides for the exercise of diverse beliefs. Arrangements were being made to provide the Midshipmen with a designated place to assemble as chaplains facilitate for the beliefs of all service members, a responsibility outlined by Navy instructions,” Garas said in the statement.