UK Professor Who Warned WHO About COVID-19 Says ‘Disease X’ Pandemic is Around Corner

Sputnik News – January 28, 2021

The development comes a day after Bill Gates said that the world is not ready for the next pandemic. The Microsoft co-founder, who is at the forefront of the campaign to eradicate COVID-19, said the next outbreak could be ten times worse than the current one and called on the international community to prepare for future challenges.

A leading British scientist has warned that a pandemic of “Disease X” is around the corner, noting that it is not a matter of if, but when the world will face another daunting challenge. Mark Woolhouse, professor of infectious disease epidemiology at the Usher Institute at the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, University of Edinburgh, said he and his colleagues in 2017 approached the World Health Organisation, asking the agency to place something called Disease X on its list of priorities.

“We thought that the next emerging pandemic might be a virus that we don’t even know about yet – quite frankly we thought it was the most likely scenario”, Woolhouse said.

At a meeting with WHO officials a year later, Woolhouse and his colleagues thought about what Disease X could wind up being. One of their hypotheses suggested that it would be a novel coronavirus related to MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) or SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome).

Asked whether the next Disease X could potentially be around the corner, the scientist responded “absolutely”. Woolhouse noted, however, that the mechanism by which the disease will break out is always unpredictable.

SARS-like coronavirus spreads from China to Japan as epidemic fears grow

Anders Anglesey – January 16, 2020

Japanese officials have confirmed its first case of the new coronavirus in the country as epidemic fears grow.

A government official said today that a Japanese man in his 30s, who travelled to Wuhan in eastern China, tested positive for the virus.

The SARS-like virus has struck down dozens in China since the outbreak was first recorded in December.

It is believed an outbreak of pneumonia caused the fresh coronavirus strain.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has warned the virus could spread further and has told hospitals across the world to be alert.

Maria Van Kerkhove, acting head of the WHO’s emerging diseases unit, said: “From the information that we have it is possible that there is limited human-to-human transmission, potentially among families, but it is very clear right now that we have no sustained human-to-human transmission.

She added: “It is still early days, we don’t have a clear clinical picture.”

Coronaviruses are infections that can cause colds to more-serious illnesses like SARS.

In all, 41 cases of pneumonia have been reported in the central Chinese city of Wuhan, which preliminary lab tests cited by state media showed could be from a new type of coronavirus.

One of the patients has died, a 61-year-old man who had bought goods from a wholesale seafood market in Wuhan.

Chinese Health Authorities Confirm 44 Cases of Mystery Viral Pneumonia in Wuhan

Sputnik News – January 3, 2020

BEIJING (Sputnik) – The toll of people infected with pneumonia of unknown kind in the Wuhan city of the central Chinese province of Hubei has risen to 44 as authorities fear the return of deadly Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) coronavirus, the local health committee said in a statement on Friday.

“As of 3 January, a total of 44 pneumonia cases have been detected, with 11 people currently in severe condition, while the vital signs of the rest are considered generally stable”, the Wuhan health authorities said.

The infected patients have been quarantined along with 121 people who had been in close contact with them, the statement read.

An investigation of experts from the central Chinese National Health Commission has found that the outbreak in Wuhan could have begun in the seafood market. At the same time, the nature of the viral outbreak remains unknown. The investigators have so far ruled out common flu, avian flu, adenovirus infection and other common respiratory diseases.

The infected individuals reportedly display symptoms typical of pneumonia and other acute respiratory diseases. It prompted fears on the Internet that the nation might be experiencing a return of the SARS, an epidemic that had claimed more than 600 lives in China throughout 2002-2003.

The Wuhan authorities confirmed the outbreak on 31 December, saying that 27 people have tested positive since the beginning of that month.