Journal of Medical Ethics Says Parents Should Lose Rights over Children

John Stonestreet – July 26, 2021

The Journal of Medical Ethics recently released a formal paper in which they argued that parents should lose their rights to care for their children. The paper referenced an article by Dr. Lauren Notini showing a supposed benefit in treating minors with so-called gender-affirming surgeries.

To be clear, “gender-affirming surgeries” is a nomenclature for surgery that actually is gender-denying, in which a surgery performed changes the body in a mutilating and permanent way. To cut through the terminology, what’s being said is that there is a benefit to allowing a thirteen-year-old the right to determine if she should have a mastectomy in order to affirm her inner self. Yes, you heard that right. Thirteen-year-old girls in the United States of America are actually going through surgeries to remove healthy breasts. The discussion is whether parents should have the right to interfere.

The Journal of Medical Ethics argues that parents should not have the right to interfere, that they should not be able to guide their children in any way other than full affirmation, that they shouldn’t even be allowed into the conversation, that doctors should be free to treat minors without parental consent and parental influence.

So, what is the actual role and right of parents in light of these developing so-called “rights of children”? My friend Katy Faust recently tackled this question in a What Would You Say? video: Do Children’s Rights Override Parental Rights? Below is an edited transcript of Katy’s talk:

You’re in a conversation and someone says, “We have to respect the rights of children. No-one, not even their parents should be allowed to interfere with their sexual autonomy.” Children’s rights are absolutely crucial. But does that mean parents shouldn’t be able to direct their children’s education and medical care? No.

Many people have only heard the term “children’s rights” misused. It’s no wonder when top-tier U.N. agencies including UNICEF and the W.H.O. use the phrase to primarily promote the sexual rights of children. For example, some professionals argue that children have a right to harmful transgender treatments, even if their parents don’t agree. But just because the term “children’s rights” has been misused doesn’t negate the reality that children have natural rights. Natural rights spring from our nature as human beings; what we need as a human person; and what we owe other humans, which can be called justice. Natural rights exist independent of custom or legal convention. When we apply that natural law framework, we see that indeed children have rights. It’s helpful to apply the three rules that confirm a rights test to determine whether this “right” shares the three qualities to which all rights conform.

First, a natural right is pre-government. Second, no-one has to provide a natural right. Third, a natural right is distributed equally. In natural law theory, rights correspond to duties and obligations. Parents have a natural moral duty or obligation to care for the children that they create. Because caring for children requires making decisions on their behalf, even at times when they disagree, parental authority flows from parental obligations. Parental rights protect that authority, enabling parents to fulfill their obligations in line with the dictates of their consciences.

To see Katy Faust’s full talk on children’s rights and parents’ rights on the recent What Would You Say? video, go to or visit

The push for children’s ‘sexual rights’ is coming

Mattea Merta – November 30, 2020

Human Rights Watch issued a submission to the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Privacy, Prof. Joseph Cannataci, that states their concern with “the privacy rights of children and issues relating to their independence and autonomy.”

The submission “focuses on the importance of privacy for children with respect to their sexual and reproductive health and rights, physical and emotional well-being in school, safety in the online space, and the protection of their information online.”

Human Rights Watch calls for children to have “access to confidential adolescent-responsive and non-discriminatory reproductive and sexual health information and services, available both on and off-line, including… safe abortion services.” It also recommends that governments ensure that “children have access to confidential medical counsel and assistance without parental consent, including for reproductive health services,” as well as “specifically calling for confidential access for adolescent girls to legal abortions.”

If implemented, this submission by Human Rights Watch would allow for children to have legal rights to bypass parental consent to access with absolute privacy: abortions, hormone injections for the purpose of gender transition and/or puberty blockers, complete privacy rights in accessing online and offline information on any subject and to any materials (this means inside their classrooms, schools, at doctors offices, extra curricular activities, etc), access to explicit information contained within Comprehensive Sexuality Education, male children using female bathrooms and change rooms, as well as medical provisions tailored for full access to minors with zero parent assistance or knowledge. It also classifies, amongst other issues, abortion, as a child’s “right.”

This submission, if accepted, would assist children in completely bypassing parents which is a dangerous situation for any child to be in. Abortions, puberty blockers, the removal of parental guidance, and comprehensive sexuality education all have side effects. But the chief concern is that this calls for institutions to help children bypass their parents towards the legal implementation of children’s self-determinative rights, without guardian or parental oversight.

In place of parents or guardians having a say over the well-being of their children, this measure would encourage children to beleive that the state is the final arbiter of their best interests. It creates a schism between parents and children.