Christians Were Persecuted in a Record 145 Countries in 2018, New Pew Report Says

Michael Foust – November 12, 2020

Christians are persecuted in more countries than any other religious group in the world, followed closely by Muslims, according to a new Pew Research Center study that also found government restrictions of religions are at an all-time high.

The lengthy Pew report was released this week and found that in 2018 – the most recent year studied by Pew – government limits on religion continued to climb, contributing to a “substantial rise in government restrictions on religion” compared to 2007, the first year Pew conducted the study. Pew defines restrictions as “laws, policies and actions by officials that impinge on religious beliefs and practices.”

The worldwide Government Restrictions Index score in 2018 was 2.9, compared to 1.8 in 2007 (The score involves a 10-point scale based on 20 indicators).

China is the world’s most restrictive country toward religion with the highest score (9.3) of all 198 countries and territories studied. Iran (8.5) is second, followed by Malaysia and the Maldives (8.2 each) and Tajikistan and Turkmenistan (7.9 each).

Most of the world’s religious persecution takes place in the Asia-Pacific region, as well as in the Middle East and North Africa, Pew said.

Christians and Muslims in 2018 received the highest level of persecution, which Pew calls “harassment.” Harassment, Pew said, “can include a wide range of actions – from verbal abuse to physical violence and killings – motivated at least in part by the target’s religious identity.”

Christians were persecuted in 145 countries in 2018 – a record – while Muslims were persecuted in 139 countries. Jews experienced persecution in a total of 88 countries.

“As in previous years, Christians and Muslims experienced harassment in more countries than any other religious groups in 2018. This pattern has remained consistent since the study began in 2007,” Pew said in its analysis.

Persecuted Christians in Africa

Jack Kerwick – February 5, 2020

Globally speaking, as it has been accurately said, “religious persecution” is virtually synonymous with Christian persecution.”

Yet the international journalistic class, as well as Christian leadership, is all but silent. At the very least, they don’t make nearly as much noise about this continuing outrage as they should and most assuredly would be making if it were any other religious group being besieged by a fraction of the violence to which Christians are routinely subjected in legions of countries around the planet.

Giulio Meotti is worth quoting at length. He asks: “Where has been the global outcry for the serial butchering of Christians just because they are Christians?”

Meanwhile, in Nigeria, the Bishops’ Conference likened parts of the country to “the killing fields” plowed by the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. Only in this case, it is the blood of Christians that is feeding those fields.

Meotti summarizes a recent spate of homicidal violence against Christian in Nigeria alone:

“First there was the beheading of 11 Nigerian Christians during the recent Christmas celebration. The next day, a Catholic woman, Martha Bulus, was beheaded in the Nigerian state of Borno with her bridesmaids, five days before the wedding. Then there was a raid on the village of Gora-Gan in the Nigerian state of Kaduna, where terrorists shot anyone they met in the square where the evangelical community had gathered, killing two young Christian women. There was also a Christian student killed by Islamic extremists who recorded his execution. Then pastor Lawan Andimi, a local leader of the Christian Association of Nigeria, was beheaded.”

Father Joseph Bature Fidelis, of the Diocese of Maiduguri, refers to the “immense extermination” of Christians that is occurring.