University Caught Storing Bags of Aborted Babies and Aborted Baby Parts

Micaiah Bilger – March 25, 2022

Pro-life advocates made a disturbing discovery earlier this month in a lab at the University of Washington Department of Pediatrics: a freezer full of rows and rows of aborted babies’ body parts.

Pro-life advocates with Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU), Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust, Pro-Life San Francisco and Rehumanize International said they gained access to the freezer March 9 after confronting university leaders about its unethical practices as the largest and most active fetal organ bank in the nation.

“The American people must be made aware of the mass dehumanization of these unborn children who are violently killed and thrown into a freezer, whose body parts are then portioned out to researchers in pursuit of federal funding,” said Terrisa Bukovinac, founder and executive director of PAAU.

This week, the pro-life groups published a photo of the freezer, which they said contained row after row of bags and containers of aborted babies’ body parts, labeled and prepared to be shipped to scientific researchers across the country.

“It is my hope that this photograph reminds us all that there are real victims being lethally oppressed by UW and traded like property,” Bukovinac said. “Fetal trafficking is abhorrent and it must end.”

Some of the body parts may have come from healthy, late-term aborted babies who were viable and capable of feeling pain. Others even may have been born alive.

Rep. Cole Slams Democrats’ ‘Outrageous Move’ in Scrapping the Longstanding Hyde Amendment

Susan Jones – July 16, 2021

( – Pro-life advocates are expressing deep dismay after the House Appropriations Committee on Thursday approved the Fiscal Year 2022 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies funding bill — omitting the Hyde Amendment for the first time in 45 years.

The Hyde Amendment, which became law in 1976, bars the use of taxpayer funds to pay for abortion except to save the mother’s life or in cases of incest or rape.

The appropriations bill passed through committee on a 33-25 vote on Thursday and now goes to the full House, where some 200 Republicans already have pledged to vote against it.

Committee member Tom Cole (R-Okla.), who introduced the measure this year, said repeal of the “longstanding, bipartisan” Hyde Amendment is an “outrageous move” that “doesn’t reflect the views held by the majority of Americans who oppose publicly-funded abortions.”

During the markup, Cole told the committee, “My amendment is simple.”

Cole noted that even among Americans who support abortion, “most don’t believe tax dollars should be used for abortion. In fact, 60 percent of Americans oppose taxpayer funding for abortion,” he said.

Cole said scrapping the Hyde Amendment is another “overreach” by the far-left:

“But it also threatens to destabilize the entire appropriations process because this bill will never become law if this language is not included. Democrats in Congress simply do not have the majorities capable of passing this bill without Republican votes.

Fox Gives Pro-life Group “Runaround” Over Super Bowl Commercial, Approves Ad Featuring Drag Queens

– January 30, 2020

Pro-life advocates are infuriated after Fox repeatedly ignored requests for ad space during the 2020 Super Bowl from pro-life group Faces of Choice after giving the group the “runaround,” while approving a commercial that will feature drag queens and LGBTQ activists. Fox is now claiming it is out of ad space, but Faces of Choice contends the network deliberately delayed approving its application for airtime so that they would run out of air space before having to issue a response to the request.

The commercial in question features more than a dozen abortion survivors in varying stages of their lives from all around the world, who ask, “Can you look me in the eye and say I should have been aborted?” The advertisement’s youngest abortion survivor is seven-year-old Zechariah Hagan, one of the first abortion pill reversal (APR, a treatment to reverse the effects of an initial dose of an abortion drug) success stories.

Life News reports Faces of Choice, which was incorporated in September, premiered its powerful new ad at the March for Life last week and had hoped to air a shortened version of the advertisement during this year’s Super Bowl.

Lyric Gillett, the 28-year-old founder of Faces of Choice and producer of the ad, said she wrote the script for her commercial three years ago, and had been raising money through sponsors to come up with the $5 million needed for a 30-second Super Bowl slot.

“Every great human rights movement in history has been anchored in the stories and the faces of its victims. That’s what we aim to do; we simply want to tell their forgotten stories and there’s no larger mega-phone than the Super Bowl,” she said.

Faces of Choice contends the advertisement shines light on the myth of “choice.”

“Abortion advocates need to look these survivors in the eye and come to terms with the fact that they are human, that their lives matter, and that choice is more than a word: it’s a person,” Gillett said.