Pro-Choicers Yell “Hail Satan” And Obscenities At Peacefully Praying Pro-Lifers

Student for Life – March 9, 2020

Fire Department, Police Department Called to Bellingham Planned Parenthood after Mysterious Liquid Thrown at Pro-Lifers defamed by Multiple Obscenities, Threats and Lewdness 

Whatcom Students for Life bravely stood up against the threats of intimidation and the obscenities hurled at them by violent pro-choicers. Such violence is always tragic, but more and more commonplace, especially in a time in which the Senate Minority Leader threatened two Supreme Court Justices for possibly being pro-life. Abortion advocates are becoming more violent against those who advocate for the innocent, but we will not be silenced,” said Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America. 

BELLINGHAM, WA and FREDERICKSBURG, VA (3-09-2020) — Reacting to news of a vial of liquid being thrown at Whatcom Students for Life who were praying peacefully outside of an abortion facility as part of a 40 Days for Life campaign on Saturday, March 7th, Kristan Hawkins, the president of Students for Life of America said that the violence and ugliness on behalf of pro-abortion advocates cannot be tolerated. She observed, “The threats and vitriol must be stopped. Every day it seems like we hear of a new account of vandalism, threat of violence, or acts of intimidation towards peaceful pro-lifers. What happened Saturday shows us the worst of the worst of the pro-choice movement; obscenity, Satan worship, and lewdness towards students. We firmly reject all acts of violence and intimidation towards our students.” 

According to Autumn Lindsey, a student spokesperson for Students for Life and a leader in Whatcom Community College Students for Life, numerous incidents of violence and intimidation occurred on Saturday. These included:

· People driving by the group, yelling obscenities and displaying crude gestures.  

· A man who masturbated in a car towards the group, many of whom were students, as his friend drove near the peaceful protestors. 

· A woman, caught on video, yelling “Hail, Satan.” 

· A woman flashed the group while yelling, “My body; My choice.”