Confirmed: Pro-abortion law threatens babies already born!

Bob Unruh – May 5, 2022

There have many critics who have charged that as states such as Colorado and California move to re-create themselves as abortion-tourism destinations, the extreme laws they are adopting in their agendas actually have created the possibility that live babies, after birth, could be killed without penalty.

Now we know that it’s true, based on the legal analysis staff members provided to the pro-abortion majority in the California State Assembly Committee on the Judiciary.

According to a report from the American Center for Law and Justice, that analysis confirmed the threat to children already born.

The bill, according to the staff warnings, “may not be sufficiently clear that ‘perinatal death’ is intended to be the consequence of a pregnancy complication. Thus, the bill could be interpreted to immunize a pregnant person from all criminal penalties for all pregnancy related outcomes, including the death of a newborn for any reason during the ‘perinatal’ period after birth, including a cause of death which is not attributable to pregnancy complications…”

Olivia Summers, an associate counsel with the ACLJ, explained California Assembly Bill 2223 “contains a provision preventing any person from being subject to civil or criminal liability ‘based on actions or omissions with respect to their … alleged pregnancy outcome, including … perinatal death.’ You may recall that the ‘perinatal’ period covers roughly from 28 weeks of pregnancy to 1-4 weeks post birth.”

Such outrages by a legislature could, she explained, “effectively legalize infanticide.”

She said the analysis by the chief counsel for the California Assembly said, “the ‘perinatal death’ language could lead to an unintended and undesirable conclusion.”

Abortionist Celebrates Killing Babies, Tells Congress “Abortion is a Blessing, Abortion is an Act of Love”

Micaiah Bilger – September 30, 2021

Abortion is a “blessing” and an “act of love,” a Texas abortionist told lawmakers at a U.S. House hearing Thursday.

Ghazaleh Moayedi, a Texas abortionist invited by Democrats to testify at a hearing about abortion, slammed the new state heartbeat law, which prohibits abortions once an unborn baby’s heartbeat is detectable, about six weeks of pregnancy.

The law, which went into effect Sept. 1, has saved as many as 2,800 unborn babies’ lives so far and spared countless mothers from the physical and emotional pain of abortion.

Moayedi, however, who makes her living aborting unborn babies, claimed that the pro-life law is “extremely dangerous” and abortion is a “blessing.”

“We need laws that elevate science and evidence and recognize the dignity and autonomy of people accessing care,” she said, adding that it is a “global fact” that “when people do not have access to abortion care, that maternal morbidity and mortality rates rise.”

Several studies refute this claim and at least one found the opposite to be true: Countries with pro-life laws have lower maternal mortality rates than countries with pro-abortion laws.

Moayedi went on to claim that killing unborn babies in abortions saves lives.

“Texas deserves better. I know firsthand that abortion saves lives,” she continued. “For the thousands of people I’ve cared for, abortion is a blessing, abortion is an act of love, abortion is freedom.”

Many women who have had abortions disagree. Countless women regret their abortions, and thousands have shared their stories of regret and healing through the Silent No More Awareness Campaign and other pro-life efforts.

And there are hundreds, perhaps thousands, more women who cannot speak out against such lies because they died along with their unborn babies in supposedly “safe, legal” abortions.