Feminists Attack Proposed Polish Law Banning Abortions on Babies with Disabilities

Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D. – April 24, 2020

Feminist and abortion activists have launched a series of protests against a proposed law in Poland banning abortions that target babies with disabilities.

The proposed legislation, drafted by parliamentarian Kaja Godek, would protect babies with disabilities such as Down syndrome from being selected for elimination. The bill will be debated by legislators in Sejm on Wednesday.

The international abortion lobby has organized a series of protests but complain that Poland is taking advantage of the coronavirus lockdown to move the legislation forward while mass demonstrations are forbidden.

Instead, activist Marta Lempart and Polish Women’s Strike have organized a live 8-hour “protest without interruption” on Facebook, to feature 48 guests.

Meanwhile, masked activists from Dziewuchy London covered the Polish Embassy in London with homemade cardboard banners. Pro-abortion activists in Wroclaw have organized protests in grocery store lines and while also carrying out direct protests in their vehicles and on bicycles.

Krystyna Kacpura, the director of the Federation for Women and Family Planning, said in a press release: “This is a cruel blow for women, given in the worst times ever. We will protest in any possible manner.”

Abortion activists have been attempting to remove restrictions on at-home abortions during the pandemic while pushing for abortion to be recognized as an “essential” service, backed by groups like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.


Drums of War Beating Loudly All Over the World

Tru News – May 20, 2020

The drums of war seem to be beating loudly again—this time all over the world—with Russia, China, and Iran all preparing for direct conflict with the U.S.

Russia has expressed its dismay after the U.S. ambassadors to Germany and Poland both, within days of each other, suggested American nuclear weapons are necessary and could be redeployed closer to Russia’s border. The fiasco began last Thursday when Ambassador Ric Grenell—who serves jointly as ambassador to Germany and as President Donald Trump’s national security adviser—wrote an article slamming Berlin for threatening to renege on its commitments to NATO.

Grenell wrote, in part:

“The purpose of NATO’s nuclear share is to keep non-nuclear member states involved in the planning of NATO’s deterrence policy. Germany’s participation in nuclear share ensures that its voice matters. If Germany seeks to be a true power for peace, now is the time for solidarity. Will Germany bear this responsibility, or will it sit back and simply enjoy the economic benefits of security provided by its other Allies?

“German political leaders speak often about the need to look at not only total military spending, but at specific capabilities needed for our collective security. A credible nuclear deterrent, including through nuclear-capable aircraft, is a core NATO capability. One that remains needed in today’s world, and one that Germany has pledged to contribute to.”

Ambassador Georgette Mosbacher, Washington’s representative in Poland, shared Grenell’s commentary on Friday. In doing so, she added her own commentary:

“If Germany wants to diminish nuclear capability and weaken NATO, perhaps Poland—which pays its fair share, understands the risks, and is on NATO’s eastern flank—could house the capabilities here.”
