Russia Could Use Nuclear Weapons in Ukraine War, Zelenskyy Warns

Jay Clemons – April 15, 2022

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy sounded an alarm to the rest of the world Friday, warning that Russia could resort to using nuclear weapons in its war with Ukraine.

While appearing with CNN host Jake Tapper, Zelenskyy said Russian President Vladimir Putin does not value the lives of Ukrainian citizens, and that he could potentially go to extremes to win this war.

“I think all of the world, all the countries, have to be worried, because it can be not real information, but it can be truth,” said Zelenskyy, when pressed if Putin would ever authorize the usage of tactical nuclear weapons on the neighboring Ukraine.

Zelenskyy added: “[The Russians] could do it, for them the life of the people [means] nothing. … We should think, not be afraid, be ready. But that is not a question … only for Ukraine, but for all the world.”

Zelenskyy’s messaging is a tangible shift from last month, when the leader characterized Putin’s threat of implementing nuclear weapons on Ukraine as a “bluff.”

Back in March, Putin ordered that his nuclear forces be placed on higher alert after Zelenskyy repeatedly called for NATO to impose a no-fly zone over Ukraine.

On Thursday, CIA Director William Burns echoed Zelenskyy’s weapons warning about Russia, while giving a speech in Atlanta.

“Given the potential desperation of President Putin and the Russian leadership, given the setbacks that they’ve faced so far militarily, none of us can take lightly the threat posed by a potential resort to tactical nuclear weapons or low-yield nuclear weapons,” said Burns, the CIA director since March 2021.

As Ukraine invasion stalls, Russia launches nuke threats to rest of world

WND Staff – March 23, 2022

A lot of the details about the costs of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – and its attempt to destroy the nation including its women and children – remain murky.

While bombed-out cities are apparent on video postings, death tolls are only estimates, although when the numbers are in the thousands it doesn’t look good.

But now, amid reports the Russia aggressors are stalling out in mud, in frostbite weather, and more, Russian officials are ramping up their threats to the rest of the world.

One such attempt to intimidate is coming from Dmitry Peskov, Vladimir Putin’s press secretary, who told Christianne Amanpour on CNN that his nation will use nuclear weapons if faced with an “existential threat.”

There also was the warning from Igor Korotchenko, a military expert on Russian TV, who claimed, “The West will never lift the sanctions … This is war. What should be our reaction? Tactical nuclear weapons…”And Putin’s propagandist Vladimir Soloviev warned, “If you decide to prepare NATO peacekeepers and bring them in, this will mean a nuclear war. This was told to French journalists on February 8. Brave Poles, your Warsaw will disappear in a split second. Brave Germans, brave Estonians, brave Baltic states. By the way, brave Baltic states, I know there are big problems at the border in Kaliningrad. Maybe it’s time we think about a corridor to Kaliningrad? A land corridor to Kaliningrad. Why not? If we are making one to Transnistria, why not?”

Pentagon Report Outlines ‘Increased Potential’ of Nuclear War

Eric Mack -July 8, 2021

A recently released Pentagon report warns of “increased potential” for nuclear war as the chief enemies of the U.S. are stockpiling nuclear weapons.

“No potential adversary has reduced either the role of nuclear weapons in its national security strategy or the number of nuclear weapons it fields,” according to the 2020 Pentagon report.

“Rather, they have moved decidedly in the opposite direction. As a result, there is an increased potential for regional conflicts involving nuclear-armed adversaries in several parts of the world and the potential for adversary nuclear escalation in crisis or conflict.”

The report, delivering “fundamental principles and guidance to plan, execute, and assess nuclear operations,” was finished in April 2020, but released publicly Tuesday, the U.K.’s Daily Mail reported.

Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are highlighted as the chief threats to nuclear war.

The report pointed out that the U.S. nuclear weapons program is designed as a deterrent, noting the goal will be “effectively assuring allies regarding the credibility of U.S. nuclear deterrence enables most to eschew possession of nuclear weapons, thereby contributing to U.S. nonproliferation goals.”

Failing deterrence of an attack on the U.S. or its allies, U.S. nuclear weapons will be reserved for “extreme circumstances,” according to the report.

Iran Built, ‘Sanitised’ Secret Nuclear Site Ahead of IAEA Inspectors’ Arrival, Report Claims

– March 5, 2021

The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), the diplomatic wing of the People’s Mujahedin of Iran (MEK), an Iran-listed domestic terrorist group, claims to have uncovered evidence of illegal activity at a secret Iranian nuclear facility.

In an online conference held Tuesday and picked up on by some US media, the NCRI provided information about an alleged deactivated nuclear site located in the Abadeh region in central Iran.

The analysis, complete with an examination of open-source intelligence, including Google Earth and DigitalGlobe satellite images, claims that the Abadeh site was previously overseen by Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, the Iranian nuclear scientist assassinated in an attack on his convoy outside Tehran late last year, and whom Israeli intelligence has alleged was the head of a secret Iranian nuclear programme.

The NCRI says the facility was built by companies controlled by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, and played a role in ‘Project Marivan’, an element “of the clerical regime’s nuclear weapons programme”.

Iran denies that it has any intention to pursue nuclear weapons, and its supreme leaders have issued fatwas (religious rulings compliance with which is mandatory) banning the development of nuclear arms and other weapons of mass destruction.

The Abadeh site was supposedly been built for use by the Center for Research and Expansion of Technologies on Explosions and Impact (Persian acronym METFAZ), a subunit of the Organisation of Defensive Innovation and Research (SPND), the research entity which Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claimed was tasked with pursuing the development of nukes in his ‘Iran Lied’ speech in April 2018. The Trump administration is thought to have based its decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal, at least in part, on this speech.

According to the NCRI, the Abadeh facility was “sanitised” in July 2019, prior to the arrival of International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors in August of that year.

Israel Getting Ready to ‘Take Action’ to Stop Iran From Going Nuclear, Defence Minister Says

Sputnik News – February 26, 2021

Joe Biden’s campaign promise to get the US back into the Iran nuclear deal has yet to bear fruit, with Washington demanding that Tehran reduce its enrichment activities first. In the meantime, media reports suggest that Israel – the Middle East’s only alleged nuclear weapons state, is engaged in major construction at its Dimona research facility.

The Israeli military is “currently working to build up” its forces “and is preparing itself for any scenario, including one in which we would need to take operational action to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons,” Defence Minister Benny Gantz said, his remarks cited by the Times of Israel.

Gantz, who also serves as Israel’s alternate prime minister, said the military preparations were being taken in parallel with Tel Aviv’s diplomatic efforts to pressure the Biden administration into modifying the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action Iran nuclear deal, if not scrapping it entirely.

“We all need to make sure that if an agreement is signed with Iran, it will be one that ends its nuclear project, enables long-term effective oversight and inspection, and puts a stop to Iranian entrenchment in Syria, Yemen and Iraq,” the minister said.

Iran maintains that it has no intention of pursuing nuclear weapons, and has warned both the Trump and Biden administrations that it will not accept any effort to modify the terms of the JCPOA in any way. The US has a binary choice – take the deal or leave it, according to Tehran.

The ‘Doomsday Clock’ and ‘tick-tocks’ to annihilation

Wallace B. Henley – February 3, 2021

According to the “Doomsday Clock” we are only 100 “seconds” from the “midnight” of apocalyptic doom.

This is not the pronouncement of a wild-eyed fortuneteller, crazed would-be prophet, or frenzied alarmist, but a worldwide conglomerate of scientists and policymakers. They assemble annually to assess global threats and fragility, and endurance limits for the planet, its inhabitants, their societies, and civilizations.

The vehicle by which the experts reveal their carefully reasoned estimate of the approach of “Doomsday” is the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists (BAS). On January 27 BAS announced its findings virtually (ironically, due to COVID, one of the threat-accelerators that hasten the tick-tocks to annihilation).

The BAS experts tell us that we are closer to the end than at any point since the “clock” was presented in 1947. This is only the second time the “clock” has been this close to the midnight of global extermination.[1]

“With wide-spread mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic… little progress in eliminating nuclear weapons; and insufficient mitigation of destructive climate change, the BAS decided to hold the clock at the present, perilous time, and a warning and ‘wake-up call,’” declared the BAS.[2]

China should TRIPLE nuclear arsenal to deter ‘warmongering’ US, editor of state-run Global Times argues

RT – May 8, 2020

China should drastically increase its stockpile of nuclear warheads to dissuade the United States from pursuing its strategic ambitions abroad, the editor of the Global Times has urged.

In a piece published by his own paper, Hu Xijin said China is a “peace-loving nation” that has pledged to never be the first to use nuclear weapons. He argued, however, that Beijing must aim to expand the number of its nuclear warheads to 1,000 to create a powerful deterrent to “shape the attitudes of US elites toward China.” The Asian power currently has around 300 nuclear weapons.

He said that bolstering China’s nuclear capabilities would keep “an increasingly irrational” United States at arm’s length.

Some people may call me a ‘warmonger’ because I want the country to have more nuclear warheads. They should instead give this label to US politicians who are openly hostile to China.

The Global Times editor emphasized he would prefer a “peaceful coexistence” between China and the US, but observed that Washington “only believes in strength.” China cannot “beg” to be treated as an equal on the world stage, he argued.

Xijin’s commentary came just a day after US President Donald Trump rallied for an “effective arms control” deal between Washington, Beijing and Moscow, during a telephone call with Russian leader Vladimir Putin.

With UK out, Macron unveils ‘nuclear weapons doctrine’ with France leading an EU army

– February 14, 2020

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss Emmanuel Macron’s speech where the French President unveiled his nuclear doctrine advocating for a more coordinated European Union defence strategy in which France, the EU’s only post-Brexit nuclear power, and its arsenal holding a central role.

Macron warned all those in attendance that the European Union ‘cannot remain spectators’ in the nuclear arms race.

In a much anticipated speech to military officers graduating in Paris, Macron called on EU member states to play a more direct role in halting a new nuclear arms race, saying they “cannot remain spectators” against a threat to the continent’s collective security.

“In the absence of a legal framework, they could rapidly face a new race for conventional weapons, even nuclear weapons, on their own soil,” said Macron.

Setting out his country’s nuclear strategy in a bid to show leadership a week after nuclear-armed Britain officially exited the EU, Macron highlighted how France sees its nuclear weapons as a deterrent against attacks from belligerent foes.

Macron’s speech comes at a time when long-standing accords on limiting the growth of nuclear arsenals appear increasingly at risk.

Macron on Arms Race: European States ‘Cannot Remain Spectators’ in an Increasingly Unstable World

Sputnik News – February 7, 2020

Fears of an international nuclear arms race have been allayed with the end of the Cold War, but re-emerged as the United States under Donald Trump pulled out of several arms control treaties with Russia, including one that prohibited nuclear-capable missiles.

President Emmanuel Macron stated that European countries should act proactively in the face of a nuclear arms race as he laid out France’s nuclear weapons strategy.

Speaking to military officers in Paris on Friday, Macron called on EU member states to propose an a “international arms control agenda”.

He also suggested that Europeans should “not confine themselves to a role of spectators” at a time when the existing non-proliferation treaties are being called into question.

“Europeans must collectively realise that, in the absence of a legal framework, they could quickly face a new conventional or even nuclear arms race on their soil.”

Macron has dedicated much of his attention as president to modernising France’s and Europe’s military strategy. He has proposed a “true European army” to cut reliance on the United States, launched a military space force command and suggested a military intervention force outside of NATO, known as European Intervention Initiative, already joined by 14 European states.

The Macron government also plans to spend €37 billion ($41bn) to upgrade and maintain its nuclear arsenal over the next seven years — more than 12 percent of the total defense spending for that period.