Biden rejoins U.N. council notorious for ‘unending hostility toward Israel’

Sebastian Hughes – October 14, 2021

The Biden administration announced Thursday that the U.S. would officially rejoin the UN Human Rights Council, a reversal of the Trump administration’s decision to leave the body, in part due to its “unending hostility towards Israel.”

“Starting on January 1, 2022, in our new role as member, we can fully participate in the Council’s work of protecting and promoting human rights,” Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield said in a statement Thursday. “Our goals are clear: stand with human rights defenders and speak out against violations and abuses of human rights.”

The U.S. left the council during the Trump administration, with then-Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley describing the council itself as a “hypocritical and self-serving” organization with a “disproportionate focus and unending hostility toward Israel,” Reuters reported.

Haley said that members of the council such as Russia, China, Cuba and Egypt have a history of human rights abuses, and she criticized countries sharing U.S. interests that “were unwilling to seriously challenge the status quo.”

Then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made similar statements about the decision to leave, accusing the council of “absolving wrongdoers through silence and falsely condemning those that committed no offense,” Reuters reported.

China Threatens War If Taiwan Resumes Diplomatic Ties With US

Theodore Bunker – October 07, 2020

China should “fully prepare itself for war” with Taiwan if the country resumes diplomatic ties with the United States, according to the editor-in-chief of China’s state-owned news tabloid the Global Times.

Hu Xijin wrote in an opinion piece on Tuesday that legislators in the Taiwanese Kuomintang Party, or KMT, “have woken up on the wrong side of the bed. They have gone downhill and become vulgar. They would do anything to just get rid of their political passivity on the island of Taiwan. They are losers.”

He adds, “We must no longer hold any more illusions. The only way forward is for the mainland to fully prepare itself for war and to give Taiwan secessionist forces a decisive punishment at any time. As the secessionist forces’ arrogance continues to swell, the historical turning point is getting closer.”

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is currently touring Asia and recently told the Nikkei Asian Review in Japan that “the United States will be a good partner for security in every dimension” when asked if the U.S. would intervene if China attacked Taiwan.

“We’ve only come to recognize that appeasement’s not the answer,” he said. “If one bends the knee each time the Chinese Communist Party takes action around the world, one will find themselves having to bend the knee with great frequency.”