Prominent Mystic: Next year will be the final Jubilee, year of Messiah’s arrival

– January 12, 2022

Rabbi Yekutiel Fish, a prominent mystic from Jerusalem, gave a lesson last week in which he proved through a precise mathematical equation that next year will be the final Jubilee before the arrival of the Messiah.

“We are now in the month of Shevat on the eve of the Messiah,” Rabbi Fish said at the beginning of his lesson. “If you happen to hear a shofar, don’t be alarmed or confused,” the rabbi joked. “It is only the arrival of the Messiah.”

Rabbi Fish attributed the teaching to Rabbi Oren Evron, a prominent mystic-numerologist.

“Rabbi Evron told me the following message in the most simple manner possible, like an innocent child and not like a Torah authority,” Rabbi Fish said. “But after he told me, I realized that what we have here is an atomic bomb. Rabbi Evron informed me that next year, 5783, will be a Jubilee year and will usher in the Messiah.”

It should be noted that the current year, 5782, is a shemittah (Sabbatical) year. The Shemitah is part of a larger framework of seven Shemitah (sabbatical) cycles, in which we count 49 years, and then the 50th year is the Jubilee year, as described in Leviticus.

Pagan arch of Palmyra that was dedicated to Baal being reconstructed, Some see it as harbinger of Messiah

Ricky Scaparo – April 14, 2021

(OPINION) ETH – After six years of laying in ruins, Russians have now begun the reconstruction of the Triumphal Arch of Palmyra in Syria that once served as a gateway to a major pagan temple to Ba’al, and some Rabbis state that the rebuilding of this arch is predicted in the Talmud as preceding the “Messiah”.

According to Israel 365 News, The ruins of this ancient city of Palmyra was located about 135 miles north of Damascus, Syria, and the temple and much of the site were destroyed by the Islamic State (ISIS) back in 2015. “The Syrian experts have put in place some plans, and there is no precise timetable for the completion of the work, but studies on restoration, rubble, and so on may be ready within six or eight months.”

According to the report, Restoration work has already begun this week after a memorandum of understanding was reached between the Syrian Ministry of Culture and the Association Stone Industry of Russia. What many may not be aware of is the fact that the Temple of Palmyra was dedicated back in 32 CE to the worship of Ba’al.

Ba’al was a false god that was worshipped in many ancient Middle Eastern communities, especially among the Canaanites, who considered him a fertility deity and the earliest known inhabitants called the Amorites hosted many monumental projects including the Temple of Bel (or Ba’al).

This arch stood at the entrance to the temple that was used to worship Ba’al. which was mentioned more than 90 times in the Bible, One of the most notable accounts of this was when Elijah defeated the priests of Ba’al, also known as Moloch, where he called down fire from heaven to burn a sacrifice, Ba’al was the centerpiece of idol worship in that time. worshippers of Ba’al partook of bisexual orgies and sacrificed human infants, burning them alive. Jewish tradition teaches that this Arch of Palmyra may be a harbinger of the Messianic era.

Prominent Rabbi Breaks Silence: ‘Messiah Coming this Year!’

Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz – September 18, 2020

There have been 5,780 holidays of Rosh Hashanna since the creation of the world but if a prominent rabbi’s prediction proves true, in just a few short weeks, Rosh Hashanna number 5,781 will be quite special.

Rabbi Shalom Arush, an Israeli Breslov rabbi and founder of the Chut Shel Chessed Institutions, made an entirely uncharacteristic announcement: On September 18, Jews will be celebrating the last New Year without the Messiah.

“I am going to tell you with certainty that Hashem (God, literally ‘the name) will help us meet together after Rosh Hashanna,” Rabbi Arush said in an interview last week. “And remember well what I am telling you, that this Rosh Hashana will be the last one without Moshiach (Messiah). And it could very well be that on this Rosh Hashanna the Messiah will be revealed.”

The rabbi emphasized that he has never made such a statement before.

“Anyone who knows me knows that for over 40 years I am teaching, and have I never spoken about Messiah,” Rabbi Arush said. “But these are things that are clear and everyone sees them. I can’t explain but please, don’t miss out on this. Because this year, you will receive gifts like never before.”

Report: Israel’s Top Rabbi Orders Ceremonial White Robe to Greet Messiah

Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz – March 31, 2020

On Saturday night, Yonatan Dadon of Radio 2000, an Orthodox Hebrew language broadcaster, interviewed Rabbi Yaakov Zissholtz on his weekly Melaveh Malkah program.

In the Hebrew language video, Rabbi Zitsholtz gave the following disclaimer:

“I don’t promise anything and anything can change at any moment but I heard the following statements.”

Rabbi Zissholtz then explained several recent statements made by Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, one of the most prominent rabbis of this generation, concerning the Messiah.

“Rabbi kanievsky requested that his people prepare for him a glima (a ceremonial white robe). Since when does the Minister of Torah (Rabbi Kanievsky) wear such a thing? Some Jews wear a similar thing called a kittel for the Passover seder but you don’t order a kittel especially made. It can be bought anywhere for one hundred shekels. But an entire suit made of rich white material? In whose honor will Rabbi Kanievsky wear it?”

It is known that many Jewish sages throughout the ages have set aside special clothes to be worn only to greet the Messiah.

“I am not promising anything,” Rabbi Zissholtz said. “There are other tzaddikim (righteous men) who see it differently and are working to delay the Messiah in order to save more Jews.”