Teacher fired for telling parents of daughter’s ‘transition’

Bob Unruh – April 20, 2022

A schoolteacher who shared with parents a statement from their daughter about her purported gender “transition” was fired for the communication, according to a report from Just the News.

That’s even though the parents had told the school district not to have any gender-oriented conversations with their daughter, and officials refused to cooperate.

The report said the case now is the focus of a lawsuit against the district by multiple parents.

It was parents Stephen Foote and Marissa Silvestri who learned the school in Ludlow, Massachusetts, also was treating their son as a girl in accord with his wishes, according to their complaint against several current and former district and school officials for violating their parental rights.

Interim Superintendent Lisa Nemeth told Just the News the district had no comment.

But the report explained how Baird Middle School teacher Bonnie Manchester started a GiveSendGo fundraiser more than a year ago when she was first put on paid leave for notifying the girl’s parents of her gender transition.

She has not yet filed litigation against the school, but her lawyer said it was being considered.
