Christians Beware: Biden Declares His #1 Priority Will Be the Anti-Christian LGBTQ ‘Equality Act’

Paula BolyardJune 03, 2019

Get ready for more attacks on people of faith if Joe Biden is elected president. Biden announced at an event in Ohio on Saturday that his number one priority, if elected, will be to enshrine LGBTQ rights into federal law via the Equality Act, a contentious, Orwellian effort by left-wing bullies to silence Christians who believe biblical teachings on marriage and reject the view that boys can be girls and girls can be boys.

During a half-hour speech at the Human Rights Campaign’s annual gala in Columbus, Ohio, Biden said, “It’s wrong and it is immoral what [the Trump administration] is doing,” citing efforts to bar transgender troops from the U.S. military and protect medical providers from being forced to violate their consciences.

“Just like with racial justice and women’s rights, we are seeing pushback against all the progress we’ve made toward equality,” Biden added.

“You know, you’ve done as much for straight folks as you’ve done for gay folks and lesbian folks,” said Biden, crediting the LGBTQ advocacy group with changing the attitudes of Americans on sexual issues. “This is how you’ve freed so many non-homophobic straight guys,” he said.

Biden bragged to the group about how he “came out” in support same-sex marriage in 2012, before most other Democrats. (In fact, Biden evolved on the issue before President Obama and Hillary Clinton and while some of his competitors were still in high school.)

“In too many places you’re still at risk for your jobs,” he warned. It’s gotta change.”