Biden blasts Texas for plan to protect children from surgical mutilation

Bob Unruh – March 3, 2022

Joe Biden has blasted a strategy in Texas that would protect children from bodily disfigurements through transgender surgeries, accusing the state of weaponizing child protective services to fight the agenda that claims men can become women or women can become men.

The Western Journal reported just days ago that Gov. Greg Abbott directed the Department of Family and Protective Services to begin investigating those so-called “sex change” procedures involving minors as child abuse.

Following the science, those swaps aren’t possible, as being male or female is embedded in the human body down to the DNA level.

The governor’s ruling was based on a legal opinion from the Texas attorney general defining various sex change procedures performed on minors as unlawful. According to the letter, medical professionals are already required to report incidences of children subjected to sex change procedures under state law.

The Daily Mail reported Biden’s reaction was to tear into the state’s “cynical and dangerous” plan and claim Abbott was “weaponizing child protective services against loving families.”

The comments came even as a judge ordered a halt to a single investigation that had begun involving a 16-year-old child who already apparently had been put on drugs, putting the judge in the position of potentially allowing those body mutilations to continue.

Biden, whose own administration has ordered people to wear masks, to take experimental shots, and stay home from church, claimed the state effort to protect children was “government overreach at its worst.”

Gov. Abbott signs near-complete ban on abortion in Texas

– May 19, 2021

AUSTIN — Gov. Greg Abbott signed legislation Wednesday that abortion opponents call a milestone measure to protect life, while others decry it as one of the most extreme restrictions in the nation and vow to fight it in court.

The law, proposed by Sen. Bryan Hughes, R-Mineola, sets a ban on abortion the moment a fetal heartbeat is detected, which is as early as six weeks, before many are aware of their pregnancy. It goes into effect Sept. 1.

The law also allows any private citizen to file a civil lawsuit against abortion providers, and anybody who “aids or abets” the performance of a procedure in violation of the ban. The law includes an exception for medical emergencies, but not for pregnancies that resulted from cases of rape or incest.

One amendment prevents a person who impregnated an abortion patient through rape, incest or sexual assault from bringing a lawsuit forward under this measure.

Abbott, who made his support of the bill clear before it received final approval, signed the proposal alongside Hughes, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and Rep. Shelby Slawson, R-Stephenville, the House sponsor. They were joined by dozens of Republican lawmakers at the governor’s mansion, and Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr., D-Brownsville, a longtime abortion opponent.

“Our creator endowed us with the right to life and yet millions of children lose their right to life every year because of abortion,” Abbott said before signing the bill. “In Texas, we work to save those lives. That’s exactly what the Texas Legislature did this session.”

“The heartbeat bill is now law in the Lone Star State,” Abbott added.