Biden: Let boys into girls showers or we’ll withhold school-lunch funding

Bob Unruh – May 30, 2022

A commentary at PJMedia has slammed the Biden administration agenda for demanding that schools open their restrooms and showers to students of either sex by highlighting what the administration actually is requiring.

That would be that kids be allowed to starve if schools fail to cooperate with Biden’s pro-transgender agenda.

The report by Matt Margolis was headlined, “Biden admin wants kids to starve if schools don’t let boys use girls showers and bathrooms.”

That’s based on the actual requirements demanded by Biden.

That would be that if schools don’t allow the open-to-anyone access to showers and such, those schools wouldn’t qualify for the benefits of the National School Lunch Program, the report explained.

“The National School Lunch Program feeds approximately 30 million kids nationwide daily. But now, getting access to federal funds for the program will come with a huge catch: K-12 schools will have to allow boys into girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms if they want to continue receiving funds for the school lunch program,” the report said.

Biden said he was reinterpreting “the prohibition on discrimination based on sex found in Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and in the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008, as amended, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly the Food Stamp Program (7 USC § 2011 et seq.), to include discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.”

Biden’s HHS chief wants taxpayer-funded child mutilation and amputation

Bob Unruh –  April 7, 2022

Joe Biden’s appointee to lead the nation’s Health and Human Services, Xavier Becerra, confirmed in a congressional committee hearing that he advocates for mutilating the bodies of children who are presented to surgeons as transgender, therefore needing surgeries to “change” them from male to female or female to male.

He was confronted during the hearing by Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., about recommendations and requirements in rules issued by his department.

Those include various surgeries to remove the body parts that don’t align with the child’s “gender identity.”

She asked him about those surgeries.

He tried to avoid the question, stating, “I don’t equate gender affirming care with mutilation.”

But he admitted those surgeries are part of the services to which Americans are “entitled.” Further, he said tax dollars need to fund such procedures.

The science on the issue confirms that the vast majority of children with a gender dysphoria grow out of that confusion as they grow toward adulthood. Further, studies confirm that many of those who do a “trans” procedure end up, at some point, trying to commit suicide.

Katie Pavlich in a column at Townhall, pointed out Biden just announced last week a new, taxpayer financed and whole-of-government campaign to promote transgenderism.

Christian leaders including James Dobson and Franklin Graham immediately condemned it as no more or less than “vile.”

Biden’s latest proposal would force insurers to pay for gender ‘transition’

Jay W. Richards – February 11, 2022

President Joe Biden has sought to inject gender ideology into our laws since his first day in office. He might prefer a massive bill like the Equality Act that elevates the categories of “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to status of race and sex. But that effort has stalled in the Senate. So, for now, his administration is looking for ways to insert sexual orientation and gender identity concepts into existing law.

The latest? In January, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services proposed a rule that would add sexual orientation and gender identity language to the 2010 Affordable Care Act.  According to the department, these amendments will ensure that those who identify as LGBT receive “medically necessary” care. This includes “gender-affirming” surgeries and hormone “therapy.”

In fact, the department’s proposed rule circumvents the law and treats dubious treatments as essential health benefits in qualified health plans. This not only contradicts the best science and medicine, it’s a disaster for insurers, for medical providers, and, most of all, for those struggling with gender dysphoria.

Sex, gender and discrimination

The rule has legal problems, but we shouldn’t allow that to distract us from the fact that it strikes at the heart of what it means to be human. To see this, it helps to keep a few definitions in mind.

The first is “sex.” Human beings are a sexually dimorphic species. With the very rare exceptions (such as those resulting from disorders of sexual development, sometimes called “intersex”), everyone is clearly either male or female. This is biology. It’s also common sense — as revealed by the testimony of every culture in every time and place throughout history.

Many people also affirm the sexual binary of male and female on religious grounds. The book of Genesis, for instance, says that God created us “male and female.”

Texas Teachers Instructed To Help Students Hide Gender Identity From Parents

Mairead Elordi – September 30, 2021

A teacher training for a Texas public school district directed teachers to hide information about students’ gender identity from their parents in order to make school a “safe” place.

Teachers at Leander Independent School District north of Austin received a training presentation in October last year that instructed them to discuss gender identity with students and ask them whether it was okay to share students’ preferred pronouns with their parents.

The training, titled “Supporting LGBTQ+ Youth in Schools,” was led by two school social workers working for the district, Felix Barnhart and Monica Kelly, who describes herself as a “fat-positive, sex-positive therapist.”

“Add your pronouns wherever your name is published and then also whenever you are introducing yourself, just to normalize the sharing of pronouns,” Kelly suggested to participants in the training.

Another idea, she said, is to “let students identify themselves on the first day of class with their individual name and pronouns,” and make sure to inform substitute teachers and anyone else visiting the classroom of their correct pronouns, “so that way it protects that student from being misgendered or called a name that they don’t identify with.”

“We kind of do this already for students who have nicknames,” Kelly remarked. “We’re just asking to extend that courtesy to students whose gender identity may be different from their sex assigned at birth.”

However, in her next breath, Kelly appeared to admit that pronouns are much more sensitive than nicknames, encouraging teachers to ask students whether it is okay to refer to them by their preferred pronouns when speaking with their parents.

“May I use these pronouns when I contact home?” reads a question on a form Kelly suggested teachers have students fill out.

Another question reads, “Would you like to follow up with me in a private conversation about your pronouns?”

“A student may be out at school, but they may not be out to their parents,” Kelly explained.

‘Utter woke insanity’: Social media users blast ‘sick’ new Scottish rules that allow FOUR-YEAR OLDS to declare ‘gender identity’

RT – August 13, 2021

The Scottish government has kicked off a storm on social media after issuing “deeply disturbing” LGBT inclusivity guidelines that allow children as young as four to change their gender and name at school without parental consent.

In the 70-page document, issued to schools across the country on Thursday, teachers are instructed not to question students who declare that they are transgender or tell them “it’s just a phase”. Instead, they are urged to “be affirming” of the students’ feelings.

Other “tips” for teachers include asking these students “what name and pronoun” they would prefer to be addressed by and to check if that is “all the time or in certain circumstances”.

As well, teachers are encouraged to “ask reflective questions that allow young people to express themselves, explore their gender identity and identify their needs”.

Stating that it is possible for students to “come out” as transgender “at any age and to varying degrees”, the guidance – which applies from primary schools on up – claimed that “recognition and development of gender identity can occur at a young age” and should be respected.

Schools can do this by giving trans students the option to use whichever toilet and changing room they prefer, instituting “gender neutral” uniform options, putting up classroom posters that challenge gender stereotypes, and including notable transgender role models and personalities in lesson plans and reading materials.

According to The Telegraph, the recommending reading list for primary school students includes books about a blue crayon with an identity crisis because it was mistakenly labelled as red and another about a primary schooler who has “a girl brain but a boy body” and says “pretending [to be] a boy felt like telling a lie” till an “amazing day” when she was medically diagnosed as transgender.

The guidelines also state that children can informally tell others they want to use a different name, and schools do not need to officially record this. As well, it has been deemed “best to not share information with parents” since “inadvertent disclosure” may create “needless stress” and added “risk” for the student.

Church of England bishop calls for ‘gender neutral marriage canon’ to ‘bless’ same-sex unions

Christian Today – July 2, 2021

The Bishop of Liverpool, Paul Bayes, has ramped up pressure on the Church of England to allow clergy to bless same-sex relationships by making the controversial call for a “gender neutral marriage canon.”

The call comes in advance of elections to the governing body, the General Synod, where evangelicals are seeking to increase numbers in a bid to protect the doctrine of the Church.

Speaking to a national conference on Saturday for revisionist activists in the CofE, Bishop Bayes said: “I want to see a gender-neutral marriage canon, such as they have in the Episcopal Church (in the U.S.) or in the Scottish Episcopal Church.

“And as a necessary but not sufficient first step I want to see conscientious freedom for the Church’s ministers and local leaders to honor, recognize and, yes indeed, to bless same-sex unions whether civil partnerships or civil marriages.”

Bishop Bayes was addressing the Movement of Supporting Anglicans for an Inclusive Church (MoSAIC), which launched in February.

The group announced: “The movement aims to have a presence in each diocese of the Church of England, where it will work with local clergy and laity on projects that promote inclusion for all those who are currently marginalized by the Church of England — whether that be due to race, ability, sexuality, gender or gender identity.”

261 Transgender Prisoners Request Transfer Under California Law; 255 to Women’s Prison

Joel B. Pollak – April 5, 2021

Two-hundred sixty-one California state prisoners have requested transfers to facilities that house the opposite gender since a new law went into effect on Jan. 1 — and 255 of them have requested to move from a male to a female corrections facility.

The law, SB 132, provides that a prisoner who self-identifies who is “transgender, nonbinary, or intersex” must be “addressed in a manner consistent with the incarcerated individual’s gender identity,” and be “housed at a correctional facility designated for men or women based on the individual’s preference.” The law applies “regardless of anatomy.” Governor Gavin Newsom signed the law last September, declaring on that occasion that “our march toward equality takes an additional step forward.”

The Los Angeles Times reported Monday that while only a few transfers have been approved thus far, none has been rejected:

Just over 1% of California’s prison population — or 1,129 inmates — have identified as nonbinary, intersex or transgender, according to the corrections department, populations that experience excessive violence in prison. A 2007 UC Irvine study that included interviews with 39 transgender inmates found that the rate of sexual assault is 13 times higher for transgender people, with 59% reporting experiencing such encounters.

So far, the prison system has transferred four inmates to the Chowchilla women’s prison, approved 21 gender-based housing requests and denied none. Of the 261 requests, all but six asked to be housed at a women’s facility.

Some prisoners are also concerned that inmates are making false claims about their gender identity in order to transfer to women’s prisons and say staffers have told them that this has slowed the process.

The Times adds that several inmates are thought to have applied “under false pretenses” and some female prisoners are afraid.

Mississippi Gov. Signs Bill Prohibiting Boys in Girls’ Sports: Girls Deserve a ‘Level Playing Field’

Michael Foust – March 11, 2021

Mississippi’s governor signed a bill into law on Thursday prohibiting biological males from competing in girls’ or women’s sports, making the state the first in 2021 to act on the issue.

More than 20 states are considering similar bills, which supporters say are needed in light of a push on the national and state levels to allow transgender girls and women to compete alongside biological females in sports.

Two high school athletes in Connecticut who are biologically male but who identify as female won a total of 15 state track championships. Meanwhile, the Biden administration has taken initial steps in requiring schools to allow transgender athletes to compete according to their gender identity.

The Mississippi bill passed in the state House 81-28 with bipartisan support, although a 34-9 vote in the Senate fell along partisan lines.

Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves, a Republican, signed the bill into law Thursday. Supporters call it the “Mississippi Fairness Act.”

“Athletic teams or sports designated for ‘females,’ ‘women’ or ‘girls’ shall not be open to students of the male sex,” the text of the bill says.

The new law, which takes effect July 1, also allows athletes to file suit if their school violates the law.

“This important piece of legislation will ensure that young girls in Mississippi have a fair, level playing field in public school sports,” Reeves said during a signing ceremony.

Australian Christians In Shock: Ten Year Jail Sentence For Preaching Repentance

Evangelical Focus – February 08, 2021

The parliament of Victoria (Australia) is about to conclude the process of the Change or Suppression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Bill.

The law has been approved by both the Lower House and the Legislative Council of the Victorian parliament and could be soon ready to be implemented.

Any practice that aims to “change or suppress a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity” will now be illegal.

According to Australian evangelical magazine Eternity News, this ban includes “prayer conversations suggesting change, and counselling when targeted at an individual”.

Melbourne, the State’s capital, is known for being Australia’s region with a strongest support for LGBT movements – as seen in the Pride Marches and other demonstrations in the last years.

The law becomes a real challenge to churches that hold to a traditional and biblical view of sexuality. Jail sentences up to ten years and large fines can be imposed by courts if there is a perception that a ‘conversion’ practice has caused injuries to a LGBT person.

According to the analysis of Eternity News, the law distinguishes between general teaching and personal counselling. “Sermons and general discussion of same-sex and gender issues which might take a conservative line” would not be prosecuted but “activities which are directed at an individual, on the basis of a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity, and have the aim to change or suppress that person’s identity” would.

The law will not come into effect right away, but there will be one-year period in which the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission will lead consultations to clarify the details of how the law would be applied in different scenarios.

Several church denominations in Victoria have expressed their concern about the law.

Biden: Next Week He’ll Give Transgenders ‘Access to Sports…and Locker Rooms in Accordance With Their Gender Identity’ Staff – January 14, 2021

( – President-elect Joe Biden is promising that on “his first day in office” he will issue an order requiring all schools that receive federal funding to let transgenders play on the sports teams and use the bathrooms and locker rooms that accord with their “gender identity.”

Biden will take office next Wednesday, January 20.

On his campaign website Biden promised to: “Ensure young LGBTQ+ people are supported and protected in our schools and college campuses by: Guaranteeing transgender students have access to facilities based on their gender identity.”

“On his first day in office,” says Biden’s website, “Biden will reinstate the Obama-Biden guidance revoked by the Trump-Pence Administration, which will restore transgender students’ access to sports, bathrooms, and locker rooms in accordance with their gender identity. He will direct his Department of Education to vigorously enforce and investigate violations of transgender students’ civil rights.”

Biden’s campaign website links to the “Obama-Biden guidance” this passage references. It was issued by the Obama Justice Department and Department of Education on May 13, 2016.

It says in part: “Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX) and its implementing regulations prohibit sex discrimination in educational programs and activities operated by recipients of Federal financial assistance. This prohibition encompasses discrimination based on a student’s gender identity, including discrimination based on a student’s transgender status.”

“Gender identity refers to an individual’s internal sense of gender,” says this Obama-Biden order. “A person’s gender identity may be different from or the same as the person’s sex assigned at birth.”