There Will Be Both A Solar and Lunar Eclipse In June

ETH – May 21, 2020

(ETH) – So far in 2020 we have several celestial events transpire. We’ve had three Super Moons in a row, starting with March’s Full Worm Moon, April’s Full Pink Moon, and, as recently reported, May’s peak of the ‘Eta Aquarids’ Meteor Shower took place only days before the Full Flower Moon.

According to The Mind Unleashed, there are plenty more celestial events in store, starting with a partial Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on June 5th and 6th and an Annular Solar Eclipse on June 21st.

This year will have a total of six eclipses, four Lunar, and two Solar Eclipses. The report indicated that Lunar Eclipses will all be partial and the Solar Eclipses will be an Annular Eclipse on June 21st and a Total Eclipse on December 14th.