Inflation and Energy Crisis Barreling Towards Each Other

Stansberry Research – August 24, 2022

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The last time we had an energy crisis coupled with inflation (like we have right now) was the 1970s.

Back then, President Lyndon Johnson had begun massive spending and took on huge budget deficits to pay for the Vietnam war and his “Great Society” benefits: Medicare, Medicaid, Head Start, urban renewal, environmental issues, and new immigration policies, just to name a few.

Sure sounds a lot like today, doesn’t it?

Then…OPEC banned oil exports to the U.S. in October of 1973.

Gas prices quickly shot up 37 percent. Gas was rationed. Many stations ran out. Others locked up their pumps at night.

The ban on exporting oil to the U.S. lasted only five months—a tiny problem compared to what’s going on in the energy markets today—but by then the wheels of crisis were already in motion.

By 1974, inflation hit more than 11 percent, and the stock market (as measured by the Dow Jones Industrial Average) was plummeting.

After a few months, however, it seemed like the worst was over. Stocks soared about 48 percent starting in November of 1974.

But the bear market rally did not last.

It wasn’t long before stocks would collapse again, this time by more than 50 percent.

In total, this bear market would take the stock market down more than 72 percent.

Everyone wants to know what’s going to happen next in the markets and our economy. But few are looking at what happens historically when you pair inflation with an energy crisis—which is exactly what we are looking at right now.

Bill Bonner, co-founder of the world’s largest independent financial research firm, successful entrepreneur, owner of real estate on four continents, and business interests across the globe in over 12 countries, has prepared an analysis looking at the history and parallels of today in a unique forward-facing way.

In his nearly 50-year career, Bonner has made three big macroeconomic predictions.

Each one has ultimately turned out to be exactly right—although he was mocked each time.

And now, he’s making what he calls his: “Fourth and Final Prediction.”

It’s about two enormous trends (inflation and an energy crisis), which are barreling towards each other in America, like two runaway freight trains on the same track.

Bonner says: “The collision of these two inevitable trends will bring about some of the most difficult years in American history.”

Global Food Crisis ‘Will Kill Millions’ By Disease, Health Executive Warns

AFP –   June 23, 2022

The global food crisis sparked by the war in Ukraine will kill millions by leaving the hungriest more vulnerable to infectious diseases, potentially triggering the world’s next health catastrophe, the head of a major aid organisation has warned.

A Russian naval blockade of Ukraine’s Black Sea ports has stopped grain shipments from the world’s fourth-largest exporter of wheat and corn, raising the spectre of shortages and hunger in low-income countries.

The knock-on effects of the food shortages mean many will die not only of starvation but from having weaker defenses against infectious diseases due to bad nutrition, Peter Sands, executive director of the Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria told AFP this week.

“I think we’ve probably already begun our next health crisis. It’s not a new pathogen but it means people who are poorly nourished will be more vulnerable to the existing diseases,” he said in an interview on the sidelines of a G20 health minister meeting in the Indonesian city of Yogyakarta.

“I think the combined impact of infectious diseases and the food shortages and the energy crisis… we can be talking about millions of extra deaths because of this,” he said.

World governments should minimize the impact of the food crisis by providing frontline healthcare to their poorest communities, who will be the most vulnerable, said the British former banker who now heads the $4 billion fund.

“That means focusing on primary healthcare so the healthcare that is delivered in the villages, in the communities. Hospitals are important but when you are faced with this kind of challenge, the most important thing is primary healthcare.”

“It’s been a disaster for TB,” said Sands.

EU Official Warns Of ‘Rolling Blackouts’ As Energy Crisis Worsens

Tyler Durden – December 1, 2021

Europe’s energy crisis is about to get a whole lot worse as the Northern Hemisphere winter is just weeks away. New risks are emerging across the continent that households and companies might have to scale back on power use or even plan for rolling blackouts.

There is no immediate fix to the energy crisis that comes from the supply side, with Russia’s Gazprom, the largest supplier of natural gas to Europe, only pumping what it has. At the same time, EU stockpiles remain well below trend.

On Tuesday, Prime Minister Mario Draghi said Italy’s government is ready to combat soaring energy prices for households, according to Bloomberg.

“We set aside 1.2 billion euros ($1.4 billion) in June and over 3 billion euros in September,” Draghi said. “We are now taking steps in the budget and are prepared to continue doing so, with particular attention to the most vulnerable.”

“Given the current energy supply system, a blackout cannot be ruled out” across Europe, Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti said, adding that “it’s important to neutralize the impact of increased energy bills on households and companies in the fairest way possible.”

Even before the winter season arrives, cold weather is driving energy prices across Europe to record highs. The massive rally in European gas prices is not diminishing anytime soon. Gas prices at the Dutch TTF hub, the benchmark gas price for Europe, jumped to €100 per MWh, adding more pressure on households who are already dealing with rapid food and shelter inflation.

The long-awaited activation of Gazprom’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline from Russia to Germany would ease the natural gas crunch. Still, the project continues to hit regulatory snags from German regulators who recently suspended the certification process of the pipeline. What this could mean is flows might not start until spring.