Covert War Between Iran, Israel Emerges from the Shadows

Chris Mitchell – June 23, 2022

JERUSALEM, Israel – For years, what’s called a “war between wars” has existed between Israel and Iran, where much of the fighting takes place in the shadows. This shadow war is coming more and more out into the open.

Recently, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett announced new rules of engagement with Iran called “Operation Octopus.”

He said, “In the past year, the State of Israel has taken action against the head of the terrorist octopus … the days of immunity, in which Iran attacks Israel and spreads terrorism via its regional proxies but remains unscathed, are over.”

Middle East analyst Ellie Cohanim sees the region shifting.

“I think it’s well overdue for Israel and Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, the Bahrainis. All of these countries that have been the victims of the Iranian regime proxy activity start to hold Iran responsible rather than the proxies,” she told CBN News.

Some see a ratcheting up of Israel’s covert and even overt operations to thwart Iran’s nuclear, and conventional missile and drone programs. It could explain the mysterious deaths of a number of Iranian nuclear scientists and military leaders recently.

Another example is Israel’s recent attack on the Damascus airport, which Israel sees as a major conduit of Iranian weapons on their way to Hezbollah in Syria.

Now, Israel says Iran is threatening to retaliate by kidnapping or killing Israelis in the region and especially in Turkey.

“We are currently witnessing Iranian attempts to attack Israelis in various overseas locations. The security services of the State of Israel are working to thwart attempted attacks before they are launched. We will continue to strike those who send the terrorists and those who send those who send them. Our new rule is: whoever sends, pays,” said Bennett.