An Extremely Deadly Disease With A 30 Percent Death Rate Has Been Detected At 2 Locations In Georgia

– May 30, 2022

Why are so many strange diseases suddenly breaking out all over the globe?  In all my days, I have never seen anything like this.  COVID, bird flu and monkeypox are all making headlines around the world, but of course they aren’t the only pestilences that we are currently dealing with.  As I mentioned a few days ago, the Democratic Republic of Congo is actually facing outbreaks of ebola, cholera, measles, monkeypox, bubonic plague and typhoid all at the same time!  Can you imagine what health authorities in that nation must be going through right now?  A few years ago most of us never gave much thought to disease outbreaks, but now they are seemingly everywhere.

Unfortunately, we have a new one to add to the list.

According to WSB-TV in Atlanta, two mosquito pools in southern Georgia have tested positive for a disease known as “Eastern equine encephalitis”…

Health officials say two mosquito pools in South Georgia have tested positive for Eastern equine encephalitis.

EEE is a virus that is spread to people through the bite of an infected mosquito. Only a few cases are reported in the United States each year.

The name of the disease may not sound that threatening, but it is actually extremely deadly.

WSB-TV says that the death rate for Eastern equine encephalitis in humans is approximately 30 percent

Although rare, EEE is very serious. Approximately 30% of people with EEE die and many survivors have ongoing neurological problems.

There are no vaccines to prevent EEE or medicines to treat it.

When I first read that, I was stunned.

The death rate for COVID is well under 1 percent, and so a disease with a death rate of 30 percent could be a real nightmare.

5 MORE Deadly Diseases Have Been Reported

Mac Slavo – May 11, 2022

It sure looks like things are going to get worse before they get better. Five more deadly diseases have been reported as circulating around the globe. Unfortunately, any one of these could be used by the ruling class to further enslave the masses.

Despite the advanced technology at the world’s disposal, humans are still rather vulnerable to some ailments and diseases. And even though COVID-19 isn’t as serious as the authorities claim, other diseases that could potentially kill millions are starting to spread worldwide, according to a report by Natural News.

Ebola – Cases of Ebola have recently been reported and confirmed in Central Africa, where at least two people have already died due to the latest outbreak. A second person from the Democratic Republic of Congo reportedly died during a recent resurgence of the deadly virus.

H3N8 bird flu – On April 26, China’s health authorities reported the first human infection with H3N8. According to reports, a four-year-old boy from central Henan province was infected with the variant after developing a fever and other symptoms on April 5. In a statement, China’s National Health Commission (NHC) said no close contacts were infected with the virus.

First Human Case Of H3N8 Bird Flu Found In A Human

Unexplainable Hepatitis – The WHO reported that the first case was detected in Scotland at the end of March. To date, one child has died and at least 17 have needed liver transplants after diagnosis. Cases have also been reported in America, with at least 11 children sick with unexplained hepatitis confirmed within recent weeks. There were nine cases in Alabama and two children required liver transplants.

Hepatitis Spreads As Rulers Declare Its Origins Are “Unknown”

Japanese Encephalitis -In Australia, the outbreak of Japanese encephalitis has also gotten worse. At least 11 cases in humans have been confirmed, with three deaths recorded nationwide. Thirty New South Wales (NSW) piggeries have been affected by Japanese encephalitis, which is caused by a mosquito-borne virus. While Japanese encephalitis is endemic in other parts of the world, it has never been seen this far south in Australia.

Mystery Horse Disease In Colorado – Aside from the infectious diseases spreading in humans, there have also been reports of a “mystery disease” killing horses in Colorado. As of writing, the disease has killed dozens of wild horses in Colorado. According to federal officials, the mystery disease could be behind the deaths of 57 wild horses at an equestrian facility in Canon City, Colorado.

West Africa placed on high alert as first case of deadly Ebola-like Marburg virus with 88% fatality rate detected

End Time Headlines – August 10, 2021

(ETH) – A highly infectious hemorrhagic virus similar to Ebola has been detected for the first time in West Africa, triggering a rush to identify potential contacts and squash the outbreak before it spreads.

According to the Telegraph, the Marburg virus was detected in a male patient in Guinea who has since died, according to the World Health Organization. The pathogen is from the same family of viruses as Ebola, but it has no known vaccines or treatments and a fatality rate as high as 88 percent.

The individual sought treatment in the Gueckedou province, a region in southeast Guinea close to both Sierra Leone and Liberia, raising some concerns that it could jump across the borders. “The potential for the Marburg virus to spread far and wide means we need to stop it in its tracks,” said Dr. Matshidiso Moeti, the WHO’s regional director for Africa, adding that Guinea’s health workers had instigated “quick investigative action”.

According to Sky News, Symptoms include a high fever and muscle pain, but some patients later suffer bleeding from their eyes and ears. After the male patient sought treatment and died in Gueckedou, the case was confirmed by a laboratory in Guinea and again by the Institut Pasteur in nearby Senegal. Contact tracing is under way, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Gueckedou was the location of Guinea’s 2014 to 2016 Ebola outbreak, which went on to kill 11,325 people. According to the Guardian, There have been 12 major Marburg outbreaks since 1967, mostly in southern and eastern Africa. Guinea’s new case was first identified last week, just two months after the country was declared free of Ebola following a brief flare-up earlier this year that killed 12 people.

The patient, who has since succumbed to the illness, first sought treatment at a local clinic before his condition rapidly deteriorated, the WHO said on Monday. Analysts at Guinea’s national haemorrhagic fever laboratory and the Institute Pasteur in Senegal later confirmed the Marburg diagnosis.

Oregon health officials monitoring 4 people for Ebola

KGW Staff – March 25, 2021

PORTLAND, Ore. — The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) on Thursday announced it is monitoring four people for Ebola after those people recently returned from Guinea and Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), two West African countries in the midst of Ebola outbreaks.

OHA said there is low risk for people in Oregon. It did not say where the four individuals are located.

Local public health departments and OHA have been in touch with the four people, who arrived back in Oregon in early March. They are considered “persons under monitoring”, OHA said.

“We want to make sure these individuals have the support they need to monitor their health, stay in contact with public health officials and safely get help with medical services if it comes to that,” said Dr. Richard Leman with the OHA Public Health Division.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued Level 3 travel warnings for the affected regions in both Guinea and DRC. The CDC recommends people avoid nonessential travel there.

Since March 4, the CDC has required all airlines to supply contact information for all U.S.-bound travelers who have been in Guinea or Democratic Republic of the Congo in the last 21 days, which is the largest known incubation period for Ebola, OHA said. Those travelers are interviewed upon arriving in the U.S. to determine if they are symptomatic and to confirm their contact information. If they are symptomatic, they will be offered medical evaluation.

Dangerous New Pestilences Are Breaking Out All Over The Globe

– February 8, 2021

Did you hear about the outbreak of the new “mystery disease” in Tanzania?  What about the alarming new outbreak in Congo?  New developments in South Africa are making headlines all over the globe as well.  Despite all of our advanced technology, humanity remains extremely vulnerable to outbreaks of disease, and many believe that the COVID pandemic is just the beginning.  Fearsome new bugs are constantly being cooked up in labs all over the planet, and it is inevitable that there will be more “accidents” that result in more of these bugs getting released in the future.  As we have seen, a single virus can rapidly spread throughout the entire world, and it is just a matter of time before a pandemic comes along that will wipe out tens of millions of people.

This is a hot button topic for me, and so I am constantly monitoring news sources for new pestilences that may be emerging.  Needless to say, when news stories about a new “mystery illness” in Tanzania started coming out, that definitely got my attention…

A MYSTERY illness which causes patients to vomit blood has killed at least 15 in Tanzania, officials said.

More than 50 people have been hospitalised in the south of the country due to the unidentified condition which also causes nausea in sufferers.

Authorities in Tanzania do not know what is causing people to vomit blood and drop dead.

But they did suspend the doctor that first reported this outbreak for “causing panic”…

Tanzania has suspended a medical officer who reported that a mystery disease had killed 15 people in the country and caused people to throw up blood.

Felista Kisandu, the chief medical officer for the Chunya district, had described how patients ‘vomit blood and die when they get to the hospital late’ in an unexplained bout of sickness which was said to have affected more than 50 people.

At this point, officials are insisting that there will not be a wider outbreak, but of course Tanzania would also have us believe that COVID does not exist in their country when there is a tremendous amount of evidence to the contrary.

So far, this new mystery disease does not appear to match the type of killer pandemic that I described in my latest book, but we will continue to monitor the situation.

Meanwhile, a new Ebola outbreak in Congo is creating a tremendous amount of concern

Ebola-like virus which causes massive bleeding found to jump from human to human after Bolivia outbreak

RT – November 16, 2020

Scientists have sounded the alarm over an Ebola-like virus from Bolivia which has been found to spread from person to person, killing three out of every five confirmed patients.

The rodent-borne Chapare virus first emerged in 2004 in the Bolivian province from which it gets its name, about 370 miles east of the country’s capital city, La Paz.

New research has shed light on the deadliness of the disease and how it spread from patient zero.

Following a 2019 outbreak in the country, researchers have found that, though it comes from a different viral family than Ebola, it also causes hemorrhagic fever, which can, in turn, cause life-threatening organ failure and bleeding.

At present, there is no treatment for Chapare outside of intravenous hydration and supportive care. The virus causes fever, headache, abdominal pain, rash and bleeding of the gums, and is believed to result from contact with rat urine or droppings.

Dr. Caitlin Cossaboom, an epidemiologist with the US Centers for Disease Control, presented findings from her research into a 2019 outbreak to the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene’s annual meeting on Monday.

A 65-year-old rice farmer was patient zero in the outbreak who then spread the disease to a 25-year-old doctor who treated him.

“The night before he died, she suctioned saliva from his mouth, and then she fell ill nine days later,” Cossaboom explained.

The 48-year-old paramedic who transported the doctor to hospital was the next to be infected after performing CPR on her.

A gastroenterologist conducted an endoscopy on the doctor and developed symptoms 14 days later. All of the cases resulted in exposure to bodily fluids from an infected person.

Patient zero, the doctor and the gastroenterologist all died from the Chapare virus, while the ambulance worker and another infected person survived.

Congo Now Faces 2nd Ebola Outbreak in Northern Province

Newsmax – June 2, 2020

Health officials have confirmed a second Ebola outbreak in Congo, the head of the World Health Organization said Monday, adding yet another health crisis for a country already battling COVID-19 and the world’s largest measles outbreak.

Congo also has yet to declare an official end to Ebola in its troubled east, where at least 2,243 people have died since an epidemic began there in August 2018.

Now Congolese health authorities have identified six cases in the north near Mbandaka in Equateur province, including four fatalities, WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus tweeted Monday.

“The country is also in final phase of battling Ebola in eastern DRC, COVID19 & the world’s largest measles outbreak,” he tweeted.

This marks the second time Ebola has hit Equateur province in as many years: A 2018 outbreak there killed 33 people before the disease was brought under control in a matter of months.

The last known patient in Congo’s eastern outbreak was released in mid-May but the country now must go about another month without any new cases before an official end to the outbreak can be declared.