Merrick Garland: Protecting Your Kids is “Domestic Terrorism,” Aborting Your Kids is a “Fundamental Right”

Michael Ippolito – Jul 1, 2022

The Department of Justice (DOJ), an institution once dedicated to ensuring law and order in the United States, looks to have become another pawn for the leftist elite. From categorizing upset Virginia parents as domestic terrorists to going after average Trump supporters, the DOJ continues to subvert the values it’s supposed to protect.

Attorney General Merrick Garland released a statement on June 24 about the Supreme Court decision on the Dobbs case communicating his disdain for the ruling.

The DOJ was very upset at the fact women cannot murder children by citing leftist platitudes about abortion.

“The Justice Department strongly disagrees with the Court’s decision. This decision deals a devastating blow to reproductive freedom in the United States,” the statement read. “It will have an immediate and irreversible impact on the lives of people across the country. And it will be greatly disproportionate in its effect – with the greatest burdens felt by people of color and those of limited financial means.”

Instead of ensuring justice for all U.S. citizens, the DOJ would rather play politics. You would think a department dedicated to justice would adequately understand the Constitution.

The DOJ then proudly states it will continue to protect and advance reproductive “freedom” and encourages federal agencies to continue to provide abortion.

“Furthermore, federal agencies may continue to provide reproductive health services to the extent authorized by federal law,” the statement follows. “And federal employees who carry out their duties by providing such services must be allowed to do so free from the threat of liability.”

The woke bureaucrats in the DOJ want the department’s main priority to be ensuring that federal workers can spend more time slaving away instead of potentially having a family. Ironic that the department that has titled itself the Justice department will provide funding so the greatest injustice can be carried out.

The DOJ ends its statement with a commitment to protecting the ‘totally’ fundamental American value of abortion!

The statement concludes:

The ability to decide one’s own future is a fundamental American value, and few decisions are more significant and personal than the choice of whether and when to have children. Few rights are more central to individual freedom than the right to control one’s own body. The Justice Department will use every tool at our disposal to protect reproductive freedom. And we will not waver from this Department’s founding responsibility to protect the civil rights of all Americans.

So murdering babies is a fundamental right, but protesting against leftism isn’t? Where’s the justice in that?

ATF Admits To Secret Database Of “Nearly One Billion Gun Records”

SHTF – February 2, 2022

What always proceeds gun confiscation historically? A Registry.

A Registry of guns and gun owners is a tool that the federal government, the DOJ, and the ATF have had on their wish list for decades now. Anti-gun politicians and lobbyists have sold a registry as a tool for stopping crime, enforcing universal background checks, and ensuring public safety.

In reality, a Registry guarantees that large-scale confiscation will happen at some point. That’s why the ATF is forbidden explicitly from keeping a searchable database by law.

Today, Gun Owners of America announced that the ATF has nearly 1 Billion records of firearm purchases, with over 850 million of those records in digital format. These records contain all sorts of personal information on gun owners in addition to the gun they’ve purchased. Important personal information, including their names, addresses, place of birth, sometimes even social security numbers, can all be found on these records.

The firearm transaction records that the ATF is referring to is the ATF Form 4473. Federal law currently states that a firearms dealer can destroy 4473 forms after 20 years. If a firearms dealer goes out of business or closes before those 20 years, federal law says dealers must hand over those forms to the ATF.

So the ATF currently is in possession of nearly 1 Billion of these records. Here’s the direct quote attributed to the ATF from GOA: “In total, ATF manages 920,664,765 OBR as of November 2021. This includes digital and an estimated number of hard copy records that are awaiting image conversion. It is currently estimated that 865,787,086 of those records are in a digitalized format.”

So over 850 million of those records are in digital format, making them easier to search. GOA claims this constitutes a “partially complete database of guns and gun owners.”

So how does the ATF justify this massive privacy invasion of gun owners? They claim that “the vast majority of criminal firearms traces are done for state and local law enforcement agencies pertaining to active investigations.” But interestingly, in true Federal Government style, they also mention that they have no idea how effective this system is and if any of the information leads to the successful prosecution of gun crimes.

DOJ cancels plan to ‘vigorously’ defend religious rights

Mary Margaret Olohan – June 10, 2021

Following backlash, the Justice Department has edited a court filing to remove a comment indicating that it will “vigorously” defend religious rights.

In the Tuesday court filing, the Justice Department said that it will defend the religious exemption of Christian schools, a religious exemption included in Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as it applies to “‘sexual and gender minority students’ attending private religious colleges and universities that receive federal funding,” according to the filing.

The filing formerly mentioned that the Justice Department would “vigorously” defend religious rights — a comment that was taken out Wednesday following backlash against the Biden administration, the Washington Post reported.

The Biden administration’s filing opposed a motion from several Christian schools to join the court case in order to protect their religious exemptions. The federal lawsuit involves a group of students who sued the government for giving funding to religious schools that the students say discriminate against LGBTQ persons.

The Justice Department instead inserted the word “adequate” multiple times and removed four instances of the phrase “ultimate objective,” including part of a sentence saying that the Department of Education and Christian schools “share the same ‘ultimate objective’ … namely, to uphold the Religious Exemption as it is currently applied.”

“We welcome the Biden administration’s commitment to the Title IX religious exemption, but we do believe that the Christian colleges and universities whose rights are at stake should have a representative at the table, and in the courtroom, for these important conversations,” Council for Christian Colleges & Universities president Shirley Hoogstra said in a statement to the Daily Caller News Foundation.

CCCU filed a motion to be an official participant in the case “so it can defend Title IX’s religious protections” in May.

Critics claimed that the move contradicts the Biden administration’s public statements on discrimination against LGBTQ persons. The Biden administration said in a March memo from the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division that “[a]ll persons should receive equal treatment under the law, no matter their gender identity or sexual orientation,” according to CNN.