Global Food Crisis ‘Will Kill Millions’ By Disease, Health Executive Warns

AFP –   June 23, 2022

The global food crisis sparked by the war in Ukraine will kill millions by leaving the hungriest more vulnerable to infectious diseases, potentially triggering the world’s next health catastrophe, the head of a major aid organisation has warned.

A Russian naval blockade of Ukraine’s Black Sea ports has stopped grain shipments from the world’s fourth-largest exporter of wheat and corn, raising the spectre of shortages and hunger in low-income countries.

The knock-on effects of the food shortages mean many will die not only of starvation but from having weaker defenses against infectious diseases due to bad nutrition, Peter Sands, executive director of the Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria told AFP this week.

“I think we’ve probably already begun our next health crisis. It’s not a new pathogen but it means people who are poorly nourished will be more vulnerable to the existing diseases,” he said in an interview on the sidelines of a G20 health minister meeting in the Indonesian city of Yogyakarta.

“I think the combined impact of infectious diseases and the food shortages and the energy crisis… we can be talking about millions of extra deaths because of this,” he said.

World governments should minimize the impact of the food crisis by providing frontline healthcare to their poorest communities, who will be the most vulnerable, said the British former banker who now heads the $4 billion fund.

“That means focusing on primary healthcare so the healthcare that is delivered in the villages, in the communities. Hospitals are important but when you are faced with this kind of challenge, the most important thing is primary healthcare.”

“It’s been a disaster for TB,” said Sands.

CDC Warns: ‘One of the Worst Outbreaks of Meningococcal Disease Among Gay and Bisexual Men in U.S. History’

Michael W. Chapman – June 27, 2022

(CNS News) — The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a statement that it is working with the Florida Department of Health to “investigate one of the worst outbreaks of meningococcal disease among gay and bisexual men in U.S. history.”

So far, there have been “24 cases and 6 deaths among gay and bisexual men,” reported the CDC in its June 22 press release.

Meningococcal disease refers to any illness caused by the bacteria Neisseria meningitidis, said the CDC. “These illnesses are often severe, can be deadly, and include infections of the lining of the brain and spinal cord (meningitis) and bloodstream.”

The disease is spread to other people “by sharing respiratory and throat secretions (saliva or spit),” said the health agency.  “Generally, it takes close (for example, coughing or kissing) or lengthy contact to spread these bacteria.”

To counter spread of the disease, the CDC is “recommending gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men get a meningococcal vaccine (MenACWY) if they live in Florida, or talk with their healthcare provider about getting vaccinated if they are traveling to Florida.” The also recommend routine vaccination for people with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

“Getting vaccinated against meningococcal disease is the best way to prevent this serious illness, which can quickly become deadly,” said José R. Romero, M.D., director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases.

“Because of the outbreak in Florida, and the number of Pride events being held across the state in coming weeks, it’s important that gay and bisexual men who live in Florida get vaccinated, and those traveling to Florida talk to their healthcare provider about getting a MenACWY vaccine,” said Romero.

Study sounds alarm over antibiotic resistant bacteria

RT – June 30, 2022

A new strain of antibiotic-resistant bacteria found among European pigs is increasingly spreading to humans and causing infections, warn University of Cambridge researchers in a study published on Tuesday.

The new strain of Livestock-associated Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (LA-MRSA) is believed to have emerged among European livestock in the last 50 years due to widespread antibiotic use in farming, leading to concerns that livestock in Europe could become a reservoir of antibiotic-resistant human infections.

“Historically high levels of antibiotic use may have led to the evolution of this highly antibiotic-resistant strain of MRSA on pig farms,” said Dr. Gemma Murrayn who worked on the study, adding that this LA-MRSA is “extremely stable” and has spread across different livestock species.

The strain, called CC398, was found to be the most dominant type found among pigs and other livestock in Europe and a growing cause of MRSA infections in humans, regardless of whether or not they had direct contact with livestock.

The study notes that in the case of Danish pig farms, the proportion of MRSA-positive herds had increased from 5% in 2008 to 90% in 2018.

While the EU has recently banned the use of zinc oxide, which was used to prevent diarrhea in piglets, over its environmental impact and promotion of antibiotic resistance, the Cambridge researchers warn that efforts to reduce the use of antibiotics may only have a limited impact on the spread of the strain due to its increased stability.

First outbreak of highly infectious polio has just been detected in UK, Health officials declare national incident

Ricky Scaparo – June 22, 2022

Polio is spreading in the UK for the first time in decades, officials claim. Health bosses urged Brits to check their children’s jabs are up to date after picking up signs of the virus being passed between individuals.

According to TheSun, Experts have detected the same bug in London sewage samples since April – a clear signal of a community outbreak. No cases have yet been confirmed in the UK and the UKHSA said samples were found in East and North London. These chiefs say ‘suggests it is likely there has been some spread between closely-linked individuals’. Because of this, they said these cases could be shedding the virus strain in their feces.

Investigations are currently ongoing and there have not yet been any cases of paralysis reported. Medics today said that the emergence of polio in the UK reminds us that it has not yet been eradicated. The last case of polio being contracted in Britain was in 1984 and the country was declared polio-free in 2003.

Before a vaccine was introduced in the 1950s, epidemics would result in thousands of people being paralyzed annually and hundreds of deaths. UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) experts believe a traveler – likely from Pakistan, Afghanistan, or Nigeria – shed the virus in their stools after being given the oral polio inoculation.

“Vaccine-derived poliovirus has the potential to spread, particularly in communities where vaccine uptake is lower. On rare occasions it can cause paralysis in people who are not fully vaccinated so if you or your child are not up to date with your polio vaccinations it’s important you contact your GP to catch up or, if unsure, check your red book.

“Most of the UK population will be protected from vaccination in childhood, but in some communities with low vaccine coverage, individuals may remain at risk.

“We are urgently investigating to better understand the extent of this transmission and the NHS has been asked to swiftly report any suspected cases to the UKHSA, though no cases have been reported or confirmed so far.”

According to Sky News, The virus presents a risk to anyone who has not been vaccinated, especially children and young adults. The national uptake of the childhood polio vaccine is high but in London, rates are much lower.

At least 18 have died from spreading Tick-borne virus that causes ‘nose-bleed fever’

Ricky Scaparo – June 1, 2022

“Nose-bleed fever” is as gruesome as it sounds. More technically called Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, the tick-borne virus has been detected in some 120 people in Iraq since January — including 18 who have died from the disease — health officials have warned, fearing an escalating spread.

The onset of illness causes rapid and severe internal and external bleeding in infected patients, including through the nose, hence its nickname “nose-bleed fever.” Though the virus is hosted in ticks, most individuals pick it up by coming in contact with infected animal blood — usually occurring among those who work with livestock and in slaughterhouses.

The virus is not novel, but it is rare — and apparently spreading at an unprecedented rate throughout Iraq. Between 10 and 40 percent of cases will die from the disease. Aside from profuse bleeding and potential death, early symptoms include fever, body aches, dizziness, neck pain, headache, and sore eyes. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, sore throat, and brain fog have also been observed in infected patients, according to the World Health Organization.

The virus also called Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, has been known to cause severe symptoms in patients. In some cases, sufferers have reportedly encountered internal and external hemorrhaging, resulting in blood loss. Iraqi officials say that almost one-third of all deaths, thought to be around 18, have come in the last two weeks, sparking fears of an uncontainable outbreak.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) patients become infected with the virus following contact with the blood of infected animals, including ticks. The virus is not novel, but it is rare and apparently spreading at an unprecedented rate throughout Iraq.

An Extremely Deadly Disease With A 30 Percent Death Rate Has Been Detected At 2 Locations In Georgia

– May 30, 2022

Why are so many strange diseases suddenly breaking out all over the globe?  In all my days, I have never seen anything like this.  COVID, bird flu and monkeypox are all making headlines around the world, but of course they aren’t the only pestilences that we are currently dealing with.  As I mentioned a few days ago, the Democratic Republic of Congo is actually facing outbreaks of ebola, cholera, measles, monkeypox, bubonic plague and typhoid all at the same time!  Can you imagine what health authorities in that nation must be going through right now?  A few years ago most of us never gave much thought to disease outbreaks, but now they are seemingly everywhere.

Unfortunately, we have a new one to add to the list.

According to WSB-TV in Atlanta, two mosquito pools in southern Georgia have tested positive for a disease known as “Eastern equine encephalitis”…

Health officials say two mosquito pools in South Georgia have tested positive for Eastern equine encephalitis.

EEE is a virus that is spread to people through the bite of an infected mosquito. Only a few cases are reported in the United States each year.

The name of the disease may not sound that threatening, but it is actually extremely deadly.

WSB-TV says that the death rate for Eastern equine encephalitis in humans is approximately 30 percent

Although rare, EEE is very serious. Approximately 30% of people with EEE die and many survivors have ongoing neurological problems.

There are no vaccines to prevent EEE or medicines to treat it.

When I first read that, I was stunned.

The death rate for COVID is well under 1 percent, and so a disease with a death rate of 30 percent could be a real nightmare.

Scientists concerned that growing bird flu sweeping the world will spread to humans

Ricky Scaparo – May 27, 2022

A highly infectious and deadly strain of avian influenza virus has infected tens of millions of poultry birds across Europe, Asia, Africa, and North America. But scientists are particularly concerned about the unprecedented spread in wild birds — outbreaks pose a significant risk to vulnerable species, are hard to contain, and increase the opportunity for the virus to spill over into people.

According to a report from Nature, Since October, the H5N1 strain has caused nearly 3,000 outbreaks in poultry in dozens of countries. More than 77 million birds have been culled to curb the spread of the virus, which almost always causes severe disease or death in chickens. Another 400,000 non-poultry birds, such as wild birds, have also died in 2,600 outbreaks — twice the number reported during the last major wave, in 2016–17.

Researchers say that the virus seems to be spreading in wild birds more easily than ever before, making outbreaks particularly hard to contain. Wild birds help to transport the virus around the world, with their migration patterns determining when and where it will spread next. Regions in Asia and Europe will probably continue to see large o

Although people can catch the virus, infections are uncommon. Only two cases have been reported since October, one each in the United Kingdom and the United States. But scientists are concerned that the high levels of virus circulating in bird populations mean that there are more opportunities for spillover into people.

Avian influenza viruses change slowly over time, but the right mutation could make them more transmissible in people and other species, says Ian Barr, deputy director of the World Health Organization (WHO)-collaborating influenza center at the Doherty Institute in Melbourne, Australia. “These viruses are like ticking time bombs,” he says. “Occasional infections are not an issue — it’s the gradual gaining of the function of these viruses” that is the real concern, he says. FULL REPORT

From Transmission Conundrum to Timing Factor, Experts Puzzle Over Outbreak of Monkeypox

Svetlana Ekimenko – May 21, 2022

With symptoms commonly including fever, swollen lymph nodes and a rash with blisters, confirmed or suspected cases of monkeypox – a rare disease previously limited to Western and Central Africa – have been spreading across Europe this spring.

As cases of monkeypox, both confirmed and suspected, have been reported in the US, Canada and several European countries – such as the UK, Portugal, Spain, Sweden France and, most recently, Germany – the medical community is racking its brains to figure out how the outbreak started.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has decided to convene an emergency meeting of experts to discuss the outbreak, with a focus on transmission of the virus, its high prevalence in gays and bisexual men, as well as the situation with vaccines, The Daily Telegraph has reported.

The rare disease, a version of the smallpox virus that was eradicated in 1980 but is less transmissible, has previously been limited to Western and Central Africa.

On 7 May the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) was the first health authority in Europe to announce a case of monkeypox publicly. It was confirmed in a person who had recently flown into the country from Nigeria.

According to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), virus transmission appeared to have occurred as a result of homosexual contacts between men, at least in the UK case.

Since then, 19 more cases have been confirmed in the UK bringing the total up to 220, although the source remains elusive, as the infections appear to have been “locally acquired”, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO).

5 MORE Deadly Diseases Have Been Reported

Mac Slavo – May 11, 2022

It sure looks like things are going to get worse before they get better. Five more deadly diseases have been reported as circulating around the globe. Unfortunately, any one of these could be used by the ruling class to further enslave the masses.

Despite the advanced technology at the world’s disposal, humans are still rather vulnerable to some ailments and diseases. And even though COVID-19 isn’t as serious as the authorities claim, other diseases that could potentially kill millions are starting to spread worldwide, according to a report by Natural News.

Ebola – Cases of Ebola have recently been reported and confirmed in Central Africa, where at least two people have already died due to the latest outbreak. A second person from the Democratic Republic of Congo reportedly died during a recent resurgence of the deadly virus.

H3N8 bird flu – On April 26, China’s health authorities reported the first human infection with H3N8. According to reports, a four-year-old boy from central Henan province was infected with the variant after developing a fever and other symptoms on April 5. In a statement, China’s National Health Commission (NHC) said no close contacts were infected with the virus.

First Human Case Of H3N8 Bird Flu Found In A Human

Unexplainable Hepatitis – The WHO reported that the first case was detected in Scotland at the end of March. To date, one child has died and at least 17 have needed liver transplants after diagnosis. Cases have also been reported in America, with at least 11 children sick with unexplained hepatitis confirmed within recent weeks. There were nine cases in Alabama and two children required liver transplants.

Hepatitis Spreads As Rulers Declare Its Origins Are “Unknown”

Japanese Encephalitis -In Australia, the outbreak of Japanese encephalitis has also gotten worse. At least 11 cases in humans have been confirmed, with three deaths recorded nationwide. Thirty New South Wales (NSW) piggeries have been affected by Japanese encephalitis, which is caused by a mosquito-borne virus. While Japanese encephalitis is endemic in other parts of the world, it has never been seen this far south in Australia.

Mystery Horse Disease In Colorado – Aside from the infectious diseases spreading in humans, there have also been reports of a “mystery disease” killing horses in Colorado. As of writing, the disease has killed dozens of wild horses in Colorado. According to federal officials, the mystery disease could be behind the deaths of 57 wild horses at an equestrian facility in Canon City, Colorado.

May 22: The WHO plans to strip 194 nations, and the US, of sovereignty

Strange Sounds – May 6, 2022

The WHO is attempting to push through changes to a treaty that would give them global control over health worldwide. This helps fulfill some of the goals of the WEF’s Great Reset.

It is a massive power grab that takes away a nation’s sovereign rights to determine its own health standards.

A decision will be made by vote on May 22-28 at WHO World Health Assembly. Two-thirds of the Senate does not have to vote for it. It’s a rule change but it’s a devastating one.

In a new video, The Pulse’s Joe Martino interviews Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, a member of the steering committee of the World Council for Health, who points out that the treaty gives the WHO:

… an inordinate amount of power to make decisions in sovereign countries as to how people live and how they deal with pandemics, from lockdowns to mandates over treatment.

In an open letter on the WHO’s pandemic treaty, the World Council for Health writes, in part:

The proposed WHO agreement is unnecessary, and is a threat to sovereignty and inalienable rights. It increases the WHO’s suffocating power to declare unjustified pandemics, impose dehumanizing lockdowns, and enforce expensive, unsafe, and ineffective treatments against the will of the people.”

It’s the usual Marxist one-size-fits-all approach. Everyone will be on the same page and science will cater to GLOBAL political whims.