Global Food Crisis: ‘Perfect Storm’ of World Hunger Thanks to the Ukraine Crisis and COVID Could Starve Millions

Peter Caddle – May 5, 2022

Millions are at risk of starvation thanks to COVID and the ongoing war in Ukraine, both of which have helped create a “perfect storm” of a global food crisis.

Experts have warned that millions of people across the world are on the brink of starvation thanks to a “perfect storm” of a global food crisis.

A report by the Global Network Against Food Crises — a multinational organisation founded by the European Union as well as various United Nations bodies — found that 2021 represented the worst year for world hunger, but that things could soon get a whole lot worse thanks to a wide variety of ongoing geopolitical problems.

According to the organisation’s annual Global Report on Food Crises, 193 million people face acute food insecurity in 2021, which they define as being in a state where a person’s food intake is so low as to put their lives or livelihoods in immediate danger.

By far the single largest cause of this food insecurity last year was conflict, while the issue of economic shocks and climate change came in as very distant second and third place causes respectively.

However, despite how bad things got last year, experts who participated in the creation and publication of the report now fear that things could get a whole lot worse in 2022 as a result of a wide number of ongoing crises.

“Acute hunger is soaring to unprecedented levels and the global situation just keeps on getting worse,” said David Beasley, a former Republican Party governor who now serves as the executive director of the World Food Programme.

“Conflict, the climate crisis, COVID-19 and surging food and fuel costs have created a perfect storm — and now we’ve got the war in Ukraine piling catastrophe on top of catastrophe,” he continued. “Millions of people in dozens of countries are being driven to the edge of starvation.”

Abortion Was the Leading Cause of Death Worldwide in 2021, Killing 42.6 Million People

Steven Ertelt – January 3, 2022

More human beings died in abortions than any other cause of death in 2021.

A heartbreaking reminder about the prevalence of abortion, statistics compiled by Worldometers indicate that there were over 42.6 million abortions world-wide in 2021. The independent site collects data from governments and other reputable organizations and then reports the data, along with estimates and projections, based on those numbers. It reveals 42,640,209 people died from abortions in 2021.

When contrasting the abortion numbers to other causes of death, including cancer, HIV/AIDS, traffic accidents and suicide, abortions far outnumbered every other cause. By contrast, 8.7 million people died from cancer in 2021, 5 million from smoking, 13 million from disease, and 1.7 million died of HIV/AIDS. Deaths by malaria and alcohol are also recorded.

With 58.7 million people dying last year from a cause other than abortion, that means abortions accounted for 42% of every death around the world last year.

And when compared to COVID, the number of people dying from abortions dwarfs the number of COVID deaths. Worldomters indicates that approximately 3.5 million people died from COVID worldwide in 2021. There is considerable question as to whether those figures are accurate, as the CDC and state figures in the United States indicate a sizable percentage of deaths from COVID aren’t actually directly resulted from the virus itself, but are of people who had the virus at the time they died from some other cause.

But assuming the figures are accurate, and not adjusting for overcounting, abortion is 12.17 times more deadly than COVID.

U.S. Government Continues To Panic Over Mild Omicron

Mac Slavo – December 2, 2021

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has confirmed that the United States government is set to impose new Covid restrictions on travelers. These new control measures will require a negative test within one day of travel for all arrivals, including vaccinated people.

That means that even those who bowed down to the state and big pharma dutifully got injected two or even three times, will still have to live through the same draconian dictatorship as the unvaccinated. The move comes after the CDC confirmed America’s first case of the Omicron variant in California in an individual who arrived from South Africa on November 22, according to RT. The fully vaccinated traveler later tested positive on November 29 after showing mild symptoms.

Has anyone wondered yet why omicron is only popping up in the vaccinated?

More COIVD-19 Vax Deaths: Think They’ll Blame This On COVID-21?

Nonetheless, the ruling class has decided that the unvaccinated need not travel. Currently, the United States denies entry to all unvaccinated individuals from other countries, while fully inoculated people who have received approved vaccines can travel to America if they provide a negative Covid test taken within three days of arrival. The CDC also encourages vaccinated individuals to take a test on the third to the fifth day after they enter the US.

All this testing is going to do is boost the numbers and increase the fear of this cold. This is all coming to a head, and we could begin to see the real plans taking shape in the coming months.