The ‘Disrespect of Marriage Act’: Democratic Bill Would Redefine Marriage

Ben Johnson – July 19, 2022

With economic pressures squeezing middle-class families tighter than any time in a generation, congressional Democrats have decided to ram through a series of laws that would write left-wing positions on social issues into law, including a national bill establishing same-sex marriage.

On Monday, Democrats in both chambers of Congress introduced a bill to redefine marriage in national law, which they have dubbed the Respect for Marriage Act. The bill would prevent any state from exclusively protecting the natural family in law, in the (unlikely) event the Supreme Court overturns Obergefell v. Hodges, the 2015 opinion which created the constitutional “right” to same-sex marriage.

“The far-right Supreme Court is on a rampage against the freedoms of the American people,” asserted Rep. Mondaire Jones (D-N.Y.), a democratic socialist who identifies as gay. “We will not sit idly by as Republicans and their activist judges take our country backward,” insisted Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney (D-N.Y.), who also identifies as LGBT. “I look forward to bringing it to the [f]loor for a vote this week,” said House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (R-Md.) on Monday.

“It really should be the Disrespect for Marriage Act,” Quena Gonzalez, senior director of Government Affairs at the Family Research Council, told “Washington Watch with Tony Perkins” Monday. The bill merely says that “an individual shall be considered married if that individual’s marriage is valid in the [s]tate where the marriage was entered into.” At no point does it limit marriage to two partners. Democrats plan to pass legislation preventing states from criminalizing interracial marriage or contraception, positions that have no political constituency in any state. This follows the House passing two bills to expand abortion nationwide last Friday, although one or both bills appears poised to die in the Senate.

US House Passes Abortion Defense Bill in Response to End of Roe Protections

Ilya Tsukanov – July 15, 2022

Democratic Party lawmakers in both houses of Congress have vowed action to protect women’s ability to travel across state lines to get an abortion after Republican states rushed to criminalize the procedure. The legislative rush has come in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision to abolish federal abortion protections last month.

The House of Representatives passed two bills Friday aimed at safeguarding abortion access, including a measure allowing women to travel across state lines to get the procedure if it is banned in their home state.

The first bill, entitled the ‘Ensuring Access to Abortion Act’, was passed by a margin of 223-205, with three Republicans, including never Trumper Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, joining all 220 Democrats to vote in favor of the measure.

The bill proposes making it illegal for states where abortion is lawful to bar women from out of state from getting the procedure at a registered clinic, introduces legal protections for those who assist women getting an abortion, and provides for the legalization of the interstate transportation of Food and Drug Administration-approved abortion drugs.

The second bill, the ‘Women’s Health Protection Act’, was passed 219-201, with Democratic Congressman Henry Cuellar of Texas the only Democrat to vote against. That bill has already been around the block of congressional debate, and was passed by the House last September, but thrown out twice by the Senate, which is split 50/50 between Republicans and Democrats.

Senate Democrats drafted legislation similar to the ‘Ensuring Access to Abortion Act’ earlier this week, calling it the ‘Freedom to Travel for Health Care Act of 2022′. That bill proposes protections for non-profits which assist women traveling to states where abortion is permitted to get the procedure.

The fate of both of the House bills passed Friday remains uncertain amid the possibility that rogue Democrat Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema could block their Senate versions. The two lawmakers already dashed Democrats’ hopes for a filibuster change to codify federal abortion rights late last month, despite paying lip service of their support for Roe v Wade.

Lawmakers also face time constraints, with the House going on a month-long recess at the end of July, and the Senate following suit a week later in early August.

‘The fire has been lit’: U.S. Federal Reserve’s push for digital dollar worries Wall Street

Joe Light – March 22, 2021

The financial services industry, braced for what could be its biggest disruption in decades, is about to get an early glimpse at the Federal Reserve’s work on a new digital currency.Wall Street is not thrilled.Banks, credit card companies and digital payments processors are nervously watching the push to create an electronic alternative to the paper bills Americans carry in their wallets, or what some call a digital dollar and others call a Fedcoin.

As soon as July, officials at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which have been developing prototypes for a digital dollar platform, plan to unveil their research, said James Cunha, who leads the project for the Boston Fed.

A digital currency could fundamentally change the way Americans use money, leading some financial firms to lobby the Fed and Congress to slow its creation — or at least ensure they’re not cut out.

Seeing the threat to their profits, the banks’ main trade group has told Congress a digital dollar isn’t needed, while payment companies like Visa Inc. and Mastercard Inc. are trying to work with central banks to make sure the new currencies can be used on their networks.

“Everyone is afraid that you could disrupt all the incumbent players with a whole new form of payment,” said Michael Del Grosso, an analyst for Compass Point Research & Trading LLC.

The $6 Trillion Man? Biden’s Budget Would Make U.S. Taxpayers Pay for Abortions in Far-Left Spending Plan

Steve Warren – May 27, 2021

President Joe Biden will send a clear message on Friday when he releases his proposed 2022 $6 trillion budget to Congress. His message? He wants U.S. taxpayers to fund abortions at a time when Republican-led states are ramping up restrictions on it and when the U.S. Supreme Court plans to hear a direct challenge to Roe v. Wade.

Several media outlets are reporting Biden’s budget would cause the highest sustained level of federal spending since World War II as the president looks to fund his ever-increasing progressive agenda investing in education, infrastructure, and fighting climate change.

Politico reports Biden is also expected to leave out the Hyde Amendment as well as any other pro-life acknowledgments in his spending proposal in a move to try to please progressives and abortion activists.

The Hyde amendment is a decades-old bipartisan policy that has been included in federal spending bills for roughly 40 years to prevent taxpayer funds from paying for abortions. Biden’s exclusion of Hyde would largely be a token confrontation due to the Democrat Party’s narrow majority in Congress, and no clear winning edge in the Senate.

As CBN News reported in 2019, in his many years as a senator, he was for it. But suddenly then-candidate Biden flip-flopped on the issue saying he wanted to get rid of the ban on taxpayer-funded abortions. This surprised many Democrats including some of the then-former vice president’s aides.

“Just as I’ve never attempted to impose my views on anyone else as to when life begins, I have never attempted to impose my view on who should pay for it if people fundamentally disagree with the position we take,” Biden said at the time. “But folks, but folks times have changed. I don’t think these guys are gonna let up.”

He shifted his position, he said, while crafting his healthcare plan, as more and more states pass laws protecting the unborn.

“I can’t justify leaving millions of women without access to the healthcare they need and the ability to exercise their constitutionally protected right,” he said.

BREAKING: Congress passes $2 trillion coronavirus relief bill, blocks funding for Planned Parenthood

Calvin Freiburger – March 27, 2020

WASHINGTON, D.C., March 27, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – The U.S. House of Representatives voted Friday to pass a $2 trillion coronavirus relief spending bill. The bill, which is meant meant to give temporary relief to Americans who have lost their jobs or business due to mandatory shutdowns, provides small businesses and certain non-profits money to fund their payroll during the period of the crisis. It is apparently worded in such a way that Planned Parenthood, America’s largest abortion chain, will not be able to access such funds.

The bill gives $1,200 to most Americans making less than $75,000 per year (and smaller payments to Americans who make more), as well as expanded unemployment benefits, temporary waivers on student loan payments, suspension of certain rules on retirement accounts, and relief for businesses such as suspended payroll tax payments.

It has been controversial due to the sheer size of its spending, as well as it containing hundreds of millions in unrelated expenditures for various public entities, including PBS, NPR, the Kennedy Center, and salaries and expenses for members of Congress.

House leaders initially hoped to pass the bill via unanimous consent, but the opposition of libertarian Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) required House members to return to Capitol Hill for a full recorded vote. President Donald Trump excoriated Massie, stating that while he too doesn’t like everything in the bill, compromises were necessary to “save our workers”:

Ultimately, the bill passed by voice vote, Politico reports. It now awaits the president’s signature.

In one victory for conservatives, Vice reports that the final version of the bill is worded in a way that makes Planned Parenthood, America’s largest abortion chain, ineligible for the bill’s bailout money. It empowers Trump administration to deny Planned Parenthood access to relief loans via the Small Business Administration. These provisions remain despite the loss of language that would have made the ineligibility of Planned Parenthood – an organization that took in $616 million from taxpayers, almost $370 million in private revenue, and over $590 million in private donations last year – even more explicit.