Confirmed: Pro-abortion law threatens babies already born!

Bob Unruh – May 5, 2022

There have many critics who have charged that as states such as Colorado and California move to re-create themselves as abortion-tourism destinations, the extreme laws they are adopting in their agendas actually have created the possibility that live babies, after birth, could be killed without penalty.

Now we know that it’s true, based on the legal analysis staff members provided to the pro-abortion majority in the California State Assembly Committee on the Judiciary.

According to a report from the American Center for Law and Justice, that analysis confirmed the threat to children already born.

The bill, according to the staff warnings, “may not be sufficiently clear that ‘perinatal death’ is intended to be the consequence of a pregnancy complication. Thus, the bill could be interpreted to immunize a pregnant person from all criminal penalties for all pregnancy related outcomes, including the death of a newborn for any reason during the ‘perinatal’ period after birth, including a cause of death which is not attributable to pregnancy complications…”

Olivia Summers, an associate counsel with the ACLJ, explained California Assembly Bill 2223 “contains a provision preventing any person from being subject to civil or criminal liability ‘based on actions or omissions with respect to their … alleged pregnancy outcome, including … perinatal death.’ You may recall that the ‘perinatal’ period covers roughly from 28 weeks of pregnancy to 1-4 weeks post birth.”

Such outrages by a legislature could, she explained, “effectively legalize infanticide.”

She said the analysis by the chief counsel for the California Assembly said, “the ‘perinatal death’ language could lead to an unintended and undesirable conclusion.”

US Reports Its First Human Case of H5 Bird Flu

Newsmax – April 29, 2022

The first known human case of H5 bird flu in the United States has appeared in a person in Colorado, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said on Thursday.

The person tested positive for avian influenza A(H5) virus and was involved in the culling of poultry presumed to have had H5N1 bird flu, the CDC said in a statement.

“This case does not change the human risk assessment for the general public, which CDC considers to be low,” the agency added.

The patient reported fatigue for a few days as the only symptom and has since recovered, the CDC said, adding that the person was being isolated and treated with the influenza antiviral drug oseltamivir.

H5N1 viruses have been found in U.S. commercial and backyard birds in 29 states and in wild birds in 34 states since the CDC started monitoring for illness among people exposed to the viruses in late 2021.

“CDC has tracked the health of more than 2,500 people with exposures to H5N1 virus-infected birds and this is the only case that has been found to date. Other people involved in the culling operation in Colorado have tested negative for H5 virus infection, but they are being retested out of an abundance of caution,” the CDC said.

Globally, this is the second human case associated with this specific group of H5 viruses, which are currently predominant, the CDC said. The first was reported in Britain in December 2021.

Return Of The Dust Bowl? The “Megadrought” In The Southwest Is Really Starting To Escalate

– August 28, 2020

Much of the southwestern portion of the United States has been gripped by a drought that never seems to end, and there is a tremendous amount of concern that patterns that we witnessed back during the Dust Bowl days of the 1930s may be starting to repeat.  In a previous article, I discussed the extreme heat that we have been seeing in the region lately.  Phoenix has never had more days in a year when the high temperature has hit at least 115 degrees, and other southwestern cities have been smashing records as well.  At the same time, precipitation levels have been very low, and the combination of these two factors is starting to cause some major problems.

A couple of weeks ago, NASA posted an article on their official website about the horrible drought conditions that we are now witnessing…

As the United States moves into the last weeks of climatological summer, one-third of the country is experiencing at least a moderate level of drought. Much of the West is approaching severe drought, and New England has been unusually dry and hot. An estimated 53 million people are living in drought-affected areas.

Since NASA posted that article, things have gotten even worse.  If you go to the U.S. Drought Monitor website, you will instantly see why so many experts are deeply concerned.  The latest map shows that nearly the entire southwestern quadrant of the country is now gripped by either “severe” or “extreme” drought.  Needless to say, this is not good news at all for farmers and ranchers in the region.

Colorado is one of the states that is being hit the hardest.  At this point, more than 93 percent of the entire state is experiencing very serious drought conditions

According to United States Drought Monitor, drought conditions have gotten significantly worse in Colorado in recent days and weeks.

Last week, approximately 72 percent of Colorado was experiencing “severe” drought conditions or worse. This has now jumped to just over 93 percent.