Report: The Gay-Straight Alliance Network Now Operates in More than 4,000 U.S. Schools

– August 26, 2022

The Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) Network, which promotes radical gender theory in elementary, middle, and high schools, now operates over 4,000 “gender and sexuality alliances” under the guise of student “clubs,” reports Christopher Rufo at City Journal.

A senior fellow and director of the Initiative on Critical Race Theory (CRT) at the Manhattan Institute, Rufo explained the GSA Network is a “professionally staffed nonprofit with a multimillion-dollar annual budget. GSA Network serves as an umbrella organization for more than 4,000 “gender and sexuality alliances” across 40 states.”

After rebranding itself in 2016 as the Genders & Sexualities Alliance, GSA Co-Executive Director Ginna Brelsford noted:

The name change has been a long time coming.  We have heard from countless youth leaders who understand their genders and sexualities to be uniquely theirs and have moved beyond the labels of gay and straight, and the limits of a binary gender system. For several years, students have been naming their individual school-based clubs in a way that reflects the values and identity of its members.

Brelsford further explained the “function” of school GSA clubs had “evolved.”

“For a generation, since the late 1980s, GSAs have served as safe spaces for LGBTQ youth to build awareness and community as well as prevent discrimination and harassment in schools,” the co-executive director wrote. “More recently, however, these student-led clubs have transcended their traditional role and served as important vehicles for deeper social change both on school campuses and local or statewide educational policy.”

That “social change” focused on joining with a political movement for the “needs of “trans, queer and allied students across the nation,” Brelsford added.

The GSA Network has now taken a decidedly Marxist turn, Rufo observed, endorsing the “abolition of police” and borders, payment of “reparations” to minorities, the “decolonization” of native lands, and a focus on anti-capitalism.

Under the cover of a “club” that seeks to end “bullying” of LGBTQ youth, the GSA Network advises its adult leaders to keep children’s involvement in the club confidential from parents, working with young people to push the use of pronouns and support trans, queer, nonbinary, and similar projects.

In the GSA handbook, Brelsford and fellow co-executive director Geoffrey Winder wrote:

We’re excited to share resources and tools that will support you – GSA club advisors – to create and sustain thriving GSAs in partnership with students, schools, and communities, as we move closer to our vision of trans and queer liberation.

Rufo wrote about how to manage school districts that allow staff to discuss sexuality with children, a system that can easily lead to grooming…

‘Family’ entertainment in red state features ‘Satan’ and ‘drag’ acts

Bob Unruh – June 8, 2022

What more could a family want for entertainment? Imagine an event that features Satan AND drag queens.

That’s what’s coming to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, for this weekend’s “family friendly” celebration of homosexuality, lesbianism, transgenderism and probably more.

The Idaho Tribune confirmed that the Satanic Temple will be participating, along with museums, restaurants, business and even churches at the coming “Community Village & Artisan Market.”

Specific groups taking part include Calvary Lutheran Church, Citizens’ Climate Lobby, Community United Methodist Church, Ecogoat Design, a library network, Museum of North Idaho, Pride Foundation, Reiki Healing Tent, Safari Pearl, St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Everytown for Gun Safety and the Satanic Temple Idaho.

But now the publication confirmed that multiple “drag performers” also will be there for children, who will be attending “at the direction of their parents.”

“At least one of the drag performers billed for the event has an Instagram account labeled ‘Adult Content” – the drag performer also has an Onlyfans account,” the publication confirmed.

That “performer,” teases online, “Let me take your breath away then let my art breathe it back into you!

As the details about the “Pride in the Park” celebration have been uncovered, there’s been a reaction, and at least one group now has gone silent on its plans.

It was a “Rowan Astra” that had been publicizing the coming event, and abruptly deleted its account.

‘The System Is Broken’: Amid CRT and Gender Wars, Expert Unveils 2 Most Disturbing Realities About Public Schools

Billy Hallowell – May 6, 2022

The battle over American education is at the forefront of political debates of late, with parents increasingly pushing back against gender ideology and critical race theory, among other contentious subject matter.

The shock, awe, and dismay surrounding public schools and education more generally are palpable enough to impact local and national elections alike. And with the 2022 midterm elections just months away, this reality is certainly not lost on politicians and strategists from both sides of the aisle.

So, what’s going on, and why does it matter?

Dr. Kathy Koch, a former teacher, a staff member with Summit Ministries, and the founder and president of Celebrate Kids, Inc., said two key issues most disturb her about the current state of education.

“What most concerns me — that’s a loaded question — is the liberal, powerful[ly] funded agenda that is frankly taking away control from the teacher and even from a building principal and even from a district administrator,” she said.

Koch added, “There are great people in our schools and I know, as a teacher, I wanted autonomy with my second graders, and then, when I was a university professor, I was the one educated to train and teach them and I wanted to have that power, if you will.”

The veteran educator said she’s disappointed to see people who have no idea what goes on throughout the education process boisterously make demands that negatively impact children.

Biden pushes for ‘gender-affirming care’ that mutilates bodies of children

Bob Unruh – March 31, 2022

Only a day after Fox News host Tucker Carlson revealed that the transgender movement across the U.S. is being pushed by those who profit from it – activists and lobbyists and some hospitals and pharmaceuticals, Joe Biden has revealed federal documents promoting surgeries that mutilate the healthy bodies of children and leave them sterile for life.

While promoters long have argued that “transitioning” from being male to female or vice versa is essential to that person’s mental health, the reality is that nearly 42% of transgenders admit to having attempted suicide.

Now Biden’s HHS Office of Population Affairs has posted online his promotion for those drastic chemical treatments and surgical procedures.Biden told those individuals suffering from gender dysphoria, a condition that vanishes for vast percentages of victims if they are left alone, “I have your back.”

Biden’s HHS document claims “gender-affirming” care includes “medical, surgical, mental health, and non-medical services.”

It’s important, HHS said, because it allows “children and adolescents” to “focus on social transitions…”

It alleges that such care provides “positive outcomes for transgender and nonbinary children and adolescents,” even though virtually all who move all the way through the procedures are sterile for life and “support” is required.

Parents warned they may soon need a ‘license’ to raise their own children

Bob Unruh – November 10, 2021

A senior contributor at the Federalist, Stella Morabito, has published a warning to parents that if leftists are not stopped in their agenda, moms and dads soon could need a “license” to raise their own children.

“Licensing of parents might still sound fringy, but it’s an old social engineering dream that dies hard. And they’re busily building the road to get there. Unless there is aggressive and sustained pushback, you can count on the idea invading the mainstream,” she explained.

“So parents can’t let down their guard. They hold the key to getting through this wild ride.”

In her warning, published at the organization’s website, she cited the factors that are at issue now: the racist critical race theory that teaches all whites are racist in schools, “extremist” sex education that includes pornography, “social and emotional learning” instruction to tell children how they should feel, COVID-19 masks and vaccine mandates and more.

“All of these directives hijack the role of parents as the emotional and moral guides of their children,” she said. “Parents ought to be asking: What next? If those trends are left unchecked, I think the answer could be the state licensing of parents.”

While it may sound extreme, she pointed out that “let’s not forget that critical race theory and transgenderism were once laughed off as fringy academic notions before they burst into newsrooms, then into classrooms and public libraries.”

She pointed to instructor Hugh LaFollette who outlined “Licensing Parents” in a 1980 article, which suggested biological parent should be vetted under the same requirements as adoptive parents, with psychological testing and more.

Key was his claim that parents should not be considered to have “natural dominion” over their children.

The Economic Collapse Hits Home: Feeding America Says 1 Out Of 4 U.S. Children Could Suffer From Hunger By The End Of 2020

 – December 2, 2020

There are approximately 74 million children in the United States, and right now millions upon millions of them do not have enough to eat.  The economic collapse that has started in 2020 has been brutal for most of the nation, but it has hit children particularly hard.  If their parents lose their jobs, there is nothing that they can do except hope that government handouts and the kindness of others will be enough.  Unfortunately, way too often they are not enough, and at this point Feeding America is projecting that one out of every four children in America could suffer from hunger by the end of this calendar year

By the end of this year, more than 50 million people could experience food insecurity, according to Feeding America, the country’s largest hunger-relief organization. That’s one in six Americans and one in four children—nearly a 50 percent increase from 2019. A Northwestern University study in June found that food needs had doubled nationally, and tripled for households with children. The pandemic has laid bare how many people are one paycheck or medical bill away from hunger.

Prior to the pandemic, more than 20 million children were at least getting free or reduced price lunches at school.  When lockdowns force the closing of schools, that just makes the hunger crisis even worse

“There are 22 million children who even before this pandemic relied upon free and reduced lunch,” said Claire Babineaux-Fontenot, the CEO of Feeding America. “When you hear that schools are closed, not only does that mean that there are challenges for children with an education, but it also means lost meals.”

The good news is that the U.S. has a vast network of food banks all over the country, and they have been able to help more people than ever this year.

According to Feeding America, their food banks have “seen a 60 percent increase in demand” compared to last year.

But the bad news is that there simply is not going to be enough food if demand continues to soar in the months ahead.

A new congressional report proves that the institutions of marriage and family are being systematically destroyed in America

– October 6, 2020

The numbers that I am about to share with you are extremely sobering, and they should be a massive wake up call for all of us.  Yesterday, I wrote an article about how our society is breaking down everywhere we look, and nowhere is this more evident than in our marriages and in our families.  But without strong marriages and strong families, no society can thrive for long.  Recently, the Social Capital Project of the Joint Economic Committee Republicans released a report entitled “The Demise of the Happy Two-Parent Home”, but you probably never heard about it until now because it was almost entirely ignored by the mainstream media.  I have never seen a congressional report document the collapse of marriage and family in American society to such an extent, and to be honest it is quite surprising to see such a quality piece of work come out of Washington.

I have selected nine of the most alarming quotes from the report and put them in bold below.  Following each quote from the report, I am going to share some of my own commentary…

#1 Overall, between 1962 and 2019, the percentage of women ages 15-44 who were married dropped from 71 percent to 42 percent (Figure 1).16 Furthermore, Figure 2 shows the percentage of women ages 30-34 who had never married increased from 7 percent in 1962 to 35 percent in 2019.17

Numbers for men are similar, but they were not included in the report.  We have never seen marriage rates collapse like this ever before, and most of the decline can be attributed to the fact that many young Americans simply do not see any reason to get married anymore.

These days, many would prefer to be free to run around having sex with whoever they want.  When they become dissatisfied with their current sexual partner, they just move on and find someone else.

#2 Today, around 45 percent of American children spend some time without a biological parent by late adolescence.3 That is up from around one-third of children born in the 1960s and one-fifth to one-quarter born in the 1950s.4 

Study after study has shown that children do better with two parents, and so the fact that nearly half of our children have been raised by just one parent for at least a portion of their lives is extremely alarming.