Clear signal to NATO: First Baltic Sea voyage for Russia’s most modern and dangerous Yasen-class submarine taking place right now!

Strange Sounds – July 22, 2022

The “Severodvinsk” sailed Danish waters Tuesday morning en route from the Kola Peninsula to St. Petersburg where the submarine will be on display at the Naval Parade.

With the “Severodvinsk”, the Kremlin has moved one of its most modern and dangerous submarines to the Baltic Sea. The 140 meter long ship belongs to the Russian Northern Fleet and has the most modern armament, including cruise missiles of the Kalibr type.

Moreover, in October 2021, the Yasen-class submarine has successfully test-fired a Tsirkon-type hypersonic missile for the first time in the Barents Sea.

It is currently unclear whether the sub is armed with the Tsirkon as it now sails into the Baltic Sea, the first-time voyage in the area for Russia’s 4th generation multi-purpose nuclear-powered submarines of the Yasen class.

The passage of the “Severodvinsk” through the Fehmarnbelt has been confirmed by the Danish Navy. It is escorted by two other vessels: the navy’s tug “Pamir” and landing ship “Ivan Gren.”

Apparently, it is supposed to take part in the “Day of the Navy” in St. Petersburg at the end of the month. As the”Kiel News”write, (trx).

Spokesperson of the Norwegian Joint Headquarters, Major Elisabeth Eikeland, did not comment on whether the submarine sailed submerged or surfaced along the coast of Norway. According to TASS it is the Russian submarine is moving in its surface position.

NATO Launches New Massive Exercise on Russia’s Doorstep

Tru-News – June 11, 2020

NATO is sending yet another provocative message to Russian President Vladimir Putin, sending an armada of warships, more than two dozen aircraft, and 3,000 personnel from 19 countries into the Baltic Sea for “drills.”

The 10-day BaltOps exercise will include participants from the U.S., UK, France, Germany, and the former Soviet satellite states of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. The annual drill, a relic of the Cold War dating back to the early-1970s, will be commanded remotely from NATO’s new Joint Operations Center in Lisbon, Portugal.

During the first phase of BaltOps, the various military units will learn how to work together. In the second phase, they will test their ability to “respond to threats” in coordination with one another. Typically, it also includes ground operations, but that phase has been eliminated due to risk of spreading COVID-19.

The exercises take place against the backdrop of President Donald Trump’s decision to remove 9,500 American soldiers from Germany. That move prompted a backlash from British politicians who say it will “play into Russia’s hands.”

It also comes as NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has suggested a pivot in the alliance’s mission. During a speech this week, he said the organization must focus on the threat posed by China “to our values and way of life.” He added that there needs to be a “more global approach” to dealing with Beijing:

“The rise of China is fundamentally shifting the global balance of power, heating up the race for economic and technological supremacy, multiplying the threats to open societies and individual freedoms and increasing the competition over our values and our way of life.

“We cannot ignore the consequences of the rise of China. China will soon have the biggest economy in the world, and they already have the second largest defense budget. They are investing heavily in new modern capabilities.”