Russia reports world’s first case of human infection with H5N8 bird flu

, – February 20, 2021

MOSCOW (Reuters) – Russia has registered the first case of a strain of bird flu virus named A(H5N8) being passed to humans from birds and has reported the matter to the World Health Organization (WHO), Anna Popova, head of consumer health watchdog Rospotrebnadzor, said on Saturday.

Outbreaks of the H5N8 strain have been reported in Russia, Europe, China, the Middle East and North Africa in recent months but so far only in poultry. Other strains – H5N1, H7N9 and H9N2 – have been known here) to spread to humans.

Russia reported the case of human infection to the WHO “several days ago, just as we became absolutely certain of our results,” Popova said on Rossiya 24 state TV. There was no sign yet of transmission between humans, she added.

Seven workers at a poultry plant in Russia’s south had been infected with the H5N8 strain in an outbreak at the plant in December, Popova said, adding that the individuals involved felt fine now. “This situation did not develop further,” she said.

In an email WHO’s European arm said it had been notified by Russia about a case of human infection with H5N8 and acknowledged this would if confirmed be the first time the strain had infected people.

BIRD OF PREY Mutant bird flu more infectious than Covid poses ‘high’ risk of transmission between humans, Russia warns

Will Stewart – March 12, 2021

Russia has warned today that mutating H5N8 Bird Flu has a high risk of human-to-human transmission.

The alert appears to contradict the low threat position of the World Health Organisation.

This comes almost a month after scientists detected the first case of H5N8 transmission to humans at a poultry farm in southern Russia.

The Kremlin’s health watchdog chief Anna Popova said there was “a rather high probability” of transmission between humans.

“It is likely to happen,” she told TASS.

“Colleagues say that the mutation is continuing very actively.”

But she said that scientists had spotted the threat “before a disaster happened”.

Popova spoke after a report from popular Russian newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda (KP) warning of the threat of a “second Wuhan – or even worse”.

Scientists at Russia’s Porton Down – Vector State Research Centre of Virology  and Biotechnology, once a Cold War biological warfare research plant in Siberia – are working on a vaccine, she said.