Canadian Father JAILED for Violating a Court Order to Use His Trans Child’s Preferred Pronouns

Stacey Lennox – March 18, 2021

Dr. Jordan Peterson rose to international prominence for opposing Bill C-16 in Canada in 2016. This legislation required Canadians to use an individual’s preferred pronouns amid the ever-growing list of gender identities. Dr. Peterson did not object out of “transphobia,” as many accused him of doing. Instead, he objected to the state passing a law that compelled speech, which was evident in his testimony and in every interview on the subject. He warned C-16 would be a slippery slope and result in punishment for speaking. Proponents of the bill told him that would never happen.

The bill passed into law on June 16, 2017. Dr. Jordan Peterson was vindicated when on March 16, 2021, at 10 a.m., Robert Hoogland surrendered himself to the court in response to a warrant issued for his arrest by the attorney general of British Columbia. His crime? Referring to his teen, a biological female, as “daughter,” referring to her with female pronouns, and refusing to affirm her medical transition to become a trans male. Peterson noted that this was inevitable:

Hoogland’s story, reported by the Post Millennial, is heartbreaking on many levels. He has consistently advocated for “watchful waiting” for his child. This approach means waiting until a child becomes an adult before he or she undergoes any permanent or irreversible treatment. In his interviews and court appearances, he notes that gender dysphoric children often desist as they mature. A compilation of studies shows that desistance happens frequently, although it is not predictable.

As Abigail Shrier has pointed out, watchful waiting is reasonable for young women. She explains that gender dysphoric women who wait until adulthood to undergo transgender alterations will present with a smaller stature, but the rest of the physical characteristics they seek to present as male, such as facial hair, will appear with later use of cross-sex hormones. She does note that taking cross-sex hormones is not without risk, and an adult is in a much better position to evaluate the risks and benefits.

President Biden Signs Transgender Executive Order

ETH – January 21, 2021

(OPINION) ETH – President Joe Biden has a pen and has signed a slew of executive orders in just 48 hours of being sworn into office. One of these executive orders that Biden just signed is an executive order mandating all educational institutions receiving federal funding to now permit biological males to join female sports teams, use ladies’ locker rooms, and restrooms, and be eligible for women’s scholarships.

The order has even triggered may into creating a now trending hashtag #BidenErasedWomen on Twitter. The executive order stated, “every person should be treated with respect and dignity and should be able to live without fear, no matter who they are or whom they love.”

It continued: “Children should be able to learn without worrying about whether they will be denied access to the restroom, the locker room, or school sports.” According to Faithwire, Several social media users, including journalist and author Abigail Shrier, wasn’t too happy with the order and wrote

“Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters,” which pointed out how inherently sexist the policy is. Shrier argued the order “unilaterally eviscerates women’s sports,” adding, “A new glass ceiling was just placed over girls.” However, One transgender activist, named Charlotte Clymer, tweeted “transphobes are claiming this attacks the rights of cis women,” meaning biological women. Clymer said that’s not the case and instead accused those concerned of invoking “tragic logic” and “sad bigotry.”