Push to Microchip Kids: It won’t Protect Kids & it will usher in Total Tyranny

Microchipping Kids will normalize this practice in a whole new Generation. Freedom will be a lost Concept

We know that fear and the practical reality that kids are at risk for trafficking is pushing parents to protect their kids even more. Will chipping kids be an answer to this?


I am going to argue that microchipping kids is not the answer to this problem. It will feel good, but it won’t provide the safety parents will be looking for and, in the end, it will usher in tyranny on a scale never before seen in human history.

The new movie “Sound of Freedom”, has served as an important vehicle for raising awareness about child sex trafficking and it is also causing people to want to microchip their children.

First, if you have not seen my article that reviews the movie Sound of Freedom and also gives you insight into the realities of child trafficking from my decade of work in this area, you can see it here: Review of the Movie “Sound of Freedom” and the true Reality of Child Sex Trafficking

That article is meant to be a first in a series that I will eventually do sharing my experiences over the years covering this topic.

I want you to know that my endorsement of the movie did not come lightly. Before I endorsed the movie, I had quite a few conversations with others who have also been covering child trafficking over the past decade. Those that understand deeply how NGOs and governments support the trade.

The conclusion I came to after deep soul searching is that this movie is a net positive and that I should support it. That decision so far has proven to be a good one; the movie is serving its purpose to shine light on this horrible issue. We should all support the movie and the exposure it is getting as much as possible.

But… I also learned that there are questionable figures attached to the movie and the Under Ground Railroad that is owned by Tim Ballard, the character in the film. It has been reported by independent media that even those involved in hunting down child traffickers and rescuing children are not fully on board with Tim Ballard or his organization (please note: I have not vetted these claims). But it does not mean there are not many people involved with the organization who are fully committed to saving children and ending this nightmare.


Basically, it’s likely there are good guys and bad guys all over this project. To be honest, it’s pretty much what I have learned about almost everything I cover. I wish this was not true, but it is. Its the way the world is today. The bad guys have managed to infiltrate just about everything. But that does not make everything bad. It means bad guys are involved in good things for reasons we may not understand yet.

So, what do we do? We stay on track. We keep going and supporting good causes while we keep an eye out for bad agendas and we refuse to be used when we see those agendas.

This brings me to microchipping kids. The sad reality is that chipping all of humanity is the goal of the globalist tyrants. They want to track and control every single thing that we do.

Because more people are waking up to the global agenda, the push back over micro chipping will be strong. The unfortunate part, is their strategy to get kids chipped will likely work within large parts of society. After all, the COVID shot worked en masse, this will likely too. Sigh… I don’t want to report that.

Make no mistake, chipping will not protect kids from their dirty grip, but it will serve as a powerful normalization tool to usher in worldwide chipping for all humans, unless we outsmart them somehow.

In doing my research for this article, I found a good pros and cons article on micro chipping. Read through the pros, that will be how they will sell it. The cons will get almost no media attention and will mostly be presented as conspiracy theory by nut jobs like yours truly.

But we all know what they hide most is where the true agendas lie. So, there is no shame in being called a “conspiracy theorist” these days. Some say its a badge of honor.

Read more at: sarahwestall.com