Parents warn of fierce reaction if COVID shots imposed on kids

Art Moore – November 4, 2021

With parents warning vaccine mandates for children will prompt a backlash exponentially bigger than the one over masks and racist Criticial Race Theory curricula, Republicans in Congress have introduced a bill to block the federal government from imposing such policies.

The legislation would prevent the federal government from withholding education funds on the basis of vaccination requirements, the Daily Caller reported.

“No Federal education funds may be withheld from an otherwise eligible recipient because such recipient does not require students or employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19,” the bill says.

The bill’s sponsor, Rep. Lance Gooden, R-Texas, told the Daily Caller the Biden administration’s “track record suggests it is only a matter of time before they mandate public schools require COVID vaccination.”

“I believe the decision to vaccinate a child should be made by the parents, not the government, and my legislation would ensure the government does not take that choice away,” Gooden said.