Now Americans are signing petition to jail ‘anti-vaxxers’

Bob Unruh – August 5, 2021

Man-in-the-street interview activist Mark Dice has released a video showing many, many Americans willingly signing a petition to have those who have not taken the experimental COVID vaccines arrested and jailed.

Several exclaimed “Yes” when Dice droned on about how “we don’t need those people walking among us,” and “we’ll have to decide for them what’s best.”

There were several who accused Dice of being a socialist for advocating such extreme government intervention in individual lives, and one astute passer-by took Dice out with “This is a joke.”

This person noted that those who signed? “They’re all idiots.”

The Gateway Pundit was among the sites posting the video online.

There, Dice was described as a “heavily censored YouTube creator.”

“This time, even he seemed shocked at the responses he received,” the report commented. “In his most recent social experiment, he hit the streets of California to find out how many people would support forcing their fellow Americans to get the jab under the threat of jail time.”

His petition was titled “Arrest Non-Vaxers,” and many simply signed without even reading.

The comments pointed out the video reveals Dice making “more and more ridiculous statements in an attempt to see where the vaxtivists would draw the line on trampling other people’s freedoms.”

He tells one signer, “We can put them into jail to make them think about why it is they are refusing.” The woman happily signs, with “Well that’s what I think should happen.”