New Cold War Tensions Building Between U.S., China

TruNews – June 3, 2020

It’s difficult to know how much longer the “good friendship” between presidents Donald Trump and Xi Jinping can endure the growing tensions between the U.S. and China, especially after the latest development.

Today, the Chinese Communist Party’s mouthpiece Global Times published an editorial that blasted the U.S., and President Trump in particular, for the violent riots that have erupted across the country:

“As more and more netizens question ‘whether this is how U.S. President Donald Trump makes America great again,’ observers see a weak, irresponsible, and incompetent leadership navigating the country into a completely opposition direction, with all-out efforts to deflect public attention from its own failure. The protests exposed long-standing issues in the U.S., including racial inequality, discrimination, and a polarized society, which have been amplified under the Trump administration.”

The article goes on to claim American politicians have been blaming China for “inflaming the social unrests (sic).” To date, no U.S. politician has made that claim.

Global Times editor-in-chief Hu Xijin personally took things even further Tuesday when he wrote in a separate article:

“When riot breaks out in the U.S., they want to use all means necessary, and cannot stand the loss of order for even one more day. What they are facing are merely unorganized protesters. If this was organized subversion, what would they do? Will they drop an atomic bomb?”