Microchip implants continue to pick up steam in the name of “convenience”

End Time Headlines – February 26, 2020

OPINION (ETH) – As I have previously reported, Microchip implants have been woven into the very fabric of society through keeping track of pets for some time, but now people are getting them inserted in hopes of improving their lives. Society is quickly embracing microchip implants to unlock doors, log into cell phones and even make payments without the hassle of cash or credit cards. Two recent examples of this were from the Wall Street Journal who recently reported on how typical ID badges are now beginning to be replaced by biometric identification systems, microchip implants, and tools that monitor workers’ gaits or typing habits.

NBC News reported that microchipping of children will happen “sooner rather than later” and that Americans will eventually accept the process as something just as normal as the barcode. I have harped on this for years and have stated over and over again that a generation is coming that will willfully embrace the coming Mark of the Beast System of buying, selling and trading in the name of convenience and the cultural norm.

The latest, report out of San Antonio, introduces us to Dale Bracey and Drue Placette who are reportedly co-founders of prototyping facility “CANopener Labs”, who use laser cutters, 3D printers, and has two dogs named Torq and Chewy. Bracey and Placette take ideas of their clients and make them a reality!

The couple has reportedly injected into themselves with a rice grain-sized microchip under their skin using a hollow fourteen-gauge needle. The chips are bought from a company named “Dangerous Things”. Apparently, Bracey has one inserted in his elbow. while Placette has seven in his hands. The implanted chips are used to open doors, start cars, and to pay electronically via Apple or Google Pay and store data. The couple claims that the chips are not easy to hack and act as a “key” of sorts.
