Leftist group wants to rid world of ‘excess’ children

Christine Favocci – June 18, 2021

There’s no shortage of proof that our culture is in decline. But when people have to ask what babies are good for, it’s surely the death knell of a once great society.

Last weekend, left-wing protestors from a group called “Stop Having Kids” showed up in Edina, Minnesota, to get their message out, according to Alpha News.

Protesters held signs with messages like “Normalize antinatalism” and “Women can be whole without becoming a mom.”

The group’s website is replete with warnings about the misery of parenting and encomiums on the nobility of choosing not to bring life into the world.”There is an unconscionable amount of needless suffering and death in the world. Birth serves as the catalyst for it all,” the site proclaims. The fewer people in the world, the less suffering, right?

The group’s Twitter account — which boasted all of 85 followers as of Friday — gives advice on how to rid the world of excess children.


It also fleshes out the group’s nihilistic worldview.

“Think about all the problems you have in your life right now, all the problems you’ve been through in the past, and all the potential problems that await your future,” a March tweet urged.

“They could have all been avoided had you just never been born. But life is a gift? No, not at all.”

At first glance, this seems like an over-the-top parody of the modern era.

But dig just a little deeper, and you’ll find that this fringe group reveals a chilling truth: “Antinatalism” is the logical conclusion of our culture of death.
