G7 Summit Group Wants to Expand Killing Babies in Abortions Worldwide

Marie Smith – Jun 11, 2021

The Group of Seven (G7) Summit is taking place in the UK from June 11-13 under the presidency of UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson with an aim to “build back better from coronavirus, uniting to make the future fairer, greener and more prosperous.”  Last year’s G7 Summit under the presidency of President Donald Trump was postponed indefinitely due to the pandemic.

One of six official G7 engagement groups is Women 7 (W7) which is described as bringing together “women’s rights advocacy groups from the G7 countries and around the world committed to women and girls’ rights.”  Its objective is “to ensure that G7 leaders adopt concrete commitments that lead to a tangible, lasting and transformative impact on women and girls’ lives in 2021 and beyond”. The “transformative impact on women and girls’ lives” the pro-abortion activists of the W7 seek will be deadly for unborn children during a global crisis that has already ended nearly 3.8 million lives.

The W7 resorted to the use of bullying in its call for the G7 members — Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States— to threaten countries with “isolation from the G7” if any dares to enact pro-life foreign policies like President Trump’s Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance Policy, previously known as the Mexico City Policy, which prevented U.S. taxpayer dollars from going to international NGOs that perform or promote abortion on demand.

The W7 communique—Making gender equality a reality, Recommendations to the G7— calls on the G7 to “Agree that future reinstatement of restrictive policies, like the Mexico City Policy, will result in consequences, such as isolation from the G7.”

It wants the G7 to establish a trust fund for abortion access in order to ensure “sustained financial support in the face of any future restrictive policies”—meaning to counter the actions of any future G7 leader who values the lives of unborn children and refuses to enable their demise. Additional funding is also sought for pro-abortion organizations as is the integration of abortion in other programs such as domestic violence hotlines.
