Feminist Calls Killing Babies in Abortions a “Sacred Ritual”

Alexa Moutevelis – Sep 10, 2021

Salon’s resident rabid pro-abortion extremist Amanda Marcotte is perhaps outdoing her usual psychotic self in her freak out over Texas protecting the lives of unborn babies. How unhinged has the radical feminazi gotten? She’s taken to embracing Satanists.

Yep, her article from Tuesday is actually titled, “The Satanists are right: Texas’ abortion ban is a direct attack on freedom of religion.” You know you’ve lost the argument and are going off the deep end when you begin with the phrase “The Satanists are right…”

She asserts the Satanic Temple “does not literally worship Satan,” but they do sue states to force them to display Satanic imagery along with Christian ones and claim “abortion is one of their sacred rituals, making the ban a major imposition on their free expression of religion.” It’s hard to get more devil-worshiping than child sacrifice. They’re actually saying the quiet part out loud.

The reason Marcotte loves the Satanic Temple so much, besides their mutual interest in shedding the blood of the innocents, is because she thinks their trolling legal maneuvers highlight her crazy conspiracy theory that “The anti-choice movement is just one part of a larger effort by Christian fundamentalists to covertly turn the U.S. into a more theocratic state.”

Yes, she seriously thinks this: “Conservatives go to great lengths to hide how much being anti-abortion is about forcing all Americans to live by the religious tenets of the white evangelical minority.”

One way we supposedly do this is by lying about science. She ludicrously writes that science hasn’t advanced in the last 50 years, arguing, “In 1973, scientists understood perfectly well how embryonic development worked and that understanding hasn’t meaningfully changed since then.” Then claims:

Indeed, the pretense for banning abortions so early — the “fetal heartbeat” — is also a lie. As actual medical scientists and doctors told NPR, there is neither a fetus nor a heart that early in pregnancy, but more “a grouping of cells that are initiating some electrical activity” that GOP legislators misleading call a “heartbeat.”

Oh, yeah, it’s 2021 GOP legislators in Texas who suddenly came up with the idea of detecting an unborn baby’s heartbeat at 6 weeks; it’s not language that all doctors use with their expectant patients and that every pregnancy-related book or website has featured as a factoid for decades.
