Christian Ministry Sides With Secular Culture, Expressing ‘Sadness’ Over Pro-Lifers, Not Abortion

As a believer in Jesus Christ, which “saddens” you more: considering the millions of lives lost to abortion or having a display humanizing the unborn set up outside your church? Well, if you’re confused (for good reason!) why that’s even a question, let me share a recent news story from the UK with you.

According to the report from a UK newspaper, a pro-life group called Brephos (named for the Greek word for baby or infant used in the New Testament) set up a large pro-life display in the center of Keswick, a town in England. This display featured a high-quality image of a nine-week baby in the womb, and volunteers stood by with literature, ready to answer questions and engage with those passing by (they also had body cams to record their encounters). This display upset people in the city, who apparently called city officials and the police to complain.

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