Christ Statue Beheaded, Churches Torched, Vandalized with Satanic Symbols Across US and the World

Steve Warren – July 21,2020

As the “cancel culture” crowd continues to rampage across the US and around the world, tearing down statues of historical figures, they have now apparently targeted statues depicting Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary as well as burning church buildings and vandalizing places of worship with Satanic symbols.

In recent days, several Catholic churches have been vandalized by unknown perpetrators who left behind no motivation for the attacks.

The pastor of St. Joseph’s Church in New Haven, Conn., found a satanic pentagram and an anarchist symbol painted in pink paint on the front doors of the church building, according to the New Haven Register.

Archdiocese of Hartford officials posted news of the vandalism on their Facebook page, writing, “This follows an apparent trend of desecrating Catholic spaces throughout the nation, as evidenced by incidents in Chattanooga, Queens, Boston, Sacramento, and Ocala. The underlying motive of these sacrilegious attacks is clear: to intimidate and instill fear in the hearts of those who worship Christ.”

“Therefore, we remain unafraid and resolute in our faith, and we will pray for a conversion of the hearts of those who wish to terrorize us,” it said.

“Today, even in the midst of anti-Christian sentiment and actions, however, we do not answer hate with hate,” it said. “To the contrary, these attacks make our love and unity stronger, and our prayers ever more steadfast.”