Environmental Worship: Apple Commerical Promotes Sacrifices To ‘Mother Earth’ goddess

Everyone worships something… that is just how God made us. But in a world that is corrupted by sin and in constant rebellion to its Creator, that worship gets distorted and twisted in ways that dishonor God. We can understand how that would happen in a jungle tribe where there is no direct access to what God has revealed about the right way to offer worship, but what about in America today? There is access to the Bible on everyone’s phone or laptop, and the instructions are clear.

But That’s the Problem

Many people claim that the problem is just that—the God of the Bible is much too demanding. He expects people to only worship him, follow a list of rules, act a certain way, hang out with certain people, and avoid certain people. So many expectations and such harsh judgment! They would prefer a loving god who accepts them for who they are and validates their choices. If they could find that god, they would probably worship him . . . or her.

The Apostle Paul outlines this type of thinking in Romans 1, describing a recognition of a powerful and divine being who is rejected and replaced with idols preferred by the individual. These idols put up with and even seem to condone and celebrate the immoral acts that the Creator rejected, so the people’s slide into sinful, shameful acts continues until their hearts are so darkened and hardened that God gives them over to their passions.

A Shocking Twist

So I was surprised when I saw a recent commercial from Apple. The immediate tone is that someone very important is coming to HQ, and everyone is anxious to perform at their best. Evidence of “sins” is being hidden, and bargains are being struck around the table. Thunder rolls as the earth shudders and the breeze flutters, carrying this powerful being who suddenly appears at the head of the table. Mother Nature and her assistant have arrived with her royal announcement, “I hope we didn’t keep you waiting,” as a young lady gasps in awe.

The CEO asks how the weather was (how cliché) and she responds, thunder rolling and sun blocked by clouds, “The weather was however I wanted it to be.” She immediately begins chiding them about their promise to get to a “zero carbon footprint” and wants to know how they are doing. They report on their progress and how they will be eliminating plastics in packaging by the end of next year. And using all recycled aluminum. And getting rid of leather. But Momma steps in to give the poor guy at the table wearing a leather jacket the bad news that he should be phased out. So, would it be better for him to be dead than the cow he is wearing? Her face says it all: humans are worth less than cows.

Next, they move to how all of the clean electricity their stores and offices run on. And where, she asks, does all of this clean electricity come from? “Thanks to you and your powerful wind and sun.” Then she gets both upset and smug when he starts to explain their “carbon neutral protocol,” scolding him for assuming she doesn’t already know. (But why is she there if she already knows?)

Another lady talks of their penance in planting entire forests and grasslands with the goal of permanently removing carbon from the atmosphere. (But wouldn’t that kill all the plants and algae? Mother Nature seems to miss that part.) Then the water offering of 63 billion gallons is presented, and the goddess finally seems to be pleased.

She is then presented with another token: the first carbon-neutral product line. But she still wants them to do more. So the CEO continues to promise more “good works” to appease his goddess: all products will have zero climate impact by 2030. Her response, “They’d better!” After setting the appointment for next year, she leaves the room and we hear, “Don’t disappoint your mother!” Everyone relaxes because she thought they did OK.

So the sacrifices must continue—that is, the “blood” must continue to be spilled. But that is not how the God of the Bible treats his creatures. Although we rebelled against him, he was willing to take on flesh and bear the penalty for our sins in his own body so that the temporary payment of goats and calves would be ultimately satisfied in the sacrificial death of the perfect Lamb of God (Romans 5:6–8Hebrews 9:11–15).

The Gaia Cult

While people claim they don’t want to worship a god with so many demands, that is exactly what they are doing, and this video reveals the heart of the matter. The ancient goddess Gaia is the embodiment of the earth (Terra being the Roman equivalent) who brought forth Uranus and then the Titans and others through various means. While there was not a strong and devoted form of this throughout history, the veneration of a mother goddess connected to the earth is present in many cultures. And that idea persists today, especially in the neo-pagan ideas of Western culture seeking to save the planet from the scourge of man-made climate change. Placards at Earth Day marches and various environmental causes make a plea to “Love Your Mother,” and those who have sought to revive forms of goddess worship from European paganism continue that type of worship. The modern green movement has adopted Mother Earth as their goddess, and her sacraments and offerings are clear in their worship.

Read more at: harbingersdaily.com

‘Ecosexual’ Woman Claims She Is in an ‘Erotic’ Relationship with a Tree

A woman who describes herself as “ecosexual” believes she is in the midst of a love affair with an oak tree.

The woman, Sonja Semyonova, 45, claims she connected with the tree during her lonely, solo walks in the summer of 2021. Those walks began in 2020, during the coronavirus pandemic. It was the same year that she moved to Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada.

“I was walking a path near the tree five days a week for the whole winter. I noticed a connection with the tree,” she said, explaining that she had been “craving that rush of erotic energy that comes when you meet a new partner, and that is not sustainable.”

“The presence I feel with the tree is what I’m looking for, but that’s a fantasy with a person,” she said, further describing her experience with the tree.

“The feeling of being tiny and supported by something so solid. The feeling of not being able to fall,” she said, further describing her “erotic” experiences with this tree, although she said she does not have physical relations with the oak.

“I would lie against it. There was an eroticism with something so big and so old holding my back,” she continued, asserting that there are major misconceptions about ecosexuality, which the environmental group the Sierra Club describes as “unabashedly queer.”

The website Here Come the Ecosexuals! defines ecosexuality, in part, as “a person that finds nature romantic, sensual, and sexy.”

Semyonova believes that ecosexuality is simply a “different way to explore the erotic.” For example, she said watching the seasons change is an “erotic act” to her.

“You go from death in winter, and then everything comes alive in spring and mates,” she said, adding, “There are similarities between sex with people and the eroticism ecosexuals feel with nature, but they’re not the same.”

Further, Semyonova suggested that many people are simply repressed ecosexuals, but if they had the realization, many so-called climate issues would be easier to solve. She used outdoor picnics and hikes as evidence that some people are ecosexual. It remains unclear how simply enjoying God’s creation — whether having a family picnic near a stream or gardening in one’s yard — equates to having romantic or erotic feelings towards trees.

Read more at: breitbart.com

The Left Just Can’t Leave Chick-fil-A Alone

What is about Chick-fil-A that absolutely drives so many on the Left to push for its destruction via periodic spasms of boycotts (that typically fail) or imposing abusive government regulations like that proposed by New York State Assemblyman Tony Simone?

Simone is a freshman member of the Empire State’s legislature, representing a district that encompasses “Chelsea, Hell’s Kitchen, Midtown and part of the Lincoln Center area in Manhattan,” according to his official website.

For whatever reason, Simone became deeply concerned about the fact that some Sunday travelers on the New York Thruway (NYTW) might not be able to get their lunch or dinner at one of the Chick-fil-As operating Monday through Saturday at six state-managed rest stops.

“It’s Sunday, Christmas Eve … thousands of New Yorkers are traveling to their families to find restaurants at rest areas across the state. The Thruways are meant to serve New York travelers first. I think it’s ridiculous that you’re able to close on Sunday, one of the busiest travel days of the week,” Simone told a local New York media outlet.

“You know, we get hungry when we’re traveling. We may not like our brother-in-law or sister-in-law’s cooking and wanna get a snack on Christmas Eve,” the Democrat Assemblyman noted. “To find one of the restaurants closed on the Thruway is just not in the public good.”

So Simone’s bill commands Chick-fil-A to violate its own well-known practice of not opening its stores on Sundays so that employees are free to worship or not, as they choose, to spend time with their families, and get some well-deserved rest.

As it happens, there are 27 service stops on the NYTW and there are hot meals available from multiple outlets at many of them on Sundays, including Burger King, Panera, Dunkin’ Donuts, and many more. So suffocating the First Amendment religious freedom of hundreds of Chick-fil-A employees would not provide a critically needed service that is not already abundantly available.

Read more at: pjmedia.com

Children’s bones failing to develop, adult bones deteriorating due to “forever chemicals”

New research out of Southern California has found that persistent exposure to “forever chemicals” like perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) increases one’s risk of bone deterioration.

In young children, PFOS exposure can impede healthy bone development. In adults, PFOS exposure can degrade bone structure over time, eventually leading to more serious bone problems like osteoporosis.

Published on December 6 in the journal Environmental Researchthe study was uniquely structured in that it tracked associations between bone density and blood serum levels of per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), which include PFOS.

“Existing research had established associations between PFAS and bone health, but previous studies, most of them only collected information at one time point from participants,” commented Emily Beglarian, a PhD student at the University of Southern California‘s (USC) Keck School of Medicine and lead author of the study.

“Additionally, many existing studies were focused on non-Hispanic, white participants and many focused on older adults.”

According to Beglarian, Hispanics are often not included in this kind of research on bone health, even though they, too, have a high risk of developing osteoporosis as adults.

(Related: Another concern worth paying attention to involves mRNA-contaminated meat – make sure your food is clean and mRNA-free!)

Up until now, very little research has been done period on forever chemicals and their impact on human health. Beglarian further commented that evaluating the safety of forever chemicals in conjunction with bone development and health is “a pretty new area of study.”

For her team’s research, Beglarian looked at data on a cohort of children aged eight through 13 who were recruited between 2001 and 2012. For about a year and a half, these children received follow-up appointments to keep tabs on their bone health in relation to their forever chemical exposure.

Over time, Beglarian et al. calculated the participants’ bone density in conjunction with measurements of five common PFAS chemicals. A young adult group was recruited later on after more PFAS regulations were put in place, resulting in this group having lower overall blood serum levels of PFAS.

Even with less PFAS inside their bodies, the young adults group still showed concerning signs of bone problems, said Jesse Goodrich, an assistant professor of population and public health sciences at the Keck School of Medicine. Goodrich is also one of the new study’s lead authors.

“Even though we saw lower levels in the young adults that were measured more recently, we still saw very similar results, very consistent results between the two cohorts,” Goodrich commented.

“Even though there are some regulations that are lowering [PFAS] levels, we really need larger policies to fully eradicate these, if possible.”

The next step for the team involves investigating whether the associations observed between bone problems and forever chemicals remain consistent over a person’s lifetime. They also want to determine how PFAS work at the cellular level to reduce bone mineral density.

“Some of the PFAS that we were exposed to then are different than what we’re exposed to now because there are emerging PFAS that are becoming more common,” Beglarian added, noting that she and her team also hope to determine the effects of newer types of PFAS that did not exist when the initial cohort was compiled.

Read more at: naturalnews.com

Man Charged For Beheading Satanic Display In Iowa State Capitol

He has been charged with 4th-degree criminal mischief.

The man who destroyed a Satanic holiday display in the Iowa State Capitol on Thursday has been arrested and charged, police said.

Michael Cassidy, 35, was arrested after allegedly beheading a Baphomet statue put up last week by the Satanic Temple of Iowa, the Iowa State Police confirmed to Fox News.

He has been charged with 4th-degree criminal mischief.

Cassidy, a former Navy pilot who now works as a flight instructor and was previously a Mississippi congressional candidate, explained to The Republic Sentinel why he decided to destroy the Satanic display.

“I saw this blasphemous statue and was outraged,” Cassidy told the outlet. “My conscience is held captive to the word of God, not to bureaucratic decree. And so I acted.”

“The world may tell Christians to submissively accept the legitimization of Satan, but none of the founders would have considered government sanction of Satanic altars inside Capitol buildings as protected by the First Amendment,” Cassidy added. “Anti-Christian values have steadily been mainstreamed more and more in recent decades, and Christians have largely acted like the proverbial frog in the boiling pot of water.”

After being charged, Cassidy posted a Bible verse to social media on Thursday evening.

“1 Peter 5:8 KJV Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour,” Cassidy posted on X.

The Satanic Temple of Iowa said in a Facebook post that the statue was “destroyed beyond repair” but that they will continue their holiday display for the next few days.

“We ask that for safety, visitors travel together and use the 7 Tenets as a reminder for empathy, in the knowledge that justice is being pursued the correct way, through legal means,” the group wrote. “Happy Holidays! Hail Satan!”

The Satanic Temple of Iowa said it obtained permission from the state for the display, which was reportedly set up near displays of the Nativity on the first floor of the Iowa Capitol. The display showed the idol Baphomet holding a pentacle surrounded by candles.

Governor Kim Reynolds (R-IA) encouraged residents to counter the “objectionable” display with more speech.

“Like many Iowans, I find the Satanic Temple’s display in the Capitol absolutely objectionable. In a free society, the best response to objectionable speech is more speech, and I encourage all those of faith to join me today in praying over the Capitol and recognizing the nativity scene that will be on display – the true reason for the season,” Reynolds said Tuesday in a statement.

Read more at: dailywire.com

5 Virginia elementary students ingest fentanyl-laced gummy bears, require medical attention

Central Elementary School student brought gummy bears from their home, district says

Five elementary school students have received medical attention in Virginia after ingesting fentanyl-laced gummy bears, something that one of the children brought from their home, officials say.

The incident happened Tuesday at Central Elementary School in Amherst, a town north of Lynchburg.

The Amherst County Sheriff’s Office said seven students in total “experienced a reaction to ingesting gummy bears at school.”

The candies later were examined by law enforcement and “tested positive for fentanyl.”

“Of the seven students, five needed medical attention. Two of the students were transported by EMS and three of the students were transported by their parents,” the sheriff’s office added, noting that an investigation of the incident is ongoing.

Amherst County Public Schools said in a statement that the affected students “experienced an allergic reaction” and emergency services were notified immediately.

The district said it confirmed that the bag of gummy bears “was brought from home by a student.

“We will work with the Sheriff’s Office as they continue their investigation,” it added. “The families of the students have been notified of the results.”

Read more at: foxnews.com

Rantz: Seattle student failed quiz for saying men can’t get pregnant

An activist history teacher failed a Seattle student on a quiz for saying only women can get pregnant and that only men have penises.

A 10th grade Ethnic Studies World History teacher at Chief Sealth International High School in Seattle gave students a quiz titled, “Understanding Gender vs. Sex.” The quiz provided a series of statements to label true or false, or questions with multiple choices.

Many of the questions focused on personal pronoun use (When someone uses ‘they/them’ pronouns, what does that mean about their gender identity?”) or assumptions one may make around gender identity (“True/false: Transgender people are gay”). Two questions, however, are objectively false, but students are taught the opposite.

Question 4 was a true or false question with the statement, “All men have penises.” The student labeled the statement “true” since it is, in fact, true. But the teacher penalized the answer, marking it incorrect. The teacher claims women can have a penis.

Similarly, Question 7 was a true or false question with the statement, “Only women can get pregnant.” Again, the student marked the statement “true” because only women can get pregnant. Again, the teacher penalized the student, insisting the answer is false. The teacher believes men can get pregnant.

Student’s mom is concerned

The student’s mother wrote to the Jason Rantz Show on KTTH expressing “frustration and anger.” She says she expressed concerns to the school, but was “met with silence.”

“I keep trying to wrap my head around how it is legal to teach inaccurate information and force students to answer against their beliefs or receive negative scores,” she said to the Jason Rantz Show on KTTH. She asked for anonymity for fear her son would face retribution.

The mom told the Jason Rantz Show on KTTH that she worries about the school routinely allowing teachers to bring political beliefs into the classroom. The gender identity issue is just one example. She also said her child, who is white, routinely faces scrutiny for his skin color and so-called privilege.

She said various teachers have called her son, “f****d and racist,” a “product of the patriarchy that teaches young boys not to care about anything,” and that “he shouldn’t use the term straight to identify as because its offensive.”

District defends politically motivated quiz

Seattle Public Schools, through a spokesperson, defended the quiz as “inclusive,” arguing it was appropriate for an Ethnic Studies course.

“Seattle Public Schools is dedicated to establishing inclusive environments that allow exploration of contemporary issues, specifically examining the impacts of power systems such as racism and patriarchy,” the spokesperson said to the Jason Rantz Show on KTTH. “This commitment extends to fostering welcoming and inclusive settings where students, staff, and families have the freedom to express their authentic selves.”

The spokesperson said the quiz was in line with state and local guidelines covering such topics. But it’s not clear how this unscientific lesson around gender identity was connected to world history.

Read more at: mynorthwest.com

‘Unprecedented’ 337% surge in antisemitic incidents in U.S. – report

Anti-Defamation League reports over 2,000 incidents across the United States since October 7

An advocacy group Anti-Defamation League (ADL) on Tuesday published a report indicating “unprecedented” increase in antisemitic incidents across the United States since the start of Israel’s war against Hamas. The ADL counted 2,031 antisemitic incidents that occurred between October 7 and December 7.

“This includes 40 incidents of physical assault, 337 incidents of vandalism, 749 incidents of verbal or written harassment and 905 rallies including antisemitic rhetoric, expressions of support for terrorism against the state of Israel and/or anti-Zionism,” read the report.

According to the ADL’s calculations, on average, Jews in America “experienced nearly 34 antisemitic incidents per day.”

The ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt stated: “The lid to the sewers is off, and Jewish communities all across the country are being inundated with hate.”

He added that “public officials and college leaders must turn down the temperature and take clear action to show this behavior is unacceptable to prevent more violence,” referencing the antisemitic controversy that has been taking place at the American universities.

The ADL says it recorded a total of 400 antisemitic incidents at university campuses, compared to 33 incidents during the same period last year.

Read more at: i24news.tv

Now scientists say BREATHING is bad for the environment: Gases we exhale contribute to 0.1% of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions

Whether it’s eating less meat or cycling instead of driving, humans can do many things to help prevent climate change.

Unfortunately, breathing less isn’t one of them.

That might be a problem, as a new study claims the gases in air exhaled from human lungs is fueling global warming.

Methane and nitrous oxide in the air we exhale makes up to 0.1 per cent of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions, scientists say.

And that’s not even accounting for the gas we release from burps and farts, or emissions that come from our skin without us noticing.

The new study was led by Dr Nicholas Cowan, an atmospheric physicist at the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology in Edinburgh.

‘Exhaled human breath can contain small, elevated concentrations of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), both of which contribute to global warming,’ Dr Cowan and colleagues say.

‘We would urge caution in the assumption that emissions from humans are negligible.’

As most of us remember from science classes at school, humans breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide.

When we inhale, air enters the lungs, and oxygen from that air moves to the blood, while carbon dioxide (CO2), a waste gas, moves from the blood to the lungs and is breathed out.

With plants, it is the other way round; plants use CO2 to create oxygen as a by-product (the process known as photosynthesis).

Read more at: dailymail.co.uk

Iran warns of ‘explosion’ in the Middle East if war in Gaza continues

Iran’s foreign minister has warned that the war in Gaza could lead to a “big explosion” of conflicts in the Middle East, with Lebanon and Yemen already “involved” and more countries poised to join.

“At least every week, we receive a message from the U.S. telling us that U.S. bases in Syria and Iraq are targeted by some groups,” Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian told the Doha Forum on Monday.

“At any moment, there is a possibility of a big explosion in the region, one not controllable by any party,” he explained via translator. The ominous warning follows the U.S. veto of a United Nations Security Council resolution to seek an immediate cease-fire.

U.S. Deputy Permanent Representative Robert A. Wood called the demand for an unconditional cease-fire “dangerous” and “a recipe for disaster for Israel, for Palestinians and for the entire region.”

The U.K. abstained from voting. U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres had issued a letter to the Security Council in a rare use of Article 99 of the organization’s charter over concerns of “a collapse of the humanitarian system” in Gaza as Israel continues “intense” fighting in the territory.

Read more at: endtimesheadlines.org