Have You Heard About The “Ring Of Fire” Rosh Hashanah Eclipse That Is Coming In October?

Why do solar eclipses keep falling on such noteworthy dates?  In 2024, there will be a total of just 2 solar eclipses.  The first happened on April 8th, 2024.  That was known as the “Great American Eclipse of 2024”, and it occurred just after the sun had gone down in Israel and the first day of the first month on the Hebrew calendar had begun.  The second solar eclipse of 2024 will take place on October 2nd.  When it occurs, the sun will have just gone down in Israel and the festival of Rosh Hashanah will have just started.

Read more at: themostimportantnews.com

German army activates air-defence system, citing Russia threat

Chancellor Olaf Scholz said the surface-to-air system was part of a build-up of German and European defences launched after Russian President Vladimir Putin launched the Ukraine invasion in 2022.

“Russia has been massively rearming for many years, especially in the field of rockets and cruise missiles,” Scholz said at the inauguration ceremony at a base in Todendorf near the northern city of Hamburg.

Putin had broken disarmament treaties and “deployed missiles as far as Kaliningrad”, a Russian exclave located some 530 kilometres (330 miles) from Berlin, he added.

Read more at: france24.com

United Methodist Church’s New LGBTQ Heritage Center Reveals a Denomination That’s Too Far Gone

It’s barely been four months since the United Methodist Church (UMC) voted to lift its longstanding ban on “self-avowed practicing homosexuals” serving as clergy. This major step of caving to the whims of culture over the timeless truth of scripture came after half a decade of debate on the issue, which sharply divided the denomination.

Read more at: pjmedia.com

The Current Muslim Conquest of Europe and the Role of Ribat

Muslims are apparently taking over parts of the United Kingdom.

According to an August 22 report, “Mobs of armed Muslims, many waving Palestinian flags, took over swathes of Birmingham, England’s second city, on Monday, and pursued journalists from the areas under their control ‘for miles.’” One reporter on the ground, Fraser Knight, said he was “chased out of an area of east Birmingham by groups of Asian men”:

Read more at: stream.org

Death Of The Consumer Economy: Over A Third Of U.S. Adults Now Struggle To Pay For Their Most Basic Expenses

When U.S. consumers are doing well, the U.S. economy does well.  But of course the opposite is also true.  When U.S. consumers are not doing well, the U.S. economy really suffers.  The government has been trying really hard to put a happy face on things, but the truth is that the standard of living for most U.S. consumers has been going down for a long time.  The cost of living has been rising faster than paychecks have, and so most of us have less discretionary income than we once did.  And that is really bad news for the U.S. economy, because as the official White House website has pointed out, consumer spending typically accounts for about two-thirds of all economic activity…

Read more at: themostimportantnews.com

Palestinians caught trying to infiltrate Jerusalem disguised as Jews

Five Palestinians were detained earlier this week attempting to illegally enter Jerusalem from the Judean Desert disguised as Jewish commuters, the Israel Police said on Wednesday.

The driver of the suspects’ vehicle, which had a yellow ribbon on its mirror to signify solidarity with the hostages taken by Hamas on Oct. 7, and an air freshener with an Israeli flag, was stopped for inspection by Border Police officers at the az-Za’ayyem crossing near Ma’ale Adumim.

Read more at: israeltoday.co.il

In-Depth: Gov’t Schools Vs. Christianity — Shaping The ‘Spirituality’ Of Children Against Biblical Views

Government indoctrination masquerading as “education” has deliberately waged war on biblical religion, and the fruit is devastating America and its children by turning them away from God and Truth.

From chanting to the Aztec deities of cannibalism and human sacrifice in California to forcing children to denounce their “Christian privilege” in front of the class in North Carolina, government schools across America have become hotbeds of anti-Christian extremism. Highly controversial religious views and rituals from Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, humanism, and even human-sacrificing paganism are now ubiquitous. Christianity, meanwhile, when it is mentioned at all, is denigrated and mocked. Welcome to America’s 21st century public schools, where a full-on war against Christianity is the order of the day.

Read more at: harbingersdaily.com

Philippines Is ‘Next Ukraine’: China Escalating in South China Sea

On August 23, China’s foreign ministry said that the country had taken “countermeasures” against two Philippine military aircraft near Subi Reef in the South China Sea.

Four days earlier, Chinese Coast Guard vessels, without justification, rammed two Philippine boats near Sabina Shoal as they tried to resupply forces stationed at Flat and Nanshan Islands.

Read more at: gatestoneinstitute.org

Important New Poll Reveals Most Americans Know China Is Funding the Fentanyl Murder of More than 100,000 Americans Each Year

In a recent national poll, more than half of responding Americans believe that China is deliberately exporting fentanyl to the United States for the purpose of harming, or even destabilizing our nation.

Were that true, some might reasonably describe that strategy as an act of war.

For China, it would be historic payback time.

Read more at: gatestoneinstitute.org