Canada Has Banned Every Other Elective Surgery, But People Can Still Kill Babies in Abortions

Micaiah Bilger – March 27, 2020

Non-essential medical care, with the exception of abortions, is being postponed across Canada as hospitals deal with the coronavirus outbreak.

Though there is nothing essential about aborting an unborn baby, Canadian provinces and a number of American states are allowing elective abortions to continue during the crisis.

CTV News reports health leaders in all of the Canadian provinces and territories recently declared abortions to be “an essential service.” In Canada, elective abortions are allowed for any reason up to birth.

According to the report, every province and territory gets to make decisions about what health services will be postponed or canceled. The news outlet contacted health officials in each area to ask if abortions are included in their restrictions during the coronavirus. All of them said no.

Kerry Williamson, a spokesperson for Alberta Health Services, claimed abortions are “urgent/emergent” and therefore necessary.

“With regards to surgical abortions performed in AHS hospitals, these are not considered elective surgeries,” Williamson said.

In Quebec, Health Minister Danielle McCann admitted that abortions are a woman’s choice, but the province has no plans to restrict them during the health crisis.

Health leaders in other parts of the country said much the same thing.