Video shows security booting man with ‘Jesus Saves’ shirt from Mall of America

Mall of America security ordered a man to take off a “Jesus Saves” shirt, according to videos on social media.

A man wearing a “Jesus Saves” t-shirt was ordered by security to remove his shirt or leave the Mall of America last weekend, according to videos published on social media.

Some comments online have suggested that the man was eventually allowed to remain in the mall with his shirt on, but the Mall of America refused to provide any context or explanation when contacted by Alpha News.

The videos show a man talking with a group of three security guards near the mall’s rotunda. One of the videos was livestreamed to Facebook on Jan. 7.

“Jesus is the only way,” the back of the man’s shirt says, with the popular “coexist” symbol crossed out.

“Jesus is associated with religion and it’s offending people,” a security guard tells the man. “People have been offended.”

They then ask the man to either remove his shirt or leave the mall.

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Why did NBC censor an NFL player holding up Christian jewelry?

Saturday night’s NFL playoff game between the Jacksonville Jaguars and the Los Angeles Chargers was one for the ages. The Jaguars completed one of the biggest comebacks in NFL history, overcoming a 27-0 deficit and winning the game on a last-second field goal by kicker Riley Patterson.

Before the kick, Patterson pulled out a cross he was wearing around his neck and kissed it. After his game-winning boot, while celebrating, Patterson held up the cross in what appeared to be his way of giving thanks to God. Yet, as soon as he did this, NBC purposely seemed to cut away from Patterson holding up the cross.

Based on the sequence of events and the many cameras that refused to show Patterson holding up his cross, this appeared to occur on purpose. It would be a logical conclusion to anyone who watched the kick live. The entire incident was trending on Twitter Saturday night, with many people noticing that NBC cut away from Patterson as soon as he held up his cross.

This was a stark contrast from when network cameras focused intensely on NFL players kneeling for the anthem a few years back. NBC had every opportunity to show Patterson, but each time they tried to cut to him after the kick, he was holding up his cross, and cameras almost immediately cut away before it appeared on television.

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Homeless deaths skyrocket to record number in Seattle — and more than half involve fentanyl overdoses

Officials say deaths of homeless people skyrocketed to a record number in 2022, and half of those involved fentanyl overdoses.

310 homeless people died in the Seattle area according to a count from the King County Medical Examiner’s Office reported by the Seattle Times.

That’s 65% greater than the number of homeless Seattle deaths in 2021 and far greater than the previous record of 195 homeless Seattle deaths set in 2018.

Of those, more than half involved fentanyl overdoses.

Another 18 homeless people died by homicide in the Seattle area, a figure twice as high as that from 2021.

10 homeless people died from exposure of hyperthermia in 2022, while suicide claimed the lives of seven homeless people.

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Cambridge, Massachusetts, Plans To Hold Youth Sports Event For Elementary School ‘Girlx’

The city of Cambridge, Massachusetts, is hosting a youth sports event for “girlx.”

The city announced that it would host the free event for elementary school children from kindergarten through 5th grade on Wednesday. The event is open to “girlx” who want to get involved in local sports. The city defines the world “girlx” as all who identify “as a girl or with girlhood,” in the same vein as other gender-inclusive neologisms like “womxn” and “Latinx.”

“Did you know that girlx who play sports are more likely to have better grades, high levels of confidence, and develop the critical skills necessary for success in the work place?” Cambridge posted in an announcement for the event last week. “The fun, free event is for families with girlx (anyone who identifies as a girl or with girlhood) in Kindergarten through 5th grade. It’s an opportunity for girlx to explore new sports, learn about existing teams, and enjoy prizes, pizza, games, and hands-on demonstrations.”

The event is scheduled for Wednesday at the War Memorial field house, a rec center near the campus of Harvard University. It is sponsored by Cambridge Commission on the Status of Women, the Office of the Mayor, and the Department of Human Services Programs.

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The Clock Is Ticking For Humanity As A Horrifying Fertility Crisis Looms

Is humanity running out of time? Based on the growth of the global population during the last century or so, you wouldn’t come to such a conclusion. In 1900 there were about 2 billion people living on this planet, and now there are about 8 billion. But some experts are now suggesting that we have reached a very significant turning point. Global population growth has slowed dramatically, and birth rates have actually fallen well below replacement level in many industrialized nations. Couples are having a more difficult time producing babies, and there are many that are blaming our highly toxic environment for this.

A twitter thread about our looming fertility crisis has gotten a tremendous amount of attention over the past few days.

Fertility is disappearing. According to Dr. Shanna Swan, humans now meet the criteria for an endangered species. 1 in 4 couples cannot conceive naturally and that number is skyrocketing. Sperm counts are down 60%

Here’s what is happening: There’s a deluge of chemicals today poisoning us: if you’re an average person using regular soaps, deodorants, shampoos, body washes, conditioners, hair products, makeup, you’re ingesting over 200+ chemicals + heavy metals a day, all linked to infertility

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Three Years In Prison For Saying Men Cannot Get Pregnant?

I wonder how long Europeans will put up with the nakedly totalitarian aims of the transgender movement and the control it increasingly exercises over their ability to speak freely.

Vassilis Tsiartas, widely considered to be one of the greatest Greek soccer stars of all time, was convicted last fall of “transphobic” social media posts objecting to the genital mutilation of children and given a 10-month suspended prison sentence and a 5,000 euro fine due to his “public incitement” of “violence or hatred for reasons of gender identity.” It is the first such conviction in Greece.

Kellie-Jay Keen, a mother of four and feminist dissident better known as “Posey Parker,” was threatened with arrest in the United Kingdom by the Sussex Police after speaking out against transgender ideology — the police informed her that she was under investigation for a hate crime because of “words or behavior to stir up hatred on the grounds of sexual orientation.”

Also in the United Kingdom, a British veteran was arrested during the summer … over a social media post condemning the transgender movement. “Someone has been caused anxiety based on your social media post. And that is why you’re being arrested,” police told him as they put him in handcuffs.

And now — you cannot make this up — a lesbian filmmaker and actress is under investigation in Norway on criminal hate speech charges because she stated that a man cannot be a lesbian. Tonje Gjevjon was told by authorities on November 17 that her comments about trans activist Christine Jentoft on Facebook — a biological male identifying as a female — were the reason she was being investigated.

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Transsexual admits to burning down 118-year-old Christian church in Portland: Report

A 27-year-old transsexual has reportedly admitted to burning down a historic Korean church in Portland, Oregon, underscoring how he wanted to “take credit” for this act of apparent anti-Christian hatred.

What are the details?

The 118-year-old, 3,000-square-foot Portland Korean Church at Southwest 10th and Southwest Clay Street, formerly the First German Evangelical Church, was set ablaze around 5:30 p.m. on Jan. 3.

In response to multiple reports indicating that the structure was fast becoming an inferno, 12 fire engines, six ladder trucks, four battalion chiefs, and 75 Portland Fire and Rescue Personnel arrived on the scene.

Portland Fire and Rescue indicated that the church was not occupied when the three-alarm fire broke out.

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Heads up, farmers: Biden is coming for your water

Biden pushes government control over water used on ranches and farms

If you live in rural America, odds are that hearing the phrase “waters of the United States” – more commonly known as WOTUS – gives you some unease.

We don’t blame you. For years, farmers, ranchers, small business owners, landowners and families throughout rural America have faced the possibility of thousands of dollars in fines per day from the federal government in an egregious example of government overreach.

In 2015, the Obama-Biden administration enacted a WOTUS rule that essentially gave the federal government jurisdiction over every body of water in the country, including streams and ditches.

Now, the Biden administration is back with a new WOTUS rule that will create more uncertainty and condemn communities across the country to regulatory limbo.

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Pope warns he has seen ‘omens of even greater destruction and desolation’ for mankind

The Pope has offered a harrowing vision of the future, saying he has seen signs of an even darker time ahead for humanity.

At a Mass at the Vatican, the Pope, 85, said on Sunday that he has a dire vision for the world with ‘omens of even greater destruction and desolation’.

The Mass was commemorating the feast of Our Lady Guadalupe, which fell on Monday. It commemorates the appearance of the Virgin Mary to a young man, Saint Juan Diego, in 1531 in Mexico City. The day is a national holiday in Mexico.

But despite the current difficult times for the world – including wars, particularly Russia’s conflict in Ukraine, the rising cost of living, poverty, famine, and an international energy crisis – the Pope said he has a vision that things will get worse.

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Canadian Government Literally Proposes State Execution of Living Babies

The corporate media has an established track record of promoting suicide as a solution to climate change, among other trendy political problems.

Social engineers euphemistically rebrand state-facilitated suicide as “medical assistance in dying” (MAID). The Canadian government even produces educational “activity books” to indoctrinate children into the new paradigm early, like this one by Canadian Virtual Hospice:

Proponents of the practice frame state-facilitated suicide as a peculiar form of self-empowerment, taking back the right to end your life on your own terms rather than “someone else”:

“From early-adopting Switzerland to latest-to-the-table Australia, more and more countries are legalising the practice. It is now available to over 280 million people in 11 countries around the world. It was on offer to my mother, who recently (and gratefully) used Canada’s legislation to orchestrate her own wise demise… If we don’t claim the design of our own deaths, it’s likely someone else will…”

All social engineering programs are slippery slopes, moving predictably from the most reasonable and appealing arguments based on rationality to the most extreme, ideologically driven ones.

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