US Merchant Marine Academy covers up massive Jesus painting with white curtain after complaints

A massive painting of Jesus walking on water will no longer be visible at the United States Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA) in New York after an advocacy group complained about the artwork.

In a Jan. 10 letter addressed to USSMA Superintendent Vice Admiral Joanna Nunan, Mikey Weinstein, founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, issued a “demand” that Nunan “expeditiously remove a massive, sectarian painting illustrating the supremacy of Jesus Christ” from the Elliot M. See Room inside Wiley Hall, which serves as an administrative building at USMMA.

According to Weinstein, MRFF is representing 18 midshipmen, faculty, staff and graduates in their appeal to the Kings Point academy. The USSMA is not under the Defense Department but rather the Department of Transportation under Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who was also copied on Weinstein’s initial email.

The 10-foot by 19-foot painting titled “Christ on the Water” depicts an image of Jesus and merchant seamen adrift in a lifeboat “presumably after being torpedoed in the Indian Ocean during World War II,” according to a USMMA spokesperson.

Also known as “Jesus and Lifeboat,” the piece was painted in 1944 by U.S. Maritime Service Lt. Hunter Wood to hang in the chapel built at the USMMA Basic School in San Mateo, California.

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New space telescope observing creation of stars “consistent with Day Four of Genesis,” scientist says

Scientists are using a new space telescope to peek into a space cloud and witness the birth of stars and planets in a process that one scientist describes as being “consistent with the story of Creation.”

The James Webb space telescope, the largest optical telescope in space, was launched 13 months ago at a total cost of $10 billion and began sending images back to earth in July. It recently turned its lens toward NGC 346, a cluster of stars located in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) more than 200,000 light-years from Earth. While visible to the naked eye, the SMC is estimated to be 3-5 billion years old and is considered a “primitive” dwarf galaxy that resembles the conditions of the early universe with relatively low concentrations of elements heavier than hydrogen and helium. Scientists believe it is the kind of galaxy that is the building block for larger galaxies and is easier to study.

Using the Near Infrared Camera of the Webb telescope to observe NGC 346, scientists were able to observe for the first time infant stars in the process of forming from gravitationally collapsing gas clouds. The infant stars had not yet ignited their hydrogen fuel to sustain nuclear fusion.

Dr. Schroeder reacted to the new finding by saying it was “entirely consistent with the story of Creation.”

“I was asked how it was that God created light on the first day but the stars and heavenly bodies weren’t created until the fourth day,” Dr. Schroeder said to Israel365 News. “This is consistent with what physicists are learning now; that the universe was opaque at first and then began radiating. Stars had yet to be formed but there was energy.”

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Kenya is being used as a testing ground for biometric-based vaccine tracking for babies

Advancements are being made in controversial tests carried out in a hospital in a small town in Kenya to develop a biometric vaccination management tracking program for newborns.

The new method aims to ensure that as soon as a child is born and receives their first vaccine, biometric scanning of four of their fingers takes place, and in addition to fingerprinting babies, their caregivers’ biometric voice data is also collected.

The purpose of this is to monitor identities and manage vaccination histories, those behind the scheme said, noting that it is supposed to be used for the first 24 months of the babies’ lives and track how eight vaccines and one supplement are given to them.

Both the fingerprints and the voice data will then allegedly be removed, the group developing the biometric system has promised.

Biometric authentication company NEC, the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI), and Nagasaki University from Japan are the ones who in 2019 partnered to develop the program, which is currently undergoing clinical trials at Kinango Sub-County Hospital in Kwale, Kenya.

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Fingerprints of unvaccinated NYC teachers reportedly sent to FBI with ‘problem codes’: ‘Invasion of privacy’

The fingerprints of unvaccinated New York City teachers were reportedly sent to the FBI with “problem code” flags, prompting outrage from former educators who lost their jobs over the mandate.

Earlier this month, John Bursch, who is representing teachers who are suing the city over the mandate, said teachers who refused the shot now have a “flag in their file,” which will impact their ability to get another job.

“When the city puts these problem codes on employees who have been terminated because of their unconstitutional policies, not only do they have this flag in their files, but their fingerprints are sent with that flag to the FBI and the New York Criminal Justice Services, so it impacts their ongoing ability to get employment at other places,” Bursch said Feb. 8.

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Why Christians Should Prepare for ESG

Christians must take note that the world and its systems are corrupt, and they are getting worse every day.

It is not a doom and gloom viewpoint that believers need to hold onto, because the book of Revelation describes in detail how things on the earth will end. But, being knowledgeable and formulating plans for the mounting persecution taking place in the world displays the godly wisdom that Solomon often wrote about in the book of Proverbs.

There are too few Christians around the world that are aware of what ESG and the WEF even are.

ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) within companies such as banks used in investing. According to Investopedia, ESG “refers to a set of standards for a company’s behavior used by socially conscious investors to screen potential investments.”

These are the guidelines that have led to multiple Christians, and Christian organizations, having their bank accounts frozen and shut down by financial giants such as Chase.

Some also fear that the increased usage of these types of ESG guidelines will transform the social structure of the world with the use of a social credit system.

In theory, if someone is not “carbon neutral” in the future, they can suffer repercussions such as having the energy to their home shut-off or their bank accounts frozen. To avoid this type of punishment, they must abide by the social standards set in place by the government.

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The 2023 Grammys, Host of the Sam Smith Satanic Ritual

While the 2023 Grammy Awards featured Beyonce, Jay-Z, Harry Styles and Lizzo, the main star of the show was Sam Smith and the ritualistic drama he carried out throughout the ceremony Here’s a look at the intense symbolism of the 2023 Grammy Awards.

Grammy trophies are said to be the “music industry’s highest honor” and the Grammy Awards are said to be “music’s biggest night”. With that being said, the 2023 Grammys centered around an outright Satanic ritual. What does this say about the music industry as a whole?

If it sounds like I’m engaging in “satanic panic” (as the media loves to say), rest assured that I am not panicking at all. That is simply the most factual and objective way of describing what happened during the 2023 Grammy Awards.

As explained in previous articles, modern award ceremonies are highly choreographed affairs where a limited number of actors are used to carry out a specific narrative. This year, the “star” of the show was definitely Sam Smith. Throughout the show, Sam Smith carried out a ritualistic drama that encompasses the occult elite’s favorite obsessions: The gender-blurring agenda mixed with outright satanism. Then, other actors such as Beyonce, Jay-Z, Harry Styles, and Lizzo played their part in the overarching narrative. Here’s a look at the 2023 Grammys.

The Sam Smith Ritual Drama

The ritual drama surrounding Sam Smith was timed rather precisely. About ten days prior, the release of his video I’m Not Here to Make Friends caused controversy due to its highly sexual content featuring transgender dancers. Then a slew of mass media articles defended Smith, calling his critics homophobic, transphobic, and even fatphobic (because he took on weight).

With this perfectly timed media attention, the stage was set for Smith’s Grammy ritual which started before the show even started.

In my article about the 2009 MTV Awards, I explained that red was the color of sacrifice in occult rituals and this color code was used all over the music industry. Nothing has changed. In fact, it is only more blatant. Smith’s overwhelmingly red attire indicated that he was a “chosen one” to partake in one of the occult elite’s mega-rituals.

At the ceremony, Smith and Kim Petras quickly won an award for the song Unholy.

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Catholic school suspends teen for remainder of year for believing God created 2 genders, protesting transgender students using girls’ bathrooms

A student has reportedly been suspended by a Catholic high school for the remainder of the school year for believing that God created two genders and protesting against transgender students using girls’ bathrooms.

Since November, Josh Alexander has allegedly been suspended from St. Joseph’s Catholic High School in Renfrew, Ontario. Alexander was allegedly punished by the school for organizing a protest against transgender students using girls’ bathrooms. Alexander said he launched the demonstration after two girls at his school confided in him that they were uncomfortable sharing bathrooms with biological males.

Alexander, an 11th-grade student, was reportedly barred from attending St. Joseph’s Catholic High School for the remainder of the school year.

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Death Toll From Earthquake Nears 5,000 In Turkey And Syria

Nearly 5,000 people have died and many others remained trapped under debris after a powerful earthquake jolted southern Turkey and northern Syria early on Monday, with tremors also reported in Egypt, Cyprus, Lebanon and Israel, making it the region’s deadliest quake in over a decade.


According to the United States Geological Survey, the 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck at 4:17 a.m. local time, followed by a 6.7 magnitude aftershock just 11 minutes later.

The quake had a shallow depth of only 17.9 kilometers (11.1 miles) with the epicenter located just 20 miles from the major Turkish city of Gaziantep.

The death toll from the quake is at least 4,983 according to reporting from the Associated Press—and could rise, as hundreds were hospitalized with injuries and more people are believed to be trapped under collapsed buildings.

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Church of England considers using gender-neutral terms for God

The Church of England is considering no longer referring to God as “He,” but using gender-neutral terms instead.

The Right Rev. Dr. Michael Ipgrave, Bishop of Lichfield, will lead a commission overseeing the potential change this spring. He said the church had been “exploring the use of gendered language in relation to God for several years,” The Times of London reported.

Many priests are already starting the Lord’s Prayer with “Our Father and Mother,” instead of simply “Our Father,” and refer to God as “they” instead.

“God is not male. Certainly not the white cis male with a beard, sitting on a cloud we seem to reduce and limit God to so often. God is far bigger than a binary sense of gender allows,” The Rev. Chantal Noppen said.

The Rev. Ian Paul, a conservative Church of England leader, warned that changing God’s pronouns would “move the doctrine of the church” away from the Bible. “The fact that God is called ‘Father’ can’t be substituted by ‘Mother’ without changing meaning, nor can it be gender neutralized to ‘Parent’ without loss of meaning,” he said.

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Iran displays ballistic missile with ‘Death to Israel’ written in Hebrew

Revolutionary Guards showcase apparent projectile at weapons exhibition in Isfahan, days after an attack on military site in the city blamed on Israel

The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps on Wednesday displayed an apparent ballistic missile with the words “Death to Israel” emblazoned in Hebrew down the side, at an exhibition in the central city of Isfahan.

Pictures posted by the Tasnim news agency show what appears to be a surface-to-surface missile in a launcher with elaborate Hebrew script running down its side.

It was not clear if it was an actual missile or a mockup.

The display comes days after a significant drone attack on a key Iranian defense facility in the same city. The site hit in the strike was reportedly a weapons production facility for Iran’s killer Shahed-136 drones.

The attack was one of a number widely attributed to Israel, which has a policy of not commenting on such operations.

Iran officially blamed Israel for the strike, filing a complaint with the United Nations Security Council about the “terrorist attack” launched by the Jewish state and saying it reserves its “legitimate and inherent right” to retaliate.

Following the publication of the pictures of the missile, a senior Foreign Ministry official told the Ynet news site that “the message is very clear — if anyone had any doubts.”

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