Old people should embrace ‘mass suicide’, says Yale professor

Old people in Japan should kill themselves to avoid burdening the state, a professor at Yale University has said.

Yusuke Narita, an assistant professor of economics, has also suggested that euthanasia could be made compulsory.

Last year, official statistics in Japan revealed that over-75s accounted for 15 per cent of the country’s population for the first time. Those over 65 account for 29.1 per cent of the total, making the Japanese population the oldest in the world.

“I feel like the only solution is pretty clear,” said Mr Narita, 37. “In the end, isn’t it mass suicide and mass ‘seppuku’ of the elderly?” – referring to the act of disembowelment employed by dishonoured Samurai in the late 19th century.

Prof Narita told The New York Times his comments had been taken out of context, adding that they related to demands for older people in leadership positions to make way for the younger generation. He said his primary concern was how old people dominated positions of influence in Japanese society.

The references to “mass suicide” and “mass seppuku” touched a raw nerve in a country which honoured kamikaze pilots during the Second World War.

Read more at: www.yahoo.com

Universities Scrap SAT, Scramble To Stay Diverse Ahead Of Affirmative Action Ruling

Advocates claim standardized tests harm minority students.

Last week, Columbia University became the first Ivy League school to permanently scrap its standardized test requirement, allowing hopeful applicants to skip the dreaded SAT and ACT.

The move makes the prestigious New York City school the latest in a string of elite institutions to move away from the tests as the argument that standardized testing harms minority students picks up steam. Previously, a low SAT or ACT score meant automatic elimination at many top-tier schools.

In a March 1 release, Columbia University wrote that “students are dynamic, multi-faceted individuals who cannot be defined by any single factor.” The admissions process respects the “varied backgrounds, voices and experiences” of students in order to determine whether a student will thrive at the school, Columbia said. Students may still submit test scores, but those who do not will not be at a disadvantage.

During the pandemic, many universities — including Harvard and Princeton — jumped at the chance to indefinitely suspend their standardized test admission requirements while in-person testing was on hold. Now, some like Columbia don’t want to go back.

This fall, more than 80% of undergraduate colleges will not require ACT or SAT scores from students, according to one estimate.

The SAT and ACT are also not the only standardized tests schools are ditching over “equity” concerns. Dozens of law schools have scrapped their LSAT test requirement. Advocates are even pushing for medical schools to stop requiring the MCAT, alarming critics who worry that schools could end up graduating less qualified doctors, putting patients at risk.

The argument that standardized tests are inherently racist has given rise to eyebrow-raising explanations for why minority students on the whole do worse on these tests. Black students perform poorly on standardized tests because they fear incorrect answers will confirm negative stereotypes about their race — they perform badly because they’re afraid of performing badly, essentially — a 2011 Stanford University study found.

Read more at: www.dailywire.com

Woke Christianity: Historic London Church to Host Drag Queen Performance

A historic Anglican Church in the heart of London will for the first time put on a drag queen performance featuring former RuPaul’s Drag Race UK contestants to “celebrate artistry and ingenuity in every walk of life”.

The 17th-century St James’s Church, Piccadilly in London, which claims to have demonstrated a “pioneering welcome of LGBTQAI+ communities and other marginalised people and groups”, will for the first time in its 340-year history put on a “drag night” dubbed PREACH! within the church.

The Church of England parish church said that it would be hosting at least two performances of PREACH! — with one on Saturday, March 4th, and the second on June 3rd.

The show on Saturday was set to feature drag performers River Medway and Veronica Green, both of whom have appeared as contestants on the RuPaul’s Drag Race UK television programme.

“St James’s will welcome drag icons from around the world to perform beneath its ornate gold ceiling, showcasing some of the biggest names in the art of drag, as well as fresh talent,” the church said.

Despite claiming that it is “committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults” St James’s did not say the drag show age-restricted, indicating that children would be allowed into the show.

Read more at: www.breitbart.com

Walmart Set to Close All Stores in Portland amid Record-Breaking Retail Theft

Walmart announced its plan to close its final two locations in Portland, Ore., at the end of March following underwhelming financial results.

“We have nearly 5,000 stores across the U.S. and unfortunately some do not meet our financial expectations,” the corporation said in a statement according to KPTV. “While our underlying business is strong, these specific stores haven’t performed as well as we hoped.”

The closures, which will result in nearly 600 employees being laid off, come after a statement by Walmart CEO Doug McMillion in December 2022 noting that record-breaking retail theft had undercut the company’s economic performance of late.

“Theft is an issue. It’s higher than what it has historically been,” McMillon told CNBC. Prices “will be higher and/or stores will close,” the executive added if Oregon authorities failed to address rampant shoplifting.

Companies shuttering stores in Portland has become increasingly common. Last year a clothing store, Raind PDX, shut down operations with the company specifically citing the cost of doing business in the wake of historic retail theft.

“Small businesses (and large) cannot sustain doing business, in our city’s current state. We have no protection, or recourse, against the criminal behavior that goes unpunished,” a letter posted on the company’s store read. “Our city is in peril.”

Read more at: news.yahoo.com

The Clock Is Ticking – Two Year Countdown To War Between Israel and Iran?

The shadow war between Israel and Iran has been going on for years but developments over the last few years may be pushing both nations into a countdown that will inevitably lead to full scale war.

More specifically, a two year window appears to be opening that will force Israel to act or risk facing an Iranian nuclear program that is both fully operational and protected.

Experts say Iran could enrich uranium to a weapons-grade standard within weeks, a conclusion shared by CIA chief William Burns.

However once they reach that point they will need another 18-24 months to build their first warhead and the means to deliver it.

Every Israeli leader in recent history has vowed never to let that happen with current Prime Minister Netanyahu himself suggesting a possible military confrontation with Iran was approaching soon, saying that Israel “won’t wait until the sword is on our neck”.

Netanyahu pointed to Israel’s precision strikes on Syria in 2007 and Iraq in 1981 before they could turn on their nuclear program beyond the point of no return as a warning that action was needed now by other nations to pressure Iran into concessions before it was left with no choice.

Israeli military culture is already becoming primed for this reality with budgets going towards preparing for such a conflict and former minister Benny Gantz warned a cohort of graduating air force cadets that they could soon be jetting off to attack Iranian nuclear sites by 2024 or 2025.

Read more at: www.prophecynewswatch.com

First UAE synagogue is ‘a historic event not just for the Middle East, but the world’

“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples. ISAIAH 56:17 (THE ISRAEL BIBLE)

On a 75-degree February day in Abu Dhabi, JNS had the chance to view the Abrahamic Family House site on Saadiyat Island on its opening day in the United Arab Emirates. Three houses of worship—Moses Ben Maimon Synagogue, His Holiness Francis Church (Roman Catholic) and Eminence Ahmed El-Tayeb Mosque—stand in equal proportion. At first glance, they seem identical, but closer inspection reveals that each has features iconic to the respective customs.

Elie Abadie, the senior rabbi of the Jewish Council of the Emirates, told JNS that it is very notable for an Arab country to build a Jewish house of worship.

“In fact, this is the first one built in the region in almost a century,” he said. “By doing this, the government sends out a great message—one of tolerance and acceptance, as they allow the different Abrahamic faiths to come together here to worship. In fact, we worship the same God.”

“It is a great gift from Sheikh Mohammed to the Jewish People,” David Rosen, international director of interreligious affairs at the American Jewish Committee and former chief rabbi of Ireland, told JNS. “Myriads of people from around the world visiting the country will visit this complex simply because of its location and beauty.”

“It is a great gift from Sheikh Mohammed to the Jewish People,” David Rosen, international director of interreligious affairs at the American Jewish Committee and former chief rabbi of Ireland, told JNS. “Myriads of people from around the world visiting the country will visit this complex simply because of its location and beauty.”

Those who come to the site can see the three Abrahamic faiths represented.

“For a people that have suffered and still suffer from prejudice and bigotry born out of ignorance and misrepresentations, this place offers an amazing opportunity to educate the world about the beauty and true values of Jewish tradition,” said Rosen.

The Abrahamic Family House opened to the public on March 1. No one associated with the site was immediately available for comment.

Read more at: www.israel365news.com


Christians in Henan province, China, must complete an online form and receive approval to attend church services. Officials refer to applications for church gatherings as a form of governance for “Smart Religion,” but no legal basis has been provided for such a measure.


Henan has one of the largest Christian populations in China. According to the “Smart Religion” requirements formulated by Henan’s provincial religious department, if religious believers want to participate in religious activities, they must make online reservations before they can attend services in churches, mosques, or Buddhist temples.

Local believers must register and make an appointment through an application called “Smart Religion,” developed by the Ethnic and Religious Affairs Commission of Henan Province.


According to the application’s requirements, religious people must select the religious venue they want to attend before booking. Still, the use of religious identification keywords such as “mosque,” “temple,” “Christianity,” and “Catholicism” is not allowed.

Applicants must fill in personal information, including name, phone number, ID number, permanent residence, occupation, and date of birth, before they can make a reservation. Those who are allowed into the church must also have their temperature taken and show a reservation code.

Read more at: chinaaid.org

Gavin Newsom says California will not do business with Walgreens after company refuses to sell abortion pills

Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom forcefully criticized Walgreens over its new plan to stop shipping and selling abortion pills in some states after 20 state attorneys general sent a letter warning about the policy.

Walgreens made the announcement on Friday that its stores in 20 states would not sell abortion pills.

“We intend to be a certified pharmacy and will distribute Mifepristone only in those jurisdictions where it is legal and operationally feasible,” read a statement from the company.

Pro-abortion advocates said they would boycott the company over the decision, while pro-life advocates praised the decision.

Newsom issued a fiery tweet on Monday excoriating the company for caving to the demands from 20 state attorneys.

“California won’t be doing business with @walgreens — or any company that cowers to the extremists and puts women’s lives at risk. We’re done,” he tweeted.

Read more at: www.theblaze.com

Third Temple Preparations Are in Full Swing

Somewhat under the radar, a group of religious Jews have been eagerly preparing for the day a Third Temple will stand in Jerusalem.

During Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles, Jewish priests (kohenim) and Levites wearing white robes draw water from the Pool of Siloam in order to perform the traditional “Pouring of the Water” (Nissuch HaMayim). This is a biblical ceremony according to which water is drawn in silver vessels from the pool on the eastern slope below the Western Wall, and is then poured out on an altar especially erected for this purpose.

The ceremony that accompanies this water libation is called Simchat Beit HaShoeva, rejoicing at the place of the drawing of water. This water is called, according to Isaiah 12:3, Waters of Salvation:

“You will joyously draw water from the springs of salvation.”

The kings of the House of David were anointed at this source.

Jesus was also familiar with this water-drawing ceremony (John 7:37).

“Now on the last day, the great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, ‘If any man is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, “From his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water.”’”

Jesus was thereby proclaiming that he is the long-awaited redeemer and Messiah. Jesus also healed the blind man at this pool (John 9).

Read more at: www.israel.co.il

FBI Internal Memo Warns against ‘Radical Traditionalist Catholic Ideology’

The FBI’s Richmond field office released an internal memo last month warning against “radical traditionalist Catholic ideology,” and claiming it “almost certainly presents new mitigation opportunities,” according to a document shared by an FBI whistleblower on Wednesday.

Kyle Seraphin, who was a special agent at the bureau for six years before he was indefinitely suspended without pay in June 2022, published the document, “Interest of Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists in Radical Traditionalist Catholic Ideology Almost Certainly Presents New Mitigation Opportunities,” on UncoverDC.com.

“In making this assessment, FBI Richmond relied on the key assumption that [racially or ethnically motivated extremists] will continue to find [radical-traditionalist Catholic or RTC] ideology attractive and will continue to attempt to connect with RTC adherents, both virtually via social media and in-person at places of worship,” the document from January 23 states.

It adds that “RTCs are typically categorized by the rejection of the Second Vatican Council (Vatican II) as a valid church council; disdain for most of the popes elected since Vatican II, particularly Pope Francis and Pope John Paul II; and frequent adherence to anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant, anti-LGBTQ, and white supremacist ideology. Radical-traditionalist Catholics compose a small minority of overall Roman Catholic adherents and are separate and distinct from ‘traditionalist Catholics’ who prefer the Traditional Latin Mass and pre-Vatican II teachings and traditions, without the more extremist ideological beliefs and violent rhetoric.”

Read more at: www.nationalreview.com