Old mice grow young again in study. Can people do the same?

In Boston labs, old, blind mice have regained their eyesight, developed smarter, younger brains and built healthier muscle and kidney tissue. On the flip side, young mice have prematurely aged, with devastating results to nearly every tissue in their bodies.

The experiments show aging is a reversible process, capable of being driven “forwards and backwards at will,” said anti-aging expert David Sinclair, a professor of genetics in the Blavatnik Institute at Harvard Medical School and codirector of the Paul F. Glenn Center for Biology of Aging Research.

Our bodies hold a backup copy of our youth that can be triggered to regenerate, said Sinclair, the senior author of a new paper showcasing the work of his lab and international scientists.

The combined experiments, published for the first time Thursday in the journal Cell, challenge the scientific belief aging is the result of genetic mutations that undermine our DNA, creating a junkyard of damaged cellular tissue that can lead to deterioration, disease and death.

“It’s not junk, it’s not damage that causes us to get old,” said Sinclair, who described the work last year at Life Itself, a health and wellness event presented in partnership with CNN.

“We believe it’s a loss of information — a loss in the cell’s ability to read its original DNA so it forgets how to function — in much the same way an old computer may develop corrupted software. I call it the information theory of aging.”

Read more at: www.cnn.com

Chinese Load Cow’s Milk with mRNA Exosomes–Successfully Immunize Mice

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Assault Possible Through Food Supply

The nation’s food supply can be manipulated by public health agencies to influence population outcomes. A great is example is fortification of cereal grains with folic acid — the synthetic form of folate — which successfully reduced the incidence of neural tube defects (e.g. spina bifida). Now an oral route of administration is being considered specifically for COVID-19 vaccination using mRNA in cow’s milk.

Zhang and colleagues have demonstrated that a shortened mRNA code of 675 base pairs could be loaded into phospholipid packets called exosomes derived from milk and then using that same milk, be fed to mice. The mice gastrointestinal tract absorbed the exosomes and the mRNA must have made it into the blood stream and lymphatic tissue because antibodies were produced in fed mice against SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein (receptor binding domain).

From a scientific perspective, these experimental steps taken by the Chinese were a stunning success. However, given the damage mRNA vaccines have generated in terms of injuries, disabilities, and deaths, these data raise considerable ethical issues. The COVID States project has shown that 25% of Americans were successful in remaining unvaccinated. This group would have strong objections to mRNA in the food supply, particularly if it was done surreptitiously or with minimal labelling/warnings. Children could be targeted with easily administered oral vaccine dosing or potentially get mRNA through milk at school lunches and other unsupervised meals.

For those who have taken one of the COVID-19 vaccines, having milk vaccines as an EUA offering would allow even more loading of the body with synthetic mRNA which has been proven resistant to ribonucleases and may reside permanently in the human body.

Read more at: petermcculloughmd.substack.com

House Republicans Accuse Biden White House of Creating ‘Authoritarian-Style’ Digital Dollar

President Joe Biden and his administration are attempting to develop an “authoritarian-style” and “surveillance-style” digital U.S. dollar through executive orders, warned House Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-Minn.) on Feb. 28.

The four-term congressman recently introduced the CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act to prohibit “unelected bureaucrats” in Washington from issuing a central bank digital currency (CBDC) that critics argue could diminish Americans’ financial privacy rights.

The bill, which has several Republican co-sponsors, including Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) and Rep. Young Kim (R-Calif.), would also ensure that the Federal Reserve is held accountable in its research and development of a digital dollar.

“The consequences, if we get it wrong, are far too serious,” Emmer said at a news conference. “The Biden administration is currently itching to create a digital authoritarian-style, surveillance-style digital dollar through an executive order.”

The bill, Emmer says, would restrict the central bank from issuing a CBDC or using a CBDC to implement monetary policy and control the national economy.

Read more at: www.theepochtimes.com

NPR calls the backlash over not wanting to eat bugs a ‘conspiracy’

The idea of eating bugs has, once again, found its way back into the news. NPR recently released a piece that suggested the pushback against eating bugs is founded on a baseless conspiracy theory that elites want the population to consume bugs. However, the evidence seems to suggest that elites do, in fact, want the population to consume the likes of grasshoppers and fly larvae.

“Including insects in human food has been an emerging,” NPR wrote, “but still marginal, idea among climate scientists and food security experts. In countries where insects have not been a part of the diet, it’s an idea that has long been met with hesitancy and occasional ridicule.

“In recent years, however,” they considered, “this aversion has fused with an amorphous and shapeshifting conspiracy theory in which a shadowy global elite conspires to control the world’s population. For those who espouse the theory, eating bugs isn’t just a matter of disgust, or questioning the impacts of climate change. It’s framed as a matter of individual freedom and government control.”

Though bug-eating is not a new development, world leaders have certainly encouraged the notion that those in the West ought to consider consuming bugs. President Joe Biden and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau suggested that there would be food shortages in early 2022, following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Read more at: humanevents.com

‘A Weekend of Blasphemy’: SatanCon’s 2023 ‘Hexennacht’ Gathering in Boston Is Sold Out

The Satanic Temple (TST) has announced its second convention to be held in Boston, Massachusetts this spring is sold out, according to a post on its website.

The convention known as “SatanCon 2023” will be held on April 28-30 at the Boston Marriott Copley Place. It is being promoted as “a weekend of blasphemy and remembrance in Boston” and will also celebrate TST’s 10-year anniversary.

The group also claims the convention will be the “largest Satanic gathering in history.”

As CBN News reported in January, the theme of the convention is “Hexennacht in Boston” or “Witches Night,” an ancient German holiday that occurs annually on April 30. The SatanCon event includes a “Satanic Ball” on the opening night, April 28,

Lucien Greaves, the Satanic Temple’s co-founder, and spokesperson is set to deliver the keynote address of the conference along with co-founder Malcolm Jarr on Saturday morning.

Other scheduled sessions include “Satanic Panic in Brazil,” “Hellbillies: Visible Satanism in Rural America,” “Deconstructing Your Religious Upbringing,” “Reclaiming the Trans Body: A/theistic Strategies for Self-Determination and Empowerment,” and “Sins of the Flesh: Satanism and Self-Pleasure.”

The convention will also offer a Satanic marketplace for those in attendance, but vendors have not been announced.

Read more at: www2.cbn.com

Trans Pastor Compares Nashville Shooter Audrey Hale to Jesus

Micah Louwagie, the transgender pastor of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Fargo, North Dakota, has compared the treatment of trans shooter Audrey Hale to the treatment of Jesus in his passion.

The Jewish leaders were looking for “any excuse — valid or not — to crucify Jesus,” Rev. Louagie said in her April 2 sermon, and “they needed to kill him in order to preserve their good image.”

After reading the Biblical account of Jesus’ crucifixion, Louwagie, a biological female married to a woman, drew an analogy to the mass shooting in Nashville.

“There are a significant number of people who have deemed that the fact that the Nashville shooter happened to be a trans person — so it’s been reported — is just the excuse they need to call for the eradication of trans folks,” she declared.

Rather than focusing on our “serious gun violence problem” or on the fact that six people are dead, “they have decided they need to cause more harm,” she added.

“Some folks have tried to focus on eradicating trans people as a solution, because they have been waiting, just waiting for an opportunity such as this,” she stated. “They’ve been waiting for a reason, any reason to stoke their hatred.”

Read more at: www.breitbart.com

Nuclear-Capable Missiles Now Deployed to Europe in Belarus, Claims Russia

Russia is again attempting to threaten NATO, claiming to be making good on parts of Vladimir Putin’s statement that he would be — eventually –moving nuclear weapons into Belarus.

Shorter range but operationally flexible, “Iskander-M tactical missile systems” have been deployed to Belarus, and Belarussian crews have travelled to Russia to receive training in their operation, Moscow has said. The missile can be equipped with several different warheads using conventional explosives for different purposes, or it can carry a small nuclear warhead.

A statement published by a Russian government wires service on these comments by defence minister Sergey Shoigu on the deployment of nuclear-capable weapon systems to Belarus, which borders four European Union members, appeared to have been timed to coincide with Tuesday’s ceremony to welcome Finland to the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). Russia has long campaigned against Finland joining NATO, and protested NATO expansion in general, accusing the bloc of encroaching upon their territory.

Moscow said it will keep a “close eye” on their new 800-mile border with NATO, and threatened “counter measures” including “all necessary military-technical precaution measures”.

Read more at: www.breitbart.com

Eat the Bugs: EU has No Plan to Clearly Label Food Containing Insects, Official Confirms

The EU has no plans to force food manufacturers to clearly label when a product contains insects, an official from the bloc has confirmed.

Stella Kyriakides, the EU’s Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, has confirmed that the bloc has no intentions of forcing manufacturers to clearly label whether a food product contains insects.

It comes shortly after the union approved the use of powdered house crickets and mealworms in products made for human consumption, with officials stating that the bugs serve as an “alternate source of protein” for those willing to consume it.

However, while the union previously said that consumption of insects will be a choice, and not forced upon anyone on the continent, some have expressed concerns as to whether such insect protein will be snuck into processed products without clear labelling, resulting in members of the public consuming bugs without even knowing.

In response to two questions on this topic formally put to the commission by parliamentarians Charlie Weimers and Robert Roos, Kyriakides confirmed that there were zero plans to force food companies to put any sort of “insect logo” on products containing bugs, with only small print labelling to be required by the bloc.

Read more at: www.breitbart.com

State of Oregon Denies Woman’s Application to Adopt Based on Her Christian Faith

The state of Oregon is denying the application of a woman who wants to adopt because she is a Christian and will not agree to support gender transition if the child she adopts ends up being trans.

This is where the left has planned to take this argument from the start. It’s a backdoor way to openly discriminate against people of faith.

They don’t care about the welfare of children, they care about spreading their ideology.

Oregon officials put politics above children’s welfare

On behalf of a single mother of five wishing to adopt siblings from foster care, Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys filed a federal lawsuit Monday against Oregon state officials for denying her application because of her religious beliefs.

Jessica Bates began the process of applying to become certified to adopt a child from Oregon’s foster care system one year ago. The Oregon Department of Human Services, the agency responsible for the delivery and administration of the state’s child welfare programs, denied her application because individuals seeking to adopt must agree to “respect, accept, and support … the sexual orientation, gender identity, [and] gender expression” of any child the department could place in an applicant’s home, and Bates could not agree to this because of her faith.

Read more at: www.thegatewaypundit.com

Malaysia Prime Minister Says There’s No Reason To Continue to Depend on the US Dollar

Malaysia’s Prime Minister, Anwar Ibrahim, said today that there is no reason to continue to depend on the US dollar. Specifically, the country’s Prime Minister stated that the continued dependence on the US currency “in attracting investments into the country,” is unwarranted.

Ibrahim stated that negotiations between Malaysia and other countries should occur using both national currencies. Moreover, he has stated that Bank Negara Malaysia is developing a proposal to pioneer that method in a matter of trade during visits to China.

Malaysia Sees No Reason for Dependence on US Dollar

The current state of the United States economy is greatly defined by its current fragility. Moreover, jobs data released today showcases that fragile nature in full effect. Conversely, the international facets of the US dollar have been front and center, with Malaysia recently sharing its perspective.

Specifically, Malaysia Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said today that there is no reason to continue to depend on the US dollar. Moreover, Ibrahim state that the current economic strength of China, Japan, and others have driven the lessening reliance on American currency.

Read more at: watcher.guru