From transgendered to ‘transabled’: Now people are ‘choosing’ to identify as handicapped

Some with ‘body integrity identity disorder’ even desire amputation or other impairments — experts weigh in

A troubling societal issue called “transableism” is attracting attention these days.

Transableism is a newer term for BIID, or “Body Integrity Identity Disorder,” in which a person actually “identifies” as handicapped.

BIID has been relabeled to transableism to align with today’s trans community, according to some.

The point of “changing the identifier” from a psychiatric condition (BIID) to an advocacy term (transableism) is to “harness the stunning cultural power of gender ideology” to the cause of allowing doctors to “treat” BIID patients by “amputating healthy limbs, snipping spinal cords or destroying eyesight,” according to Evolution News and Science Today (EN), which reports on and analyzes evolution, neuroscience, bioethics, intelligent design and other science-related issues.

Culturally, transableism is “the next abyss,” that site also notes.

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Boston SatanCon-goers shred Bible, pro-cop flag during opening ritual: ‘Hail Satan!’

One of the Satanist leaders also took a hammer to a keyboard

A group of Satanists cheered as two leaders opened SatanCon 2023 on Friday with a formal ceremony renouncing “symbols of oppression” by ripping up a Bible and a “Thin Blue Line” flag representing police.

“We stand here today in defiance of their siege and destroy their symbols of oppression,” a female leader told the crowd before ripping pages out of the Bible and throwing them on the floor, video showed.

A male leader joined her in then tearing a “Thin Blue Line” flag in two, which they also tossed on the floor while the crowd cheered. Satanists in attendance later picked some of the ripped pages off the floor and posed with them for pictures.

“We must build true community outside of the virtual,” the male leader also said before taking a hammer to a keyboard. “Rebelling comes in many forms to each and their own within their own capabilities and their own situation. For some of us, merely existing one more day is victory, but for those of us who can, we must stand up for those who cannot.”

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Countdown is on: 1 year away until the Great North American Solar Eclipse

The countdown clock stands at less than one year until large parts of North America are cast in the complete shadow of the moon on April 8, 2024, when the Great North American Solar Eclipse traverses the sky.

The event only happens when the moon’s orbit is close to Earth, and the celestial body blocks out the view of the sun, creating a shadow on Earth’s surface.

Solar eclipses happen about twice a year, but finding yourself under the totality of one is rare.

The American Astronomical Society says that any given spot on the planet only sees temporary darkness from the moon’s shadow once every 400 years.

The event in 2024 will take place during the afternoon as the eclipse will travel over Mexico, into Texas and 14 other states before exiting through Canada.

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Florida Grand Jury: Biden Regime is Facilitating Sex Trafficking of Foreign Children

A Florida grand jury has explicitly accused the Biden administration of facilitating “forced migration, sale, and abuse of foreign children” through its criminally negligent immigration policies.

After a five-month investigation conducted at the request of Governor Ron DeSantis, the Statewide Prosecutors’ Office released a scathing 46-page report that denounces the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) for leaving thousands of vulnerable migrant children with unvetted “sponsors”—and then failing to conduct oversight of their welfare.

The Statewide Grand Jury, which is a branch of Attorney General Ashley Moody’s office, released its third presentment regarding unaccompanied alien children (UAC) on Thursday. The report accused the Biden regime of encouraging children “to undertake and/or be subjected to a harrowing trek to our border,” and then ultimately abandoning them. The federal government has lost track of more than 20,000 children, the grand jury found.

“This process exposes children to horrifying health conditions, constant criminal threat, labor and sex trafficking, robbery, rape and other experiences not done justice by mere words,” the presentment states.

The grand jury found that more than 250,000 unaccompanied minors have entered the United States since Joe Biden took office.

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World On Cusp Of Woke Totalitarianism As Governments Act To End Freedom Of Speech

Media blackout as politicians in EU, US, UK, Brazil, Ireland, Canada, and Australia seek to jail citizens for wrongthink under the cover of a Big Lie about “hate speech”

The key area of action is the European Union. It is seeking sweeping new powers to regulate social media companies. And if it acts, it may change how social media companies operate worldwide, given the EU’s economic power and influence globally.

Under the EU’s Digital Services Act, large tech companies must share their data with “vetted researchers” from non-profits and academia, which would cede content moderation to NGOs and their state sponsors.

The US’s RESTRICT Act, sponsored by Senator Mark Warner (D-VA), threatens 20 years in prison or a $250,000 fine for accessing blacklisted websites through “virtual private networks,” or VPNs, which are ways to create a private connection between a computer or phone and the Internet.

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The Ring of Fire Around Israel is Tightening

Hamas has been strengthening its cooperation with the Iran-Hezbollah axis for years and the process only seems to be accelerating. The result is the formation of six fronts of aggression against Israel—a “ring of fire” composed of radical Sunni and Shiite axes.

Previous signs of this cooperation could be found in how the Palestinian Sunni Hamas and the Lebanese Shiite Hezbollah helped one another upgrade their capabilities. Hezbollah began digging cross-border tunnels into Israel from Lebanon (though these were demolished by the IDF in 2018), just as Hamas did for years from Gaza.

“They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation,That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.” Psalm 83:4

Hamas learned from Hezbollah how to overcome its military inferiority and set up rocket bases in civilian areas. Both terror armies have set up elite cross-border ground infiltration units—Hamas’ Nuhba force and Hezbollah’s Radwan force.

The relationship grew even closer after Saleh Al-Arouri, a senior Hamas official, was expelled from Turkey and relocated to Lebanon several years ago. He began building a Hamas headquarters in Lebanon, from which he both orchestrates terrorism in Judea and Samaria and oversees a growing Hamas presence in Lebanon.

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FDA approves 1st pill made from human poop

0The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the first pill manufactured from donated human poop, the agency announced Wednesday (April 26). It’s the second human poop-derived treatment ever approved; the first was an enema-based treatment cleared for use in December 2022.

Previously, such “fecal microbiota transplants” were considered investigational treatments and were therefore harder for patients to access and often not covered by insurance.

Like the approved enema treatment, the newly approved pill, called Vowst, also contains live bacteria and has been approved for use in people ages 18 and older as a preventive treatment for recurrent infections with the bacterium Clostridioides difficile . Called C. diff for short, this infection is often acquired in health care settings after patients have taken antibiotics for a different infection.

Antibiotics can disrupt the balance of bacteria that normally populate the gut, and this gives C. diff the opportunity to proliferate. The rapidly replicating bacteria secrete toxins that can lead to diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever and colitis (inflammation of the colon) and, in some cases, organ failure and death. C. diff infections are associated with about 15,000 to 30,000 deaths a year in the U.S., according to the FDA.

Those who recover from C. diff have a roughly 1 in 6 chance of developing the infection again within two to eight weeks of recovery, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . The risk of these recurrent infections increases each time a person gets C. diff , in part because the antibiotics used to treat them further disrupt the gut microbiome, the community of microorganisms in the lower digestive tract.

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Oxford ‘Cancels’ England’s Patron Saint George to Appease Islam

Today, April 23, is Saint George’s Day, which used to be widely celebrated, especially in England, as George is that nation’s patron saint.

To underscore just how much things have changed between England and its patron saint, consider the following “what if” scenario offered by English historian Edward Gibbon (1737-1794). Had the Muslims won at the pivotal Battle of Tours (732 A.D.), Gibbon predicted that:

Perhaps the interpretation of the Koran would now be taught in the schools of Oxford, and her pulpits might demonstrate to a circumcised people [meaning Brits would now be Muslim] the sanctity and truth of the revelation of Muhammad.

Today, of course, not only is the “revelation of Muhammad” being taught and honored at Oxford, but Christianity—including in the guise of Saint George—is being canceled for its sake. Most recently,

A decision by an Oxford university college not to celebrate St George’s Day with a formal dinner has been branded ‘barking mad.’ Magdalen College has decided against continuing an annual pre-pandemic banquet celebrating the English saint that drew together Oxford students, dons and fellows. Instead, the only occasion the college will observe on the day is Eid al-Fitr, the Islamic festival marking the end of Ramadan. The college will hold a formal dinner marking Eid on April 23, honouring a request made by its Muslim students. An email from college vice president Professor Nick Stargardt … outlines plans for a ‘festive dinner’ celebrating the occasion. The invitation, sent to hundreds of students and their lecturers, adds the meal will ‘follow Muslim customs.’ Cooks will prepare a halal meat dish with no alcohol served to diners.

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California ‘church’ founded for sole purpose of worshipping abortion

A Los Angeles-based artist and writer, Jackie DesForges, has founded a new “church” for the express purpose of worshipping abortion.

According to Insider, “​​At a renegade art and literary festival in Bombay Beach, California, Jackie DesForges knelt and prayed with passersby at the inaugural mass of her new church. Reading aloud from a sermon re-written using Supreme Court language, the group didn’t merely celebrate — they worshipped abortion.”

Des Forges is calling her “church” the Church of Potential Life and has co-opted Catholic imagery, motifs, and terminology. She has an “altar” and refers to her service as a “mass.” Behind her altar are figures from Catholic iconography, including Our Lady of Guadalupe — which is particularly ironic, because she is considered to be the patroness of the unborn by faithful Catholics.

DesForges was raised Catholic, but has apparently abandoned that faith. She said, “I used to be so anti-everything Catholic and everything church; I had a lot of complicated feelings for a while without it, and now I’m very much in the place where I can kind of take what I need from it and leave the rest behind.”

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Head of Vatican Life Academy Gives Nod to Legal Assisted Suicide

The president of the Pontifical Academy for Life said he is personally opposed to assisted suicide but would not exclude it for others who wish to avail themselves of it.

In an April 21 debate on end-of-life issues at the Journalism Festival in Perugia, Italy, Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia said that he endorses “accompaniment” and care as the best approach to assisting the terminally ill but recognizes the legitimacy of laws permitting assisted suicide as furthering the common good.

“In our society, a practicable legal mediation allowing assisted suicide cannot be excluded,” Archbishop Paglia said, under the conditions specified by the Italian Constitutional Court.

These conditions stipulate that to be eligible for assisted suicide, the person must be kept alive by life-sustaining treatments and be suffering from an irreversible pathology, which is a source of physical or psychological suffering that he considers intolerable, and he must be fully capable of making free and informed decisions, the archbishop noted.

“Personally, I would not practice assisting suicide, but I understand that legal mediation can constitute the greatest common good concretely possible in the conditions in which we find ourselves,” Paglia added.

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