Why The Most Powerful Forces In Society Want You To Be Single, Childless, And Selfish

By  Matt Walsh

In the midst of the #MeToo hysteria, when everyone was fixating on Aziz Ansari’s bad date and Brett Kavanaugh’s phantom gang rape trains, researchers at Morgan Stanley had a very different focus. They were concerned, as you might imagine, about the financial ramifications of the modern feminist movement. So they sent an analysis to their corporate clients looking into the economic impact of this new wave of feminism that was overtaking the country. Here was their top-line conclusion: “By 2030,” Morgan Stanley wrote, “more than 45 percent of working women aged 25 to 44 in the United States will be single.” If that prediction holds, it would be the highest percentage of single working-age women in this country’s history.

The economic impacts, Morgan Stanley predicted, would be significant. Morgan Stanley quoted one researcher as saying: “We find that single women outspend the average household, shifting spending profiles toward categories most poised to benefit from the demographic growth in single women with rising incomes.” Those categories include apparel, automotive, entertainment, and dining.

Like most research that consultants charge millions of dollars to produce, none of that’s terribly surprising. When women don’t get married, they tend to climb the corporate ladder, where they earn money that they don’t have to spend on kids. But there is one line of the Morgan Stanley report that stands out. It’s the part where Morgan Stanley specifically urges its corporate clients to encourage women to pursue this unmarried lifestyle because it will make the corporations a lot of money. “For corporates and investors that embrace these trends, there are numerous benefits, from more nuanced corporate governance and performance to bottom-line growth.”

The Morgan Stanley report, and several others like it, put all the big brands on notice that they should take a proactive role in ensuring that more women become career-driven, instead of getting married and having kids. And predictably, over the past few years, we’ve seen various initiatives along these lines. Facebook, Apple and other big tech companies began offering to freeze the eggs of female employees. That’s not for any medical reason; they’re offering it purely so that women don’t get pregnant and take maternity leave. Many companies have also started paying for out-of-state abortions. That’s all been widely reported.

What hasn’t been covered is the extent to which influencers and celebrities — most of them beholden to large corporations — are now openly campaigning, all at once, for women to remain single, or to become single again if they made the mistake of getting married. You can choose to believe this is all an accident, or maybe you think it’s coordinated. Whatever the case, it’s clearly happening. There have never been more famous people telling young women to stop making commitments to men. You may have seen this recent video from the actress and model Emily Ratajkowski, for example. She has around 2.6 million followers on TikTok, where she posts videos telling random couples that their relationships won’t last, and encouraging women to dress like prostitutes on Halloween. In her latest video, Ratajkowski extols the benefits of getting divorced by the age of 30, so that women can party and have fun while they’re still young and beautiful.

Mia Khalifa was another one, as shocking as it was to hear bad relationship advice from a porn star. Here’s how Mia spoke to her 37 million followers about the importance of getting divorced — multiple times, if possible.

To give one more example, there was also the country star Kelsea Ballerini who talked about leaving her marriage because the “glitter wore off” and it would be a “disservice to herself” to stay in the marriage.

If there’s not enough “glitter,” just bail, go party. Whatever you do, don’t think about putting in any kind of effort. Hollywood and the media have been pushing this message for a long time. They’re doing it with maximum intensity. That’s why I’ve been talking about the insane levels of backlash I’ve received for criticizing an influencer who promoted the “childfree” lifestyle as a path to happiness. It was a relentless barrage of media coverage, all over one tweet I made on the subject. That’s because they’re very invested in promoting this lifestyle, which means that anyone who criticizes it must be furiously dogpiled and shut down.

The point is that there’s a large-scale effort underway to convince young people — especially young women, but not just young women — to be as shallow and selfish as possible, even if it means abandoning their marriages and wrecking their families. Lots of wealthy people and powerful forces are invested in pushing this message.

In fact, the government is pursuing it as well. The National Bureau of Economic Research crunched the numbers on this last year. They looked at federal and state taxes, along with benefit programs. And found that, in effect, there’s a massive “marriage tax” in this country. People who decide to get married, especially low-income people, end up sacrificing roughly two years of income to the government simply because they got married. The researchers found that, “Absent the tax, 13.7 percent more low-income, single females with children would marry annually and 7.5 percent more would be married by age 35.” The researchers also found that the Affordable Care Act — Obamacare — imposes a “substantial marriage tax,” because people who get married stand to lose a lot of subsidies under that law.

You never hear anyone talk about that, but it’s true. The government is punishing people who want to get married, especially low-income people. That’s a legacy of Barack Obama that’s never mentioned. And of course the current administration is continuing what Obama started. Last year, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, testified that abortion is good for the economy, because it means more women are working for large corporations, instead of getting married and raising kids.

What are the consequences for regular Americans? For women, it’s not great. And it used to be that you could say this publicly. It used to be conventional wisdom that it’s bad to encourage most women to be single. This is a Harvard Business Review analysis from 2002: “At midlife, between a third and a half of all successful career women in the United States do not have children. In fact, 33% of such women … in the 41-to-55 age bracket are childless—and that figure rises to 42% in corporate America. These women have not chosen to remain childless. The vast majority, in fact, yearn for children. Indeed, some have gone to extraordinary lengths to bring a baby into their lives. They subject themselves to complex medical procedures, shell out tens of thousands of dollars, and derail their careers—mostly to no avail, because these efforts come too late. In the words of one senior manager, the typical high-achieving woman childless at midlife has not made a choice but a ‘creeping non-choice.’”

Two decades later, that “creeping non-choice” has been rebranded as a positive. You could never get any article remotely like that one published in the Harvard Business Review today. As disastrous as this transformation has been for women’s happiness and fulfillment, it’s probably even worse for men. As we’ve discussed on this show, men are now using more drugs, and killing themselves, more than they ever have in recorded history — and at rates that far exceed women. We shouldn’t be surprised by that. When all of society reorients to promote girl bosses and to demean the institution of marriage, yes, women make more money in the short-term. Men also have fewer opportunities to start families, and have fewer opportunities to make a living.

Read more at: dailywire.com

Elites, Burning Man, Paganism, The Flood — And The Need For God

By  Ben Shapiro

It’s rare to see actual Biblical-level events taking place in normal, everyday life. But that is what is happening over at Burning Man.

According to the Associated Press:

“An unusual late-summer storm turned a week-long counterculture fest into a sloppy mess with tens of thousands of partygoers stuck in foot-deep mud with no working toilets in the northern Nevada desert.”

When a hurricane hits Florida, the Left acts as though it’s because of the great sin that we have all committed in driving cars and running our air conditioners.

So now, I get to joke about how a bunch of morons decided they were going to jet-set into the desert, in the middle of nowhere — where it’s 115 degrees — to screw each other. Then there’s a giant, Biblical-style rainstorm and flood and no one bothered to bring enough wood to build an ark.

“Some Burning Man revelers said Sunday their spirits remain unbroken.” 

Unfortunately, their toilets do remain broken. And so they are just sitting there in their own poop, screwing each other. It sounds like the height of human experience.

The elites there treated it as though they escaped the beaches at Normandy. You wonder why people don’t trust the elite. You wonder why there’s a giant cultural gap between the Left Coast and the East Coast on one side and everybody in the middle of the country on the other.

These morons went out in the middle of the desert to worship their pagan selves and then got stuck in the mud? Well, that’s a rough ride for you.

You have an entire elite strata of our society that hates itself and that is constantly seeking to signal to everybody else how much it hates itself by doing things like going to Burning Man. They don’t seek to exemplify the behavior that everybody else should engage in. And if they do, they believe their behavior should be this hippie garbage and we should all just laugh and giggle along with them as they go to their Sodom and Gomorrah-style pleasure dome.

The principles of Burning Man look like a religion. Burning Man’s 10 principles declare:

“Anyone may be a part of Burning Man. We welcome and respect the stranger. No prerequisites exist for participation in our community.”

That’s a lie. If you show up as a Bible thumper, I guarantee you you’re not going to be welcome over at Burning Man, where no one has a shower, but they’re all having sex with one another.

Burning Man’s principles also state:

“Our community respects the environment. We are committed to leaving no physical trace of our activities wherever we gather. We clean up after ourselves and endeavor, whenever possible, to leave such places in a better state than when we found them.”

That is wildly untrue. It turns out that Burning Man has had a bad history over the past few years of leaving garbage strewn along the highways as people careen out of there as fast as possible.

Contrast the Ten Commandments of Burning Man with the actual Ten Commandments, things like respect thy father and mother, remember the Sabbath and keep it holy, don’t commit murder, don’t commit adultery, don’t commit idolatry. One of these sets of rules has built a civilization that has lasted for literally thousands of years. The other set of rules lasted until a heavy rainstorm.

Perhaps that’s the real story of Noah’s Ark, that the rain wasn’t all that heavy. Maybe the society was just not durable. In the absence of God, paganism rules. It is not that there is no God, it’s that there are many gods. And these gods typically involve self- worship, which is where things currently stand. This idolatry is idolatry of the self.

We celebrate a holiday in Judaism that’s coming up shortly called Sukkot. You build a hut outside your house and you are supposed to live in it for a week. The purpose of it is to remind you that you are at the mercy of God. You’re supposed to build the hut so you can see the stars through the roof. It’s open to the rain. The whole purpose of it is to remind you that while you are a physical creature, there is something more spiritual to you than that.

The idea is that when you decorate all the physical surroundings around you, that’s not the essential you. So then, what is the essential you?

It’s unity with God. That’s the part that matters.

Read more at: dailywire.com

How Burning Man Became Uncool

By  Ben Shapiro

This week, the Burning Man festival – a convocation of large groups of men and women seeking sex, drugs, rock and roll, and other forms of hedonistic bliss – was flooded. It seems that a half inch of rain swamped the event, which takes place in the Black Rock Desert in Nevada, turning the dust to deep and sticky mud. The images of barely-clad neo-hippies struggling to walk through the muck spread like wildfire across the internet; even the White House was forced to acknowledge that it was monitoring the situation.

For a huge swath of Americans, all of this was simply amusing. But the rise and mainstreaming of Burning Man is a far more interesting story than its pathetic possible demise. Burning Man was founded in 1986, when some hippie types gathered at the beach in San Francisco to burn a nine-foot-tall wooden man. Over time, the bonfire became larger and larger, until eventually it moved to Nevada, where it has been located ever since. Each year, 100,000 people head out to the middle of the desert to participate in events ranging from impromptu art exhibits to orgies and mass drug use.

The fundamental principles of Burning Man are spelled out in co-founder Larry Harvey’s 10 Principles, written in 2004. These principles – 10 in number – construct a paganistic morality built around a bevy of mutually exclusive notions. For example, Burning Man is about “radical inclusion … No prerequisites exist for participation in our community.” But Burning Man is also “devoted to acts of gift giving.” Unfortunately, without some form of mutuality, giving alone cannot for the basis of a functioning society, even temporarily. All of which means that Burning Man features social pressure to ostracize free-riders – a tragic violation of the radical inclusion principle.

Burning Man values “radical self-expression,” which cannot be defined by anyone other “than the individual or a collaborating group.” But such radical self-expression quickly comes into conflict with Burning Man’s call for “civic responsibility,” which surely encroaches on the unlimited right to self-expression. Burning Man also values “immediacy,” which it calls “the most important touchstone of value in our culture.” But Burning Man also calls for the community to “clean up after ourselves,” which runs directly counter to the promise of immediacy.

All of this would be sheer countercultural nonsense, except for one perverse fact: the counterculture has now become the culture. This accounts for the fact that Burning Man now seems tired and played out, less transgressive than wearied. The age of Burning Man attendees has increased over the past decade (average age in 2013 was 32, compared to 37 just nine years later); so has the average income (in 2006, 14% of Burners listed their personal income at above $100,000, compared to 27.4% by 2016). Influencers now show up at Burning Man to sell Popeye’s Spicy Chicken; Elon Musk and Paris Hilton and Mark Zuckerberg have shown up.

And herein lies the problem for the broader American culture. Our elite class used to be inculcated in the same set of baseline values as “normal” Americans: John D. Rockefeller was a regular churchgoer; so was Cornelius Vanderbilt. Today, our elites participate in drug-fueled binges in the desert – or at least wish to appear as though they do. Throughout the 1930s, even the poorest Americans aspired to dress well, wearing suits even on the breadlines. Today, even the richest Americans dress as though they shop at Salvation Army.

Read more at: dailywire.com

‘Paw Patrol’ snacks recalled due to pornographic website URL

A supermarket chain issued a recall for Paw Patrol snacks sold at British stores after it was discovered that a website on the packaging leads to content “not suitable for child consumption.”

Store chain Lidl said the five-packs of Paw Patrol All Butter Mini Biscotti Biscuits, Paw Patrol Chocolate Chip Mini Biscotti Biscuits, Paw Patrol Yummy Bake Bars Raspberry Flavor and Paw Patrol Yummy Bake Bars Apple Flavor bore the address of a website that no longer shows the intended content.

“We have been made aware that the URL of the supplier which is featured on the back of the packaging has been compromised and is being directed to a site that is not suitable for child consumption,” the recall notice states. “We recommend that customers refrain from viewing the URL and return this product to the nearest store where a full refund will be given.”

The website, when viewed from a desktop browser, shows a message in Chinese stating that the site is “temporarily unavailable.”

When viewed from a mobile browser, the URL leads to a holding page with numerous advertisements with sexually explicit imagery.

Read more at: upi.com

Music Fans Rushing Back to Church After Watching Demonic Rap Song

Young fans of rapper Doja Cat are flocking to church after watching her disturbing new “Demons” music video.

Dressed as a demon, the 27-year-old singer joins others in the industry like Sam Smith and Lil Nas X, in a music video praised by critics but rejected by man Gen Z fans who say it’s gone too far.

“The Doja Cat’s latest demonic song inadvertently caused millions of people to consider going back to church and beginning to pray again,” Christian rapper Ruslan said in a YouTube video.

One of the top comments on Doja Cat’s music video — released last week and has over 8 million views — is, “Thanks Doja to making me wanna go to church everyday.”

“Thanks Doja for reminding me to definitely read my Bible and go to church,” one user commented.

“Doja got me going to church daily now,” another said.

“Going straight into a gospel playlist right after here,” someone else added.

The artist, whose real name is Amala Zandile Dlamini, started alluding to the dark theme in March when she changed her profile picture on TikTok of her dressed as a demon and started posting stills from the music video on her Instagram.

Tens of thousands of fans shared their concerns for her in the comments and said her content was pushing them to seek Jesus.

You don’t need to see the music video for yourself to know it’s intentionally disturbing by paying homage to horror films like “The Shining” and “Poltergeist.”

Read more at: toddstarnes.com

The Lord’s Prayer breaks out during school board meeting after official tells woman her offer to publicly pray for students is ‘not permitted’

The Lord’s Prayer broke out during a Virginia public school board meeting last month after the board chair told a woman that her offer to publicly pray for students was “not permitted.”

What are the details?

A woman addressed the Suffolk school board during the public comment portion of the Aug. 10 meeting and told the board she wanted to use her time at the microphone to “pray for Suffolk Public Schools with all of you.”

As she asked those in the room to bow their heads and offered apologies to “anybody [who] objects,” Board Chair Tyron Riddick interjected, “Excuse me, we can’t do that.”

“Why can’t we?” the woman asked Riddick. “I’d like to pray for our students in our school.”

Riddick replied that prayer wasn’t what she “signed up to do” and asked her to “get back on to your topic.”

“That is my topic sir,” the woman told Riddick.

“Well, then, it’s not permitted at this time,” Riddick responded.

“To pray for our schools is not permitted?” she asked.

“That’s correct,” Riddick answered again.

With that, the woman invited those in attendance to join her in prayer outside the building after the board meeting, adding that “I think … the only way that we’re gonna come together is through God and our faith.” She also asked God to place those “working for children” in the district “for any other reason … under conviction.”

As the woman walked away from the microphone, Riddick told the gathered crowd, “I do want to clarify, I don’t object to prayer. I believe that man should always pray. I mean, I love prayer, but this is not the place per the law.”

As Riddick asked an attorney present to address the issue, a number of people in attendance stood up and began reciting the Lord’s Prayer.

Riddick responded by calling for a meeting recess and banging his gavel, after which it appeared another board member told him to “ask the officers to remove” those who were praying.

He then told police officers to “clear the room” during the recess, and a pair of officers were seen approaching the front of the public area of the meeting room:

The prayer was completed, and it isn’t clear whether anyone was removed from the room. After the video cut off for a short period of time, Riddick reappeared on camera and addressed the crowd again.

Read more at: theblaze.com

Biblical site where Jesus healed blind man excavated for public view: ‘Affirms Scripture’

‘The Pool of Siloam and the Pilgrimage Road are among the most inspiring archeological affirmations of the Bible’

The Israel Antiquities Authority, the Israel National Parks Authority and the City of David Foundation announced days before the new year that the Pool of Siloam, a biblical site cherished by Christians and Jews, will be open to the public for the first time in 2,000 years in the near future.

“The Pool of Siloam’s excavation is highly significant to Christians around the world,” American Pastor John Hagee, the founder and chairman of Christians United for Israel, told Fox News Digital. “It was at this site that Jesus healed the blind man (John:9), and it is at this site that, 2,000 years ago, Jewish pilgrims cleansed themselves prior to entering the Second Temple.

“The Pool of Siloam and the Pilgrimage Road, both located within the City of David, are among the most inspiring archeological affirmations of the Bible.

“Christians are deeply blessed by the City of David’s work and Israel’s enduring commitment to ensuring religious freedom to all who visit and live in the Holy Land, especially Jerusalem — the undivided capital of Israel.”

Ze’ev Orenstein, the director of international affairs for the City of David Foundation in Jerusalem, told Fox News Digital, “One of most significant sites affirming Jerusalem’s Biblical heritage — not simply as a matter of faith, but as a matter of fact — with significance to billions around the world, will be made fully accessible for the first time in 2,000 years.”

The Pool of Siloam is situated in the southern portion of the City of David and within the area of the Jerusalem Walls National Park.

A small section of the pool, which has been fully excavated, has been accessible to the public for several years. The vast majority of the pool is being excavated and will either be opened piecemeal or once the entire site is unearthed. The archeological project to fully excavate the pool will last a few years. There is a plan for space for visitors to the pool to view the ongoing excavation.

“Despite ongoing efforts at the United Nations and Palestinian leadership to erase Jerusalem’s heritage, in a few years time, the millions of people visiting the City of David annually will literally be able to walk in the footsteps of the Bible, connecting with the roots of their heritage and identity,” Orenstein noted.

Read more at: www.foxnews.com

ChatGPT Generates “Bible” Verse “Describing How Jesus Feels About Trans People”

With the advent of AI (artificial intelligence) such as ChatGPT, more and more people are turning to these bots to answer their questions, complete tasks, and in the case of the story I’m about to share with you, even to offer (false) encouragement. According to a Reddit post that went viral, a trans-identifying individual posted, “I was feeling sad today,” and so this person turned to AI for encouragement by asking ChatGPT to write a “fake Bible passage about Jesus accepting trans people.”

Here’s the text that ChatGPT came up with:

“And a woman, whose heart was divided between spirit and body, came before him. In quiet despair, she asked, ‘Lord, I come to you estranged, for my spirit and body are not one. How shall I hope to enter the kingdom of God?’

“Jesus looked upon her with kindness, replying, ‘my child, blessed are those who strive for unity within themselves, for they shall know the deepest truths of my Father’s creation. Be not afraid, for in the kingdom of God, there is no man nor woman, as all are one in spirit. The gates of my Father’s kingdom will open for those who love and are loved, for God looks not upon the body, but the heart.

Now there’s so much I could say about this fake “Bible” passage written by a bot that clearly pulled from the culture, not God’s Word, to construct a supposed answer from Jesus. But I want to start by saying this: this individual didn’t need a fake Bible passage to find verses about Jesus “accepting” (note the quote marks: I’ll explain more below) individuals who identify as trans—he or she could have just gone straight to the actual Word of God!

“I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture. (John 10:9, emphasis added)

“Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. (Romans 10:9)

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16, emphasis added)

Actually, we know who ultimately wrote those ChatGPT “verses”: the father of lies.

“You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies. (John 8:44)

Yes, God accepts anyone who comes to him in repentance and faith—not because of their own goodness, but because of what Jesus has done for us on the cross! No matter a person’s background or the sins they struggle with, any person is welcome to come to Jesus and find full forgiveness, acceptance (adoption) into the family of God, eternal life, the seal of the Holy Spirit, and so much more! The gift of becoming right with God (accepted by him) isn’t limited to any particular demographic—it’s an open, free invitation to all who will “believe in the Lord Jesus” (Acts 16:31).

But this doesn’t mean that God accepts us in the way that our culture (and the way this individual) accepts trans-identifying individuals. When someone today says “accept,” they mean celebrate an identity that runs contrary to God’s design. When God says you are “accepted in the beloved” (Ephesians 1:6 KJV), it means that Christ has paid the penalty for your sin so you now have right standing before the Creator of the universe.

Read more at: answersingenesis.org

Pope Francis Shames “Backwards” Conservative Catholics in the United States During Meeting with Portuguese Jesuits

Pope Francis attacked conservative Catholics in the US during a meeting with Jesuits on Monday.

Francis said US conservative Catholics were “backwards” in their thinking and have replaced faith with ideology.

The AP reported:

“Pope Francis has blasted the “backwardness” of some conservatives in the U.S. Catholic Church, saying they have replaced faith with ideology and that a correct understanding of Catholic doctrine allows for change over time.

“Francis’ comments were an acknowledgment of the divisions in the U.S. Catholic Church, which has been split between progressives and conservatives who long found support in the doctrinaire papacies of St. John Paul II and Benedict XVI, particularly on issues of abortion and same-sex marriage.

“Many conservatives have blasted Francis’ emphasis instead on social justice issues such as the environment and the poor, while also branding as heretical his opening to letting divorced and civilly remarried Catholics receive the sacraments.

“Francis made the comments in a private meeting with Portuguese members of his Jesuit religious order while visiting Lisbon on Aug. 5; the Jesuit journal La Civilta Cattolica, which is vetted by the Vatican secretariat of state, published a transcript of the encounter Monday.

This was not an isolated attack on conservative Catholic Americans.

In June THOUSANDS of Catholics and Protestants gathered outside Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles to protest the team honoring the demonic group the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.

The Dodgers and Major League Baseball allowed the radical demonic gay group who mock Catholics and Christianity to be celebrated before the start of the baseball game.

Read more at: www.thegatewaypundit.com

Biden admin’s latest home appliance crackdown: ceiling fans

Department of Energy wants ceiling fans to be more energy efficient

Ceiling fans are now the latest target in the Biden administration‘s green agenda, sparking pushback from Republicans and manufacturers.

The Department of Energy is proposing a rule that would require ceiling fans to be more energy efficient, arguing the move would save U.S. households on energy costs.

According to the Energy Department’s analysis, the new rules would save households about $39 over the lifespan of the new energy-efficient fan. However, the cost to manufacturers associated with the increased equipment will total $86.6 million per year, the department said.

Republicans on the House Committee on Small Business say that if the rule goes into effect, it could put small manufacturers out of business, given the costs the companies would incur in order to comply with the changes.

“This rule would require numerous small business fan manufacturers to redesign their products and may put between 10 and 30 percent of small business ceiling fan manufacturers out of business,” the GOP members of the committee wrote in a letter to Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm on Thursday. “It appears that the Department of Energy (DOE) may not have properly considered small entities during this rulemaking process.”

In a statement to FOX Business on Friday, a DOE spokesperson defended the potential new rule changes, saying, “These proposed standards, which are required by Congress, wouldn’t take effect until 2028, would give Americans more energy efficient options to choose from, and would save hardworking taxpayers up to $369 million per year, while substantially reducing harmful air pollution — a crucial fact that some have conveniently failed to mention.”

The agency said standard residential ceiling fans complying with the proposed rule would cut consumers’ electricity costs to operate fans by roughly 40% compared to with the least-efficient fans currently on the market. The DOE estimates the purchase price of fans would increase by around $10 a piece if the new regulations are put in place, and says that additional cost would be covered by energy bill savings in about four years.

The Energy Department has been on the warpath to impose more stringent regulations on household appliances for the past several months, proposing new standards for gas stoves, ovens, washing machines, refrigerators, air conditioners, dishwashers and other essentials as part of its mission to advance energy efficiency and conservation.

Read more at: www.foxbusiness.com