An Alabama Mom Complained About Pornographic Kids Books. The Library Threatened To Call The Cops.

An Alabama library board member threatened to “involve the authorities” after a local mother reached out to the library with concerns about sexually graphic books that have been available at libraries around the state.

Last month, Limestone County resident Rachel Homolak reached out to newly-appointed Athens-Limestone Public Library board member Vicki Hereford to flag several sexually explicit books that have been in circulation at public libraries throughout Alabama. In response to the emails, which contained images from the books, Hereford warned Homolak on Sunday to never contact her again and that she would call the authorities if Homolak reached out to again.

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I Lost My Daughter To Gender Ideology. Here Is Her Story.

Ilene was an extraordinary child. Despite being on the autism spectrum, she excelled in many areas. She was a brilliant student, an accomplished musician who played five instruments, a polyglot who spoke four languages, and a dedicated athlete with multiple black belts (or dan ranks) in Tang Soo Do. She lost her father to cancer when she was only twelve. Around this time, I began noticing scars from self-harm, which I immediately addressed with her pediatrician. The doctor recommended getting a dog, and after we brought Ginger into our lives, the self-harming stopped.

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‘Glitter Blessings’ and Women Pastors Who Say ‘Queer’ a Lot

Today, we’re going to start with a woman pastor (shocker) preaching a “sermon” about Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well. That account from John 4 is a powerful tale of truth and redemption. And then there’s Rev. Liz Edman’s take.

According to the website of a conference she spoke at, “Liz Edman is an Episcopal priest and political strategist who has been igniting people’s understanding of Christianity and queer life for more than 25 years.” Edman wrote a book called “Queer Virtue: What LGBTQ People Know About Life and Love and How It Can Revitalize Christianity.”

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Virginia Judge Rules Christian University Can’t Fire Trans-Identifying Employee Who Flouts Its Values

Afederal judge in Virginia has ruled that one of the nation’s largest Christian universities cannot claim Title VII protection in its firing of a male worker who only came out as transgender after being hired and completing his 90-day trial period as a new employee.

The ruling is seen as setting the stage for an eventual U.S. Supreme Court landmark ruling on transgender rights versus religious beliefs in faith-based workplaces.

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Hezbollah Operative Planned To Bomb New York After Crossing Biden’s Out Of Control Southern Border

Interesting details are emerging about a Hezbollah operative arrested right here on American soil.

He came into the country one year ago, in March 2024—you guessed it—through the porous Southern border. Or should I say, formerly porous Southern border. Under Donald Trump, that border is now officially secure. We are catching up now on at least four years of quite literally an invasion at the southern border where, according to members of the Trump administration, as many as 20 million people entered the United States illegally from over 100 countries around the world—including Lebanon.

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Trump: ‘We’re down to the final moments with Iran’

U.S. President Donald Trump hinted on Friday that the United States could take military action against the Iranian nuclear program “very soon” if the Islamic Republic does not strike a deal with the United States.

Speaking to reporters in the Oval Office, Trump said that there would be “interesting days ahead” with respect to Iran.

“We’re down to final strokes with Iran,” Trump said, using a golf metaphor. “We’re down to the final moments. We’re at final moments. Can’t let them have a nuclear weapon.”

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Days Of Noah: The Earth Is Once Again ‘Filled With Violence’

Moses wrote this about conditions on the earth before the Noahic flood, “Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight, and the earth was filled with violence” (Genesis 6:6). The days of Noah have returned.

The violence of our day is mind-numbing.

The beheading of seventy Christians in the Congo barely registered on the national news. As I write, the terrorist government of Syria has massacred over 1,300 Alawites (a sect of Islam) and Christians. The targeting of our fellow believers for slaughter continues unabated in Syria.

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WEF Demands Global Ban on Homegrown Food to Meet ‘Net Zero’

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is demanding that global governments enforce bans on members of the general public growing food at home in order to supposedly lower “emissions.”

The globalist organization claims that homegrown food contributes to “climate change.”

The WEF argues that banning homegrown food will help governments comply with their targets for meeting “Net Zero” by 2030.

In order to comply with the WEF’s “Net Zero” targets, governments must drastically reduce “carbon emissions” by 2030 and completely eliminate them by 2050.

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Tyrants Of The Imperious Judiciary: Federal Judge Orders ‘Gender Reassignment’ For Child Killer

Every time a radical, out-of-control federal judge issues an outrageous opinion, you would think things couldn’t get any worse. But then someone like Richard Young comes along.

Young, a Clinton-appointed federal district court judge in Indiana, just ordered the state’s Department of Corrections to provide sex reassignment surgery to a man who wants to masquerade as a woman—a man who is in prison for murdering a baby.

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Gender Madness: When We Try To Be Our Own gods, Pain And Suffering Follows

If a parent has a child struggling with gender identity, one of the first (false) things they’re often told by counselors, doctors, and therapists is, “You must immediately affirm your child’s new identity or your child will likely commit suicide.” Of course, this approach of lying to your child and affirming a confused and sinful identity is unbiblical—and yet another study confirms that God’s design is best.

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