Every Thought – Revisited

Mr. Robert Ardis   02-22-2025  (from 01-04-2020

Are we prepared in thought, word and deed for the Passover? Seven points of spiritual reflex action, as a measure of our conversion, are discussed. Are we overcoming by performing at levels 6 and 7?

The seven points of spiritual reflex action are the following: 1) I sin and do not realize it, 2) I sin and when told about it, I’m not concerned, 3) I sin and catch myself in sin, want to stop, but do not stop, 4) I sin and catch myself in sin, and stop, 5) I begin to sin and cry for help, and stop, 6) The thought of sin enters my mind, I do not sin and thank God, 7) I do not allow sin to come into my mind, and do not sin.

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FDUB – To Overcome

Mr. Gerry Ardis   04-16-2022

Jesus offered strong prayers to the Father and was obedient through all that He suffered.  He could not sin at all while in the flesh or loose His eternal life. Do we individually have a plan to be an overcomer? Christ is here now discerning who will make up his Bride. The seven steps of spiritual reflex action is discussed.

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Striving Mightily – FDUB – PM Service

Mr. Gerry Ardis   04-15-2014

Are we thinking like God and where are we on the seven levels of spiritual reflex action? Christ had no safety net in dealing with sin and neither do we. Seven strategies to overcome the sin that so easily besets us discussed. We must always keep in focus the vision of what we can be in God’s kingdom, just as Christ had this vision.

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Every Thought

Mr. Robert Ardis    03-23-2013

Are we prepared in thought, word and deed for the Passover? Seven points of spiritual reflex action, as a measure of our conversion, are discussed. Are we overcoming by performing at levels 6 and 7?

The seven points of spiritual reflex action are the following: 1) I sin and do not realize it, 2) I sin and when told about it, I’m not concerned, 3) I sin and catch myself in sin, want to stop, but do not stop, 4) I sin and catch myself in sin, and stop, 5) I begin to sin and cry for help, and stop, 6) The thought of sin enters my mind, I do not sin and thank God, 7) I do not allow sin to come into my mind, and do not sin.

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