It Won’t Be Long Now

Mr. Jon Ardis   07-02-2016

How do we wait God’s way? Is God waiting on us? The bible is full of examples for us like Noah, Joseph etc. who have waited on God. While we wait we can look at our character flaws as God sees them, and develop wisdom in order that trials are not needed to develop them. We need to see ourselves growing and gaining wisdom, and remaining faithful, while we look to God’s promises to come.

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Trust In God, Not Man

Mr. John Durrad      09-05-2015

Mankind is not doomed but has a mediator who is Christ. John 16:33. Our reward is based on how we use the Holy Spirit. Conversion is the measure of our using the Holy Spirit in overcoming. We need to gain knowledge of God’s law and then obey, understand the connection between cause and effect, and exercise wisdom in applying understanding.

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The Life and Death of Jesus Christ – FDOB – AM Service

Mr. Robert Ardis    04-04-2015

There is much confusion in the world over the Passover, a memorial of the death of Christ. This sermon reviews ten deeds of Christ as outlined in the book of Acts written by Luke. Using this information we can set goals for ourselves, for the Days of Unleavened Bread, and for the future. We need to live our lives without sinning. These goals include:
1. Are we prepared to be “fishers of men” ?
2. Are we working towards speaking with authority about the truths of the CGF?
3. Are we working towards being able to discern spirits and to have  authority over them?
4. Are we working towards being filled with compassion for others?
5. Are we developing the wisdom and common sense of Christ?
6. Are we angry when we see sin, and not sin ourselves?
7. Are we preparing ourselves to be able to perform miracles, signs, and wonders?
8. Are we preparing ourselves to stand if evil/lies/slander is said of us?
9. Have we developed the courage to stand for Christ (faith in action)?
10. Do we have the loyalty and devotion to God as Jesus did?

Critical Update – Forgiveness

Mr. Jon Ardis   01-31-2015

Preparing for the future is what God’s work is all about. Each Sabbath is a continuing reminder for us to deal with overcoming. Joseph’s trials are an example to us of forgiveness, and the great power it can work in our life and in the life of others.

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From This Point On 2015

Mr. Gerry Ardis     01-03-2015

How are each one of us doing spiritually? Trials are provided to us in order that we can build our characters to be like God’s. We need to be renewed from this point on to build the mind of Jesus within us so the Father can say “Well done you good and faithful servant”.

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Striving Mightily – FDUB – PM Service

Mr. Gerry Ardis   04-15-2014

Are we thinking like God and where are we on the seven levels of spiritual reflex action? Christ had no safety net in dealing with sin and neither do we. Seven strategies to overcome the sin that so easily besets us discussed. We must always keep in focus the vision of what we can be in God’s kingdom, just as Christ had this vision.

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Beginning of Months – Adar 1- Month 12 – Develop A Deeper Relationship With God

Mr. Jon Ardis   02-01-2014

God has used the Beginning of Months in combination with the Sabbath and Holy Days to make announcements to Israel and His church. Also we must continue to use our time wisely to overcome, and to examine and correct ourselves, so that God does not have to. Are we an example of moral excellence and do people see this in our lives?

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